8 research outputs found

    On rr-Simple kk-Path

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    An rr-simple kk-path is a {path} in the graph of length kk that passes through each vertex at most rr times. The rr-SIMPLE kk-PATH problem, given a graph GG as input, asks whether there exists an rr-simple kk-path in GG. We first show that this problem is NP-Complete. We then show that there is a graph GG that contains an rr-simple kk-path and no simple path of length greater than 4logk/logr4\log k/\log r. So this, in a sense, motivates this problem especially when one's goal is to find a short path that visits many vertices in the graph while bounding the number of visits at each vertex. We then give a randomized algorithm that runs in time poly(n)2O(klogr/r)\mathrm{poly}(n)\cdot 2^{O( k\cdot \log r/r)} that solves the rr-SIMPLE kk-PATH on a graph with nn vertices with one-sided error. We also show that a randomized algorithm with running time poly(n)2(c/2)k/r\mathrm{poly}(n)\cdot 2^{(c/2)k/ r} with c<1c<1 gives a randomized algorithm with running time \poly(n)\cdot 2^{cn} for the Hamiltonian path problem in a directed graph - an outstanding open problem. So in a sense our algorithm is optimal up to an O(logr)O(\log r) factor

    On r-Simple k-Path and Related Problems Parameterized by k/r

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    Abasi et al. (2014) and Gabizon et al. (2015) studied the following problems. In the rr-Simple kk-Path problem, given a digraph GG on nn vertices and integers r,kr,k, decide whether GG has an rr-simple kk-path, which is a walk where every vertex occurs at most rr times and the total number of vertex occurrences is kk. In the (r,k)(r,k)-Monomial Detection problem, given an arithmetic circuit that encodes some polynomial PP on nn variables and integers k,rk,r, decide whether PP has a monomial of degree kk where the degree of each variable is at most~rr. In the pp-Set (r,q)(r,q)-Packing problem, given a universe VV, positive integers p,q,rp,q,r, and a collection H\cal H of sets of size pp whose elements belong to VV, decide whether there exists a subcollection H{\cal H}' of H\cal H of size qq where each element occurs in at most rr sets of H{\cal H}'. Abasi et al. and Gabizon et al. proved that the three problems are single-exponentially fixed-parameter tractable (FPT) when parameterized by (k/r)logr(k/r)\log r, where k=pqk=pq for pp-Set (r,q)(r,q)-Packing and asked whether the logr\log r factor in the exponent can be avoided. We consider their question from a wider perspective: are the above problems FPT when parameterized by k/rk/r only? We resolve the wider question by (a) obtaining a 2O((k/r)2log(k/r))(n+logk)O(1)2^{O((k/r)^2\log(k/r))} (n+\log k)^{O(1)}-time algorithm for rr-Simple kk-Path on digraphs and a 2O(k/r)(n+logk)O(1)2^{O(k/r)} (n+\log k)^{O(1)}-time algorithm for rr-Simple kk-Path on undirected graphs (i.e., for undirected graphs we answer the original question in affirmative), (b) showing that pp-Set (r,q)(r,q)-Packing is FPT, and (c) proving that (r,k)(r,k)-Monomial Detection is para-NP-hard. For pp-Set (r,q)(r,q)-Packing, we obtain a polynomial kernel for any fixed pp, which resolves a question posed by Gabizon et al. regarding the existence of polynomial kernels for problems with relaxed disjointness constraints

    Fast Algorithms for Parameterized Problems with Relaxed Disjointness Constraints

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    In parameterized complexity, it is a natural idea to consider different generalizations of classic problems. Usually, such generalization are obtained by introducing a "relaxation" variable, where the original problem corresponds to setting this variable to a constant value. For instance, the problem of packing sets of size at most pp into a given universe generalizes the Maximum Matching problem, which is recovered by taking p=2p=2. Most often, the complexity of the problem increases with the relaxation variable, but very recently Abasi et al. have given a surprising example of a problem --- rr-Simple kk-Path --- that can be solved by a randomized algorithm with running time O(2O(klogrr))O^*(2^{O(k \frac{\log r}{r})}). That is, the complexity of the problem decreases with rr. In this paper we pursue further the direction sketched by Abasi et al. Our main contribution is a derandomization tool that provides a deterministic counterpart of the main technical result of Abasi et al.: the O(2O(klogrr))O^*(2^{O(k \frac{\log r}{r})}) algorithm for (r,k)(r,k)-Monomial Detection, which is the problem of finding a monomial of total degree kk and individual degrees at most rr in a polynomial given as an arithmetic circuit. Our technique works for a large class of circuits, and in particular it can be used to derandomize the result of Abasi et al. for rr-Simple kk-Path. On our way to this result we introduce the notion of representative sets for multisets, which may be of independent interest. Finally, we give two more examples of problems that were already studied in the literature, where the same relaxation phenomenon happens. The first one is a natural relaxation of the Set Packing problem, where we allow the packed sets to overlap at each element at most rr times. The second one is Degree Bounded Spanning Tree, where we seek for a spanning tree of the graph with a small maximum degree

    A time- and space-optimal algorithm for the many-visits TSP

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    The many-visits traveling salesperson problem (MV-TSP) asks for an optimal tour of nn cities that visits each city cc a prescribed number kck_c of times. Travel costs may be asymmetric, and visiting a city twice in a row may incur a non-zero cost. The MV-TSP problem finds applications in scheduling, geometric approximation, and Hamiltonicity of certain graph families. The fastest known algorithm for MV-TSP is due to Cosmadakis and Papadimitriou (SICOMP, 1984). It runs in time nO(n)+O(n3logckc)n^{O(n)} + O(n^3 \log \sum_c k_c ) and requires nΘ(n)n^{\Theta(n)} space. An interesting feature of the Cosmadakis-Papadimitriou algorithm is its \emph{logarithmic} dependence on the total length ckc\sum_c k_c of the tour, allowing the algorithm to handle instances with very long tours. The \emph{superexponential} dependence on the number of cities in both the time and space complexity, however, renders the algorithm impractical for all but the narrowest range of this parameter. In this paper we improve upon the Cosmadakis-Papadimitriou algorithm, giving an MV-TSP algorithm that runs in time 2O(n)2^{O(n)}, i.e.\ \emph{single-exponential} in the number of cities, using \emph{polynomial} space. Our algorithm is deterministic, and arguably both simpler and easier to analyse than the original approach of Cosmadakis and Papadimitriou. It involves an optimization over directed spanning trees and a recursive, centroid-based decomposition of trees.Comment: Small fixes, journal versio

    Studies in Efficient Discrete Algorithms

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    This thesis consists of five papers within the design and analysis of efficient algorithms.In the first paper, we consider the problem of computing all-pairs shortest paths in a directed graph with real weights assigned to vertices. We develop a combinatorial randomized algorithm that runs in subcubic time for a special class of graphs.In the second paper, we present a polynomial-time dynamic programming algorithm for optimal partitions of a complete edge-weighted graph, where the edges are weighted by the length of the unique shortest path connecting those vertices in the a priori given tree (shortest path metric induced by a tree). Our result resolves, in particular, the complexity status of the optimal partition problems in one-dimensional geometric (Euclidean) setting.In the third paper, we study the NP-hard problem of partitioning an orthogonal polyhedron P into a minimum number of 3D rectangles. We present an approximation algorithm with the approximation ratio 4 for the special case of the problem in which P is a so-called 3D histogram. We then apply it to compute the exact arithmetic matrix product of two matrices with non-negative integer entries. The computation is time-efficient if the 3D histograms induced by the input matrices can be partitioned into relatively few 3D rectangles.In the fourth paper, we present the first quasi-polynomial approximation schemes for the base of the number of triangulations of a planar point set and the base of the number of crossing-free spanning trees on a planar point set, respectively.In the fifth paper, we study the complexity of detecting monomials with special properties in the sum-product expansion of a polynomial represented by an arithmetic circuit of size polynomial in the number of input variables and using only multiplication and addition. We present a fixed-parameter tractable algorithms for the detection of monomial having at least k distinct variables, parametrized with respect to k. Furthermore, we derive several hardness results on the detection of monomials with such properties within exact, parametrized and approximation complexity

    r-Simple k-Path and Related Problems Parameterized by k/r

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