28 research outputs found

    Design of Static Segment Adder for Approximating Computing Applications

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    The digital VLSI design needs to attain high performance with desired reliability range. The high performance involves low power, area efficiency and high speed. This paper proposes a design of High speed energy efficient static segment adder (SSA) to enhance the overall performance based on approximation technique. Static segmentation includes both accurate and inaccurate part. The normal full adder performs accurate part and the carry select adder is used for inaccurate part. By using static segmentation the approximate computation is done. Approximate computing is a computation which generates “good enough” result rather than totally accurate result. Image processing is accomplished using SSA design. In this process 99.4% whole computational accuracy for 16 bit addition and also for 8 bit addition can be achieved

    Application-Driven Synthesis of Energy-Efficient Reconfigurable-Precision Operators

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    The increasing performance demands in emerging Internet of Things applications clash with the low energy budgets of end-nodes. Therefore, hardware operators able to reconfigure their computational precision at runtime are increasingly employed in these devices, to obtain good-enough results at minimal energy costs. Among the many methods proposed to implement such operators, Dynamic Voltage and Accuracy Scaling (DVAS) is particularly promising, due to its broad applicability and low overheads. However, a straight-forward application of DVAS conflicts with the optimizations performed by classic EDA algorithms, and does not yield the expected results. In this paper, we propose a novel synthesis algorithm for reconfigurable-precision circuits, that allows to integrate DVAS in a standard implementation flow. Moreover, we show how this algorithm can exploit information about the application, namely on the frequency of usage of each precision, to further reduce the total energy consumption. Applying our method to the popular LeNet neural network for digit recognition, we are able to reduce the energy due to Multiply-And-Accumulate (MAC) operations by 25%, compared to a straight-forward application of DVAS

    An Approximate Carry Estimating Simultaneous Adder with Rectification

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    Approximate computing has in recent times found significant applications towards lowering power, area, and time requirements for arithmetic operations. Several works done in recent years have furthered approximate computing along these directions. In this work, we propose a new approximate adder that employs a carry prediction method. This allows parallel propagation of the carry allowing faster calculations. In addition to the basic adder design, we also propose a rectification logic which would enable higher accuracy for larger computations. Experimental results show that our adder produces results 91.2% faster than the conventional ripple-carry adder. In terms of accuracy, the addition of rectification logic to the basic design produces results that are more accurate than state-of-the-art adders like SARA and BCSA by 74%.Comment: To appear at the 30th ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLS

    A methodology for the design of dynamic accuracy operators by runtime back bias

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    Mobile and IoT applications must balance increasing processing demands with limited power and cost budgets. Approximate computing achieves this goal leveraging the error tolerance features common in many emerging applications to reduce power consumption. In particular, adequate (i.e., energy/quality-configurable) hardware operators are key components in an error tolerant system. Existing implementations of these operators require significant architectural modifications, hence they are often design-specific and tend to have large overheads compared to accurate units. In this paper, we propose a methodology to design adequate data-path operators in an automatic way, which uses threshold voltage scaling as a knob to dynamically control the power/accuracy tradeoff. The method overcomes the limitations of previous solutions based on supply voltage scaling, in that it introduces lower overheads and it allows fine-grain regulation of this tradeoff. We demonstrate our approach on a state-of-the-art 28nm FDSOI technology, exploiting the strong effect of back biasing on threshold voltage. Results show a power consumption reduction of as much as 39% compared to solutions based only on supply voltage scaling, at iso-accuracy

    AxOCS: Scaling FPGA-based Approximate Operators using Configuration Supersampling

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    The rising usage of AI and ML-based processing across application domains has exacerbated the need for low-cost ML implementation, specifically for resource-constrained embedded systems. To this end, approximate computing, an approach that explores the power, performance, area (PPA), and behavioral accuracy (BEHAV) trade-offs, has emerged as a possible solution for implementing embedded machine learning. Due to the predominance of MAC operations in ML, designing platform-specific approximate arithmetic operators forms one of the major research problems in approximate computing. Recently there has been a rising usage of AI/ML-based design space exploration techniques for implementing approximate operators. However, most of these approaches are limited to using ML-based surrogate functions for predicting the PPA and BEHAV impact of a set of related design decisions. While this approach leverages the regression capabilities of ML methods, it does not exploit the more advanced approaches in ML. To this end, we propose AxOCS, a methodology for designing approximate arithmetic operators through ML-based supersampling. Specifically, we present a method to leverage the correlation of PPA and BEHAV metrics across operators of varying bit-widths for generating larger bit-width operators. The proposed approach involves traversing the relatively smaller design space of smaller bit-width operators and employing its associated Design-PPA-BEHAV relationship to generate initial solutions for metaheuristics-based optimization for larger operators. The experimental evaluation of AxOCS for FPGA-optimized approximate operators shows that the proposed approach significantly improves the quality-resulting hypervolume for multi-objective optimization-of 8x8 signed approximate multipliers.Comment: 11 pages, under review with IEEE TCAS-

    High Performance and Optimal Configuration of Accurate Heterogeneous Block-Based Approximate Adder

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    Approximate computing is an emerging paradigm to improve power and performance efficiency for error-resilient application. Recent approximate adders have significantly extended the design space of accuracy-power configurable approximate adders, and find optimal designs by exploring the design space. In this paper, a new energy-efficient heterogeneous block-based approximate adder (HBBA) is proposed; which is a generic/configurable model that can be transformed to a particular adder by defining some configurations. An HBBA, in general, is composed of heterogeneous sub-adders, where each sub-adder can have a different configuration. A set of configurations of all the sub-adders in an HBBA defines its configuration. The block-based adders are approximated through inexact logic configuration and truncated carry chains. HBBA increases design space providing additional design points that fall on the Pareto-front and offer better power-accuracy trade-off compared to other configurations. Furthermore, to avoid Mont-Carlo simulations, we propose an analytical modelling technique to evaluate the probability of error and Probability Mass Function (PMF) of error value. Moreover, the estimation method estimates delay, area and power of heterogeneous block-based approximate adders. Thus, based on the analytical model and estimation method, the optimal configuration under a given error constraint can be selected from the whole design space of the proposed adder model by exhaustive search. The simulation results show that our HBBA provides improved accuracy in terms of error metrics compared to some state-of-the-art approximate adders. HBBA with 32 bits length serves about 15% reduction in area and up to 17% reduction in energy compared to state-of-the-art approximate adders.Comment: Submitted to the IEEE-TCAD journal, 16 pages, 16 figure

    Approximate logic synthesis: a survey

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    Approximate computing is an emerging paradigm that, by relaxing the requirement for full accuracy, offers benefits in terms of design area and power consumption. This paradigm is particularly attractive in applications where the underlying computation has inherent resilience to small errors. Such applications are abundant in many domains, including machine learning, computer vision, and signal processing. In circuit design, a major challenge is the capability to synthesize the approximate circuits automatically without manually relying on the expertise of designers. In this work, we review methods devised to synthesize approximate circuits, given their exact functionality and an approximability threshold. We summarize strategies for evaluating the error that circuit simplification can induce on the output, which guides synthesis techniques in choosing the circuit transformations that lead to the largest benefit for a given amount of induced error. We then review circuit simplification methods that operate at the gate or Boolean level, including those that leverage classical Boolean synthesis techniques to realize the approximations. We also summarize strategies that take high-level descriptions, such as C or behavioral Verilog, and synthesize approximate circuits from these descriptions

    Design automation of approximate circuits with runtime reconfigurable accuracy

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    Leveraging the inherent error tolerance of a vast number of application domains that are rapidly growing, approximate computing arises as a design alternative to improve the efficiency of our computing systems by trading accuracy for energy savings. However, the requirement for computational accuracy is not fixed. Controlling the applied level of approximation dynamically at runtime is a key to effectively optimize energy, while still containing and bounding the induced errors at runtime. In this paper, we propose and implement an automatic and circuit independent design framework that generates approximate circuits with dynamically reconfigurable accuracy at runtime. The generated circuits feature varying accuracy levels, supporting also accurate execution. Extensive experimental evaluation, using industry strength flow and circuits, demonstrates that our generated approximate circuits improve the energy by up to 41% for 2% error bound and by 17.5% on average under a pessimistic scenario that assumes full accuracy requirement in the 33% of the runtime. To demonstrate further the efficiency of our framework, we considered two state-of-the-art technology libraries which are a 7nm conventional FinFET and an emerging technology that boosts performance at a high cost of increased dynamic power