425 research outputs found

    The Role of Physical Layer Security in Satellite-Based Networks

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    In the coming years, 6G will revolutionize the world with a large amount of bandwidth, high data rates, and extensive coverage in remote and rural areas. These goals can only be achieved by integrating terrestrial networks with non-terrestrial networks. On the other hand, these advancements are raising more concerns than other wireless links about malicious attacks on satellite-terrestrial links due to their openness. Over the years, physical layer security (PLS) has emerged as a good candidate to deal with security threats by exploring the randomness of wireless channels. In this direction, this paper reviews how PLS methods are implemented in satellite communications. Firstly, we discuss the ongoing research on satellite-based networks by highlighting the key points in the literature. Then, we revisit the research activities on PLS in satellite-based networks by categorizing the different system architectures. Finally, we highlight research directions and opportunities to leverage the PLS in future satellite-based networks

    Energy efficient hybrid satellite terrestrial 5G networks with software defined features

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    In order to improve the manageability and adaptability of future 5G wireless networks, the software orchestration mechanism, named software defined networking (SDN) with Control and User plane (C/U-plane) decoupling, has become one of the most promising key techniques. Based on these features, the hybrid satellite terrestrial network is expected to support flexible and customized resource scheduling for both massive machinetype- communication (MTC) and high-quality multimedia requests while achieving broader global coverage, larger capacity and lower power consumption. In this paper, an end-to-end hybrid satellite terrestrial network is proposed and the performance metrics, e. g., coverage probability, spectral and energy efficiency (SE and EE), are analysed in both sparse networks and ultra-dense networks. The fundamental relationship between SE and EE is investigated, considering the overhead costs, fronthaul of the gateway (GW), density of small cells (SCs) and multiple quality-ofservice (QoS) requirements. Numerical results show that compared with current LTE networks, the hybrid system with C/U split can achieve approximately 40% and 80% EE improvement in sparse and ultra-dense networks respectively, and greatly enhance the coverage. Various resource management schemes, bandwidth allocation methods, and on-off approaches are compared, and the applications of the satellite in future 5G networks with software defined features are proposed

    Performance analysis of NOMA-based land mobile satellite networks

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    Non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) scheme, which has the ability to superpose information in the power domain and serve multiple users on the same time/frequency resource, is regarded as an effective solution to increase transmit rate and fairness. In this paper, we introduce the NOMA scheme in a downlink land mobile satellite (LMS) network and present a comprehensive performance analysis for the considered system. Specifically, we first obtain the power allocation coefficients by maximizing the sum rate while meeting the predefined target rates of each NOMA user. Then, we derive the theoretical expressions for the ergodic capacity and the energy efficiency of the considered system. Moreover, the outage probability (OP) and average symbol error rate performances of NOMA users are derived analytically. To gain further insights, we derive the asymptotic OP at the high signal-to-noise ratio regime to characterize the diversity orders and coding gains of NOMA users. Finally, simulation results are provided to validate the theoretical analysis as well as the superiority of employing the NOMA scheme in the LMS system, and show the impact of key parameters, such as fading configurations and user selection strategy on the performance of NOMA users

    Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access schemes for Next Generation Cellular Networks: System Model and Performance Consideration

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    The dissertation deals with next generation cellular networks, especially in regard to the integration of wireless networks which apply non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) and other advanced techniques such as multi-antennae, radio frequency energy harvesting (EH), physical layer security (PLS) and satellite communication. Firstly, the dissertation investigates a multi-antenna transmission model to enhance the performance of communications. A novel model of power distribution to NOMA users, who joined both direct link and relay link, is designed to improve transmission quality. Further, we deploy the power beacon, which is able to feed energy to power-constraint relay node to further support transmission to destinations. Secondly, the dissertation studies the secrecy performance of a PLS in cognitive radio (CR)-NOMA networks. The multi-input single-output (MISO) architecture combining transmit antenna selection (TAS) strategy is considered to achieve secure performance analysis such as the secrecy outage probability (SOP). Further, optimal power allocation (PA) factor can be obtained to optimize SOP performance. Since the presence of an illegitimate user, we improve the SOP by adopting relay selection (RS) combining decode-and-forward (DF) with full-duplex (FD)relaying. Finally, as the strongest contribution of the dissertation, an application of the NOMA technique, which improves the spectral efficiency, in satellite networks is introduced. Satellite communication systems integrate with emerging small-cell networks to provide seamless connectivity and high-speed broadband access for mobile users in future wireless networks. In the dissertation, we study a hybrid satellite-terrestrial relay system (HSTRS). To characterizing the HSTRS-assisted small-cell network, Shadowed-Rician fading for satellite links and Nakagami-m fading for terrestrial links are adopted.Disertační práce se zabývá buňkovými sítěmi příští generace, zejména s ohledem na integraci bezdrátových sítí, které používají neortogonální vícenásobný přístup (NOMA) a další pokročilé techniky, jako jsou víceanténové systémy, získávání energie z elektromagnetického záření (EH), zabezpečení fyzické vrstvy (PLS) a satelitní komunikace. Disertační práce nejprve zkoumá model komunikace s více anténami s cílem dosáhnout vyšší efektivity přenosu. Nový model distribuce energie uživatelům NOMA, kteří se připojili přímým spojem anebo zprostředkovaně (přes realy uzel), je navržen tak, aby zlepšil kvalitu přenosu. Dále je v modelu navržen výkonový maják, který je schopen dodávat energii do relay uzlu, aby podpořil přenos k příjemcům. Za druhé, disertační práce studuje výkonnost PLS v sítích kognitivního rádia (CR)-NOMA. V návrhu je uvažována architektura více vstupů s jedním výstupem (MISO) kombinující strategii výběru vysílací antény (TAS), přičemž úroveň zabezpečení je zkoumána metrikou pravděpodobnosti výpadku utajení (SOP). Dále lze pro optimalizaci výkonu SOP získat faktor optimálního přidělování energie (PA). Vzhledem k předpokládané přítomnosti nelegitimního uživatele vylepšujeme SOP pomocí výběru relay uzlu (RS) kombinující režimy dekóduj a přepošli (DF) s plně duplexním (FD) přenosem. A konečně, jako nejsilnější přínos disertační práce, je představena aplikace techniky vícenásobného přístupu NOMA v satelitních sítích, která vylepšuje spektrální účinnost. Satelitní komunikační systémy se integrují s nově vznikajícími buňkovými sítěmi malého dosahu. Zajišťují bezproblémové připojení a vysokorychlostní širokopásmový přístup pro mobilní uživatele v budoucích bezdrátových sítích. V disertační práci studujeme hybridní satelitně-terestrický relay systém (HSTRS). K popisu sítě malých buněk s asistencí HSTRS je v případě satelitní komunikace použit útlumový model "Shadowed-Rician" a v případě terestrické pak "Nakagami-m."440 - Katedra telekomunikační technikyvyhově

    Free Probability based Capacity Calculation of Multiantenna Gaussian Fading Channels with Cochannel Interference

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    During the last decade, it has been well understood that communication over multiple antennas can increase linearly the multiplexing capacity gain and provide large spectral efficiency improvements. However, the majority of studies in this area were carried out ignoring cochannel interference. Only a small number of investigations have considered cochannel interference, but even therein simple channel models were employed, assuming identically distributed fading coefficients. In this paper, a generic model for a multi-antenna channel is presented incorporating four impairments, namely additive white Gaussian noise, flat fading, path loss and cochannel interference. Both point-to-point and multiple-access MIMO channels are considered, including the case of cooperating Base Station clusters. The asymptotic capacity limit of this channel is calculated based on an asymptotic free probability approach which exploits the additive and multiplicative free convolution in the R- and S-transform domain respectively, as well as properties of the eta and Stieltjes transform. Numerical results are utilized to verify the accuracy of the derived closed-form expressions and evaluate the effect of the cochannel interference.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl