9,763 research outputs found

    Persistent Monitoring of Events with Stochastic Arrivals at Multiple Stations

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    This paper introduces a new mobile sensor scheduling problem, involving a single robot tasked with monitoring several events of interest that occur at different locations. Of particular interest is the monitoring of transient events that can not be easily forecast. Application areas range from natural phenomena ({\em e.g.}, monitoring abnormal seismic activity around a volcano using a ground robot) to urban activities ({\em e.g.}, monitoring early formations of traffic congestion using an aerial robot). Motivated by those and many other examples, this paper focuses on problems in which the precise occurrence times of the events are unknown {\em a priori}, but statistics for their inter-arrival times are available. The robot's task is to monitor the events to optimize the following two objectives: {\em (i)} maximize the number of events observed and {\em (ii)} minimize the delay between two consecutive observations of events occurring at the same location. The paper considers the case when a robot is tasked with optimizing the event observations in a balanced manner, following a cyclic patrolling route. First, assuming the cyclic ordering of stations is known, we prove the existence and uniqueness of the optimal solution, and show that the optimal solution has desirable convergence and robustness properties. Our constructive proof also produces an efficient algorithm for computing the unique optimal solution with O(n)O(n) time complexity, in which nn is the number of stations, with O(logn)O(\log n) time complexity for incrementally adding or removing stations. Except for the algorithm, most of the analysis remains valid when the cyclic order is unknown. We then provide a polynomial-time approximation scheme that gives a (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon)-optimal solution for this more general, NP-hard problem

    Optimal Event-Driven Multi-Agent Persistent Monitoring of a Finite Set of Targets

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    We consider the problem of controlling the movement of multiple cooperating agents so as to minimize an uncertainty metric associated with a finite number of targets. In a one-dimensional mission space, we adopt an optimal control framework and show that the solution is reduced to a simpler parametric optimization problem: determining a sequence of locations where each agent may dwell for a finite amount of time and then switch direction. This amounts to a hybrid system which we analyze using Infinitesimal Perturbation Analysis (IPA) to obtain a complete on-line solution through an event-driven gradient-based algorithm which is also robust with respect to the uncertainty model used. The resulting controller depends on observing the events required to excite the gradient-based algorithm, which cannot be guaranteed. We solve this problem by proposing a new metric for the objective function which creates a potential field guaranteeing that gradient values are non-zero. This approach is compared to an alternative graph-based task scheduling algorithm for determining an optimal sequence of target visits. Simulation examples are included to demonstrate the proposed methods.Comment: 12 pages full version, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 201

    Monitoring using Heterogeneous Autonomous Agents.

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    This dissertation studies problems involving different types of autonomous agents observing objects of interests in an area. Three types of agents are considered: mobile agents, stationary agents, and marsupial agents, i.e., agents capable of deploying other agents or being deployed themselves. Objects can be mobile or stationary. The problem of a mobile agent without fuel constraints revisiting stationary objects is formulated. Visits to objects are dictated by revisit deadlines, i.e., the maximum time that can elapse between two visits to the same object. The problem is shown to be NP-complete and heuristics are provided to generate paths for the agent. Almost periodic paths are proven to exist. The efficacy of the heuristics is shown through simulation. A variant of the problem where the agent has a finite fuel capacity and purchases fuel is treated. Almost periodic solutions to this problem are also shown to exist and an algorithm to compute the minimal cost path is provided. A problem where mobile and stationary agents cooperate to track a mobile object is formulated, shown to be NP-hard, and a heuristic is given to compute paths for the mobile agents. Optimal configurations for the stationary agents are then studied. Several methods are provided to optimally place the stationary agents; these methods are the maximization of Fisher information, the minimization of the probability of misclassification, and the minimization of the penalty incurred by the placement. A method to compute optimal revisit deadlines for the stationary agents is given. The placement methods are compared and their effectiveness shown using numerical results. The problem of two marsupial agents, one carrier and one passenger, performing a general monitoring task using a constrained optimization formulation is stated. Necessary conditions for optimal paths are provided for cases accounting for constrained release of the passenger, termination conditions for the task, as well as retrieval and constrained retrieval of the passenger. A problem involving two marsupial agents collecting information about a stationary object while avoiding detection is then formulated. Necessary conditions for optimal paths are provided and rectilinear motion is demonstrated to be optimal for both agents.PhDAerospace EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/111439/1/jfargeas_1.pd

    Multi-Robot Persistent Coverage in Complex Environments

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    Los recientes avances en robótica móvil y un creciente desarrollo de robots móviles asequibles han impulsado numerosas investigaciones en sistemas multi-robot. La complejidad de estos sistemas reside en el diseño de estrategias de comunicación, coordinación y controlpara llevar a cabo tareas complejas que un único robot no puede realizar. Una tarea particularmente interesante es la cobertura persistente, que pretende mantener cubierto en el tiempo un entorno con un equipo de robots moviles. Este problema tiene muchas aplicaciones como aspiración o limpieza de lugares en los que la suciedad se acumula constantemente, corte de césped o monitorización ambiental. Además, la aparición de vehículos aéreos no tripulados amplía estas aplicaciones con otras como la vigilancia o el rescate.Esta tesis se centra en el problema de cubrir persistentemente entornos progresivamente mas complejos. En primer lugar, proponemos una solución óptima para un entorno convexo con un sistema centralizado, utilizando programación dinámica en un horizonte temporalnito. Posteriormente nos centramos en soluciones distribuidas, que son más robustas, escalables y eficientes. Para solventar la falta de información global, presentamos un algoritmo de estimación distribuido con comunicaciones reducidas. Éste permite a los robots teneruna estimación precisa de la cobertura incluso cuando no intercambian información con todos los miembros del equipo. Usando esta estimación, proponemos dos soluciones diferentes basadas en objetivos de cobertura, que son los puntos del entorno en los que más se puedemejorar dicha cobertura. El primer método es un controlador del movimiento que combina un término de gradiente con un término que dirige a los robots hacia sus objetivos. Este método funciona bien en entornos convexos. Para entornos con algunos obstáculos, el segundométodo planifica trayectorias abiertas hasta los objetivos, que son óptimas en términos de cobertura. Finalmente, para entornos complejos no convexos, presentamos un algoritmo capaz de encontrar particiones equitativas para los robots. En dichas regiones, cada robotplanifica trayectorias de longitud finita a través de un grafo de caminos de tipo barrido.La parte final de la tesis se centra en entornos discretos, en los que únicamente un conjunto finito de puntos debe que ser cubierto. Proponemos una estrategia que reduce la complejidad del problema separándolo en tres subproblemas: planificación de trayectoriascerradas, cálculo de tiempos y acciones de cobertura y generación de un plan de equipo sin colisiones. Estos subproblemas más pequeños se resuelven de manera óptima. Esta solución se utiliza en último lugar para una novedosa aplicación como es el calentamiento por inducción doméstico con inductores móviles. En concreto, la adaptamos a las particularidades de una cocina de inducción y mostramos su buen funcionamiento en un prototipo real.Recent advances in mobile robotics and an increasing development of aordable autonomous mobile robots have motivated an extensive research in multi-robot systems. The complexity of these systems resides in the design of communication, coordination and control strategies to perform complex tasks that a single robot can not. A particularly interesting task is that of persistent coverage, that aims to maintain covered over time a given environment with a team of robotic agents. This problem is of interest in many applications such as vacuuming, cleaning a place where dust is continuously settling, lawn mowing or environmental monitoring. More recently, the apparition of useful unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) has encouraged the application of the coverage problem to surveillance and monitoring. This thesis focuses on the problem of persistently covering a continuous environment in increasingly more dicult settings. At rst, we propose a receding-horizon optimal solution for a centralized system in a convex environment using dynamic programming. Then we look for distributed solutions, which are more robust, scalable and ecient. To deal with the lack of global information, we present a communication-eective distributed estimation algorithm that allows the robots to have an accurate estimate of the coverage of the environment even when they can not exchange information with all the members of the team. Using this estimation, we propose two dierent solutions based on coverage goals, which are the points of the environment in which the coverage can be improved the most. The rst method is a motion controller, that combines a gradient term with a term that drives the robots to the goals, and which performs well in convex environments. For environments with some obstacles, the second method plans open paths to the goals that are optimal in terms of coverage. Finally, for complex, non-convex environments we propose a distributed algorithm to nd equitable partitions for the robots, i.e., with an amount of work proportional to their capabilities. To cover this region, each robot plans optimal, nite-horizon paths through a graph of sweep-like paths. The nal part of the thesis is devoted to discrete environment, in which only a nite set of points has to be covered. We propose a divide-and-conquer strategy to separate the problem to reduce its complexity into three smaller subproblem, which can be optimally solved. We rst plan closed paths through the points, then calculate the optimal coverage times and actions to periodically satisfy the coverage required by the points, and nally join together the individual plans of the robots into a collision-free team plan that minimizes simultaneous motions. This solution is eventually used for a novel application that is domestic induction heating with mobile inductors. We adapt it to the particular setting of a domestic hob and demonstrate that it performs really well in a real prototype.<br /

    Persistent Robotic Tasks: Monitoring and Sweeping in Changing Environments

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    In this paper, we present controllers that enable mobile robots to persistently monitor or sweep a changing environment. The environment is modeled as a field that is defined over a finite set of locations. The field grows linearly at locations that are not within the range of a robot and decreases linearly at locations that are within range of a robot. We assume that the robots travel on given closed paths. The speed of each robot along its path is controlled to prevent the field from growing unbounded at any location. We consider the space of speed controllers that are parametrized by a finite set of basis functions. For a single robot, we develop a linear program that computes a speed controller in this space to keep the field bounded, if such a controller exists. Another linear program is derived to compute the speed controller that minimizes the maximum field value over the environment. We extend our linear program formulation to develop a multirobot controller that keeps the field bounded. We characterize, both theoretically and in simulation, the robustness of the controllers to modeling errors and to stochasticity in the environment

    Information Acquisition with Sensing Robots: Algorithms and Error Bounds

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    Utilizing the capabilities of configurable sensing systems requires addressing difficult information gathering problems. Near-optimal approaches exist for sensing systems without internal states. However, when it comes to optimizing the trajectories of mobile sensors the solutions are often greedy and rarely provide performance guarantees. Notably, under linear Gaussian assumptions, the problem becomes deterministic and can be solved off-line. Approaches based on submodularity have been applied by ignoring the sensor dynamics and greedily selecting informative locations in the environment. This paper presents a non-greedy algorithm with suboptimality guarantees, which does not rely on submodularity and takes the sensor dynamics into account. Our method performs provably better than the widely used greedy one. Coupled with linearization and model predictive control, it can be used to generate adaptive policies for mobile sensors with non-linear sensing models. Applications in gas concentration mapping and target tracking are presented.Comment: 9 pages (two-column); 2 figures; Manuscript submitted to the 2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automatio

    Path Planning For Persistent Surveillance Applications Using Fixed-Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

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    This thesis addresses coordinated path planning for fixed-wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) engaged in persistent surveillance missions. While uniquely suited to this mission, fixed wing vehicles have maneuver constraints that can limit their performance in this role. Current technology vehicles are capable of long duration flight with a minimal acoustic footprint while carrying an array of cameras and sensors. Both military tactical and civilian safety applications can benefit from this technology. We make three main contributions: C1 A sequential path planner that generates a C2 flight plan to persistently acquire a covering set of data over a user designated area of interest. The planner features the following innovations: • A path length abstraction that embeds kino-dynamic motion constraints to estimate feasible path length • A Traveling Salesman-type planner to generate a covering set route based on the path length abstraction • A smooth path generator that provides C2 routes that satisfy user specified curvature constraints C2 A set of algorithms to coordinate multiple UAVs, including mission commencement from arbitrary locations to the start of a coordinated mission and de-confliction of paths to avoid collisions with other vehicles and fixed obstacles iv C3 A numerically robust toolbox of spline-based algorithms tailored for vehicle routing validated through flight test experiments on multiple platforms. A variety of tests and platforms are discussed. The algorithms presented are based on a technical approach with approximately equal emphasis on analysis, computation, dynamic simulation, and flight test experimentation. Our planner (C1) directly takes into account vehicle maneuverability and agility constraints that could otherwise render simple solutions infeasible. This is especially important when surveillance objectives elevate the importance of optimized paths. Researchers have devel oped a diverse range of solutions for persistent surveillance applications but few directly address dynamic maneuver constraints. The key feature of C1 is a two stage sequential solution that discretizes the problem so that graph search techniques can be combined with parametric polynomial curve generation. A method to abstract the kino-dynamics of the aerial platforms is then presented so that a graph search solution can be adapted for this application. An A* Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) algorithm is developed to search the discretized space using the abstract distance metric to acquire more data or avoid obstacles. Results of the graph search are then transcribed into smooth paths based on vehicle maneuver constraints. A complete solution for a single vehicle periodic tour of the area is developed using the results of the graph search algorithm. To execute the mission, we present a simultaneous arrival algorithm (C2) to coordinate execution by multiple vehicles to satisfy data refresh requirements and to ensure there are no collisions at any of the path intersections. We present a toolbox of spline-based algorithms (C3) to streamline the development of C2 continuous paths with numerical stability. These tools are applied to an aerial persistent surveillance application to illustrate their utility. Comparisons with other parametric poly nomial approaches are highlighted to underscore the benefits of the B-spline framework. Performance limits with respect to feasibility constraints are documented

    Optimal path planning for surveillance with temporal-logic constraints

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    In this paper we present a method for automatically generating optimal robot paths satisfying high-level mission specifications. The motion of the robot in the environment is modeled as a weighted transition system. The mission is specified by an arbitrary linear temporal-logic (LTL) formula over propositions satisfied at the regions of a partitioned environment. The mission specification contains an optimizing proposition, which must be repeatedly satisfied. The cost function that we seek to minimize is the maximum time between satisfying instances of the optimizing proposition. For every environment model, and for every formula, our method computes a robot path that minimizes the cost function. The problem is motivated by applications in robotic monitoring and data-gathering. In this setting, the optimizing proposition is satisfied at all locations where data can be uploaded, and the LTL formula specifies a complex data-collection mission. Our method utilizes Büchi automata to produce an automaton (which can be thought of as a graph) whose runs satisfy the temporal-logic specification. We then present a graph algorithm that computes a run corresponding to the optimal robot path. We present an implementation for a robot performing data collection in a road-network platform.This material is based upon work supported in part by ONR-MURI (award N00014-09-1-1051), ARO (award W911NF-09-1-0088), and Masaryk University (grant numbers LH11065 and GD102/09/H042), and other funding sources (AFOSR YIP FA9550-09-1-0209, NSF CNS-1035588, NSF CNS-0834260). (N00014-09-1-1051 - ONR-MURI; W911NF-09-1-0088 - ARO; LH11065 - Masaryk University; GD102/09/H042 - Masaryk University; FA9550-09-1-0209 - AFOSR YIP; CNS-1035588 - NSF; CNS-0834260 - NSF

    Information-Driven Path Planning for UAV with Limited Autonomy in Large-scale Field Monitoring

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    This paper presents a novel information-based mission planner for a drone tasked to monitor a spatially distributed dynamical phenomenon. For the sake of simplicity, the area to be monitored is discretized. The insight behind the proposed approach is that, thanks to the spatio-temporal dependencies of the observed phenomenon, one does not need to collect data on the entire area. In fact, unmeasured states can be estimated using an estimator, such as a Kalman filter. In this context the planning problem becomes the one of generating a flight path that maximizes the quality of the state estimation while satisfying the flight constraints (e.g. flight time). The first result of this paper is to formulate this problem as a special Orienteering Problem where the cost function is a measure of the quality of the estimation. This approach provides a Mixed-Integer Semi-Definite formulation to the problem which can be optimally solved for small instances. For larger instances, two heuristics are proposed which provide good sub-optimal results. To conclude, numerical simulations are shown to prove the capabilities and efficiency of the proposed path planning strategy. We believe this approach has the potential to increase dramatically the area that a drone can monitor, thus increasing the number of applications where monitoring with drones can become economically convenient