20,911 research outputs found

    Applying advanced machine learning models to classify electro-physiological activity of human brain for use in biometric identification

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    In this article we present the results of our research related to the study of correlations between specific visual stimulation and the elicited brain's electro-physiological response collected by EEG sensors from a group of participants. We will look at how the various characteristics of visual stimulation affect the measured electro-physiological response of the brain and describe the optimal parameters found that elicit a steady-state visually evoked potential (SSVEP) in certain parts of the cerebral cortex where it can be reliably perceived by the electrode of the EEG device. After that, we continue with a description of the advanced machine learning pipeline model that can perform confident classification of the collected EEG data in order to (a) reliably distinguish signal from noise (about 85% validation score) and (b) reliably distinguish between EEG records collected from different human participants (about 80% validation score). Finally, we demonstrate that the proposed method works reliably even with an inexpensive (less than $100) consumer-grade EEG sensing device and with participants who do not have previous experience with EEG technology (EEG illiterate). All this in combination opens up broad prospects for the development of new types of consumer devices, [e.g.] based on virtual reality helmets or augmented reality glasses where EEG sensor can be easily integrated. The proposed method can be used to improve an online user experience by providing [e.g.] password-less user identification for VR / AR applications. It can also find a more advanced application in intensive care units where collected EEG data can be used to classify the level of conscious awareness of patients during anesthesia or to automatically detect hardware failures by classifying the input signal as noise

    Recognising the Clothing Categories from Free-Configuration Using Gaussian-Process-Based Interactive Perception

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    In this paper, we propose a Gaussian Process- based interactive perception approach for recognising highly- wrinkled clothes. We have integrated this recognition method within a clothes sorting pipeline for the pre-washing stage of an autonomous laundering process. Our approach differs from reported clothing manipulation approaches by allowing the robot to update its perception confidence via numerous interactions with the garments. The classifiers predominantly reported in clothing perception (e.g. SVM, Random Forest) studies do not provide true classification probabilities, due to their inherent structure. In contrast, probabilistic classifiers (of which the Gaussian Process is a popular example) are able to provide predictive probabilities. In our approach, we employ a multi-class Gaussian Process classification using the Laplace approximation for posterior inference and optimising hyper-parameters via marginal likelihood maximisation. Our experimental results show that our approach is able to recognise unknown garments from highly-occluded and wrinkled con- figurations and demonstrates a substantial improvement over non-interactive perception approaches

    Fine-Grained Object Recognition and Zero-Shot Learning in Remote Sensing Imagery

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    Fine-grained object recognition that aims to identify the type of an object among a large number of subcategories is an emerging application with the increasing resolution that exposes new details in image data. Traditional fully supervised algorithms fail to handle this problem where there is low between-class variance and high within-class variance for the classes of interest with small sample sizes. We study an even more extreme scenario named zero-shot learning (ZSL) in which no training example exists for some of the classes. ZSL aims to build a recognition model for new unseen categories by relating them to seen classes that were previously learned. We establish this relation by learning a compatibility function between image features extracted via a convolutional neural network and auxiliary information that describes the semantics of the classes of interest by using training samples from the seen classes. Then, we show how knowledge transfer can be performed for the unseen classes by maximizing this function during inference. We introduce a new data set that contains 40 different types of street trees in 1-ft spatial resolution aerial data, and evaluate the performance of this model with manually annotated attributes, a natural language model, and a scientific taxonomy as auxiliary information. The experiments show that the proposed model achieves 14.3% recognition accuracy for the classes with no training examples, which is significantly better than a random guess accuracy of 6.3% for 16 test classes, and three other ZSL algorithms.Comment: G. Sumbul, R. G. Cinbis, S. Aksoy, "Fine-Grained Object Recognition and Zero-Shot Learning in Remote Sensing Imagery", IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (TGRS), in press, 201

    Temporal optimisation of image acquisition for land cover classification with random forest and MODIS time-series

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    The analysis and classification of land cover is one of the principal applications in terrestrial remote sensing. Due to the seasonal variability of different vegetation types and land surface characteristics, the ability to discriminate land cover types changes over time. Multi-temporal classification can help to improve the classification accuracies, but different constraints, such as financial restrictions or atmospheric conditions, may impede their application. The optimisation of image acquisition timing and frequencies can help to increase the effectiveness of the classification process. For this purpose, the Feature Importance (FI) measure of the state-of-the art machine learning method Random Forest was used to determine the optimal image acquisition periods for a general (Grassland, Forest, Water, Settlement, Peatland) and Grassland specific (Improved Grassland, Semi-Improved Grassland) land cover classification in central Ireland based on a 9-year time-series of MODIS Terra 16 day composite data (MOD13Q1). Feature Importances for each acquisition period of the Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) and Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) were calculated for both classification scenarios. In the general land cover classification, the months December and January showed the highest, and July and August the lowest separability for both VIs over the entire nine-year period. This temporal separability was reflected in the classification accuracies, where the optimal choice of image dates outperformed the worst image date by 13% using NDVI and 5% using EVI on a mono-temporal analysis. With the addition of the next best image periods to the data input the classification accuracies converged quickly to their limit at around 8–10 images. The binary classification schemes, using two classes only, showed a stronger seasonal dependency with a higher intra-annual, but lower inter-annual variation. Nonetheless anomalous weather conditions, such as the cold winter of 2009/2010 can alter the temporal separability pattern significantly. Due to the extensive use of the NDVI for land cover discrimination, the findings of this study should be transferrable to data from other optical sensors with a higher spatial resolution. However, the high impact of outliers from the general climatic pattern highlights the limitation of spatial transferability to locations with different climatic and land cover conditions. The use of high-temporal, moderate resolution data such as MODIS in conjunction with machine-learning techniques proved to be a good base for the prediction of image acquisition timing for optimal land cover classification results

    Hierarchical Metric Learning for Optical Remote Sensing Scene Categorization

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    We address the problem of scene classification from optical remote sensing (RS) images based on the paradigm of hierarchical metric learning. Ideally, supervised metric learning strategies learn a projection from a set of training data points so as to minimize intra-class variance while maximizing inter-class separability to the class label space. However, standard metric learning techniques do not incorporate the class interaction information in learning the transformation matrix, which is often considered to be a bottleneck while dealing with fine-grained visual categories. As a remedy, we propose to organize the classes in a hierarchical fashion by exploring their visual similarities and subsequently learn separate distance metric transformations for the classes present at the non-leaf nodes of the tree. We employ an iterative max-margin clustering strategy to obtain the hierarchical organization of the classes. Experiment results obtained on the large-scale NWPU-RESISC45 and the popular UC-Merced datasets demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed hierarchical metric learning based RS scene recognition strategy in comparison to the standard approaches.Comment: Undergoing revision in GRS
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