5 research outputs found


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    Dalam komunikasi layanan wireless LAN, autentikasi merupakan hal biasa yang sering kita temui. Autentikasi digunakan untuk membatasi akses hanya kepada pelanggan yang terdaftar. Begitu pula dengan layanan komunikasi VoIP yang juga membutuhkan autentikasi sebelum kita dapat menggunakan layanan tersebut. Pada tugas akhir ini dilakukan pengujian proses auto autentikasi voip. Proses auto autentikasi pada penelitian ini melibatkan server RADIUS sebagai server autentikasi EAP-SIM dan server Asterisk sebagai server VoIP. Agar autentikasi pada RADIUS dapat digunakan secara otomatis sebagai autentikasi pada Asterisk maka baik RADIUS dan Asterisk harus terhubung dengan mysql. Asterisk realtime merupakan metode baru dari Asterisk yang dapat digunakan agar semua data autentikasi disimpan ke dalam tabel database. Dengan menggunakan Trigger SQL pada tabel RADIUS maka setiap perubahan yang terjadi pada tabel RADIUS akan tersalin secara otomatis ke tabel Asterisk. Hasil dari pengujian ini didapat bahwa rata-rata lama waktu proses autentikasi di sisi server voip adalah 1,614 ms. Dan rata-rata waktu yang dibutuhkan oleh supplicant agar terhubung ke jaringan melalui autentikasi EAP-SIM sampai dengan terhubung ke voip server adalah 0.760699 detik. Kata kunci: EAP-SIM, Challenge-response, Supplicant, RADIUS, Asteris

    Anonymity and untraceability assessment of authentication protocols in proxy mobile IPv6

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    The Proxy Mobile IPv6 or the PMIPv6 is a protocol for mobile management as established by the Internet Engineering Task Force or IETF to assist in the intense usage of mobile devices and to lower the overhead of signaling. As the inclusion of the mobile node in the signaling related to mobility is not necessary, this type of solutions based on networks optimize the performance of the handover based on signaling overhead and handover latency. Nevertheless, the PMIPv6 has several disadvantages such as issues of privacy and security. The process of authentication of users is usually needed at the time of connecting to a wireless network. The mobile users might wander away from their home networks and be approached by other network services. These network services would usually require the users' credentials to authorize the usage of the service. In order to retain a level of anonymity, various degrees of information are required to be safe guarded including the Local Mobility Anchor ID, Media Access Gateway, and Mobile Node. Nevertheless, a few methods of authentication have been suggested to enhance the PMIPv6's performance since 2008 when this protocol was first established [1]; however, the issues of privacy are often ignored. This study attempts to evaluate the authentication methods of the PMIPv6 according to the anonymity of several network mechanisms. The findings of this study reveal that it is important to suggest an appropriate method of enhancing the protection and privacy of network mechanisms

    Reducing the User Authentication Cost in Next Generation Networks

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    Modélisation et simulation de réseaux locaux et personnels sans fil : intégration des couches PHY et MAC

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    Dans ce travail nous nous intéressons à la modélisation des couches MAC et PHY dans le cadre des réseaux sans fil à faible, portée. Il présente les techniques de modélisation utilisées pour l'intégration des couches MAC-PHYs (Medium Access Control and Physical layer) de type IR-UWB (Impulse Radio Ultra Wideband) d'une part, et des nouvelles techniques de transmission à 60GHz incluant le beamforming d'autre part, dans le simulateur GloMoSim/QualNet. La modélisation de IR-UWB est basée sur la prise en compte directe des collisions d'impulsions et de l'interférence multi-utilisateur au niveau de la couche PHY par l'introduction du concept de séquences de réception et la notion d'orthogonalité en réception. L'architecture de modélisation proposée est basée sur l'utilisation d'une matrice d'interférence, elle a été développée en deux étapes : une première modélisation basée sur des trains d'impulsions uniformément espacées et une deuxième modélisation plus complète prenant en compte l'utilisation des séquences de sauts aléatoires également appelés séquences de time hopping. L'évaluation de performances de cette partie est basée sur une application typique des réseaux de capteurs dans le cadre d'une application de détection d'intrusion sur une surface protégée. La modélisation à 60 GHz à pour but la prise en compte des nouvelles techniques d'amélioration du débit, notamment l'agrégation et le beamforming. La prise en compte du beamforming est basée sur la définition, des diagrammes de rayonnement des antennes ainsi que de l'interface MAC-PHY/Antenne. La modélisation des deux protocoles de beamforming définis dans le standard 802.15.3c est également effectuée. L'évaluation de performances de cette partie est basée sur un système de distribution de contenu multimédia.In this work, we focus on physical and medium access control layer modeling and simulation for short range wireless communication. In particular, the modeling of the Impulse Radio Ultra Wide Band technique for wireless sensor networks and the high data rate communication modeling which uses millimeter wave and beamforming. The first part deals with the modeling of Impulse Radio Ultra Wide Band. The proposed model takes into account the pulse collision induced by multiple concurrent transmissions at the physical layer which is also called multi user interference. This aspect is accurately introduced thanks to the concept of reception time hopping sequences of concurrent reception and their orthogonality. The simulation architecture is built using two models: the first model is based on a uniformly distributed pulse train and the second model, more complete, takes into account variable time hopping sequences. The performance evaluation of this part is based on a typical wireless sensor networks application, in which sensor nodes are scattered on a particular area to detect and report intrusion events to a base station. The second part deals with the modeling of high data rate communication using millimeter wave. The targeted goal of millimeter wave transmission is to increase the data rate using some novel techniques: beamforming and data aggregation. Beamforming is modeled on the so-called codebook beamforming defined as the new beamforming technique for high data rate wireless communication standards. A methodology is developed to take into account the radiation pattern defined by the codebook indexes. For each index the gain of the directional antenna is computed for each direction. This is used in the simulation model physical layer to determine the directional antenna gain in a particular direction during the propagation stage. The defined protocols for sector level and beam level training defined in the 802.15.3c draft are also modeled. The performance evaluation of this part is based on a multimedia distribution system