193 research outputs found

    Toksično djelovanje kadmija i pojava rezistencije u euglene

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    By monitoring the fate of individual Euglena cells on agar plates, extreme sensitivity to low concentrations of cadmium ions during cell division was detected. Toxic effects of cadmium were somewhat more pronounced in the light. The antagonistic role of zinc was confirmed. In etiolated Euglena cadmium inhibited chlorophyll and carotenoid synthesis. The protective role of the resting medium in comparison to the rich Euglena medium is attributed to differences in susceptibility to cadmium in different physiological states of the cells. The properties of a cadmium resistant clone were investigated. This clone contained half the amount of chlorophyll normally present in Euglena, and the normal amount of carotenoids. On the submicroscopie level, most changes occurred in the chloroplasts. All stages from severely disorganized chloroplasts characterized by dilated and swollen thylakoids, to normal cells, were observed. Similarities with changes occurring during adaptation to the herbicide DCMU are discussed.Praćenjem sudbine pojedinačnih stanica na povrÅ”ini agara dokazana je velika osjetljivost stanične diobe u euglene na toksično djelovanje niskih koncentracija kadmija. Potvrđeno je antagonističko djelovanje cinka. U etioliranoj eugleni kadmij inhibira sintezu klorofila i karoteno- ida. ZaÅ”titna uloga mirujućeg medija u usporedbi s bogatim Euglena medijem pripisuje se različitoj osjetljivosti euglene kod raznih fizioloÅ”kih stanja stanica. Istraživana su svojstva klona rezistentnog na kadmij, koji je imao smanjenu koncentraciju klorofila (oko 50%) kroz viÅ”e uzastopnih generacija. Istovremeno je sadržaj karotenoida ostao nepromijenjen u odnosu na kontrolu. U submikroskopskom području najviÅ”e promjena se dogodilo u strukturi kloroplasta. Nađeni su svi prijelazi od vrlo oÅ”tećenih kloroplasta s karakterističnim razmaknutim i nabubralim tilako- idima, do kloroplasta s normalnom strukturom. Razmatra se sličnost s promjenama koje se deÅ”avaju za vrijeme adaptacije euglene na herbicid DCMU

    Svojstva i struktura bezbojne mutante vrste Euglena gracilis

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    The structure and growth were examined in a white, completely pigmentless, mutant of Euglena gracilis. Although it lacks any pigments, coloured stigma and defined plastids, some non-osmiophilic structures resembling stigma vesicles and, possibly, very aberrant remnants of plastids appear in this strain. The value of the exact characterization of bleached mutants is discussed.Istraživani su rast i ultrastruktura bijele bezbojne mutante vrste Euglena gracilis. Iako bez pigmenta, u stanicama postoje ostaci stigme i plastida, koji sadržavaju samo koncentrične lamele i ostatke globula. Ukazano je na potrebu točnije karakterizacije izblijeđenih mutanti euglena

    Changes in the Chloroplast-Ultrastructure of Netrium digitus (Desmidiaceae) after a Period of Darkness

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    WƤhrend in den belichteten Zellen von Netrium digitus die Chloro- plasten vorwiegend ein undifferenziertes Thylakoidsystem besitzen, kommt bei mehr als 10 Tage dauernden Lichtabschluss vorwiegend eine granaƤhnliche Struktur zum Vorschein. Nach etwa 4 Wochen Verdunkelung treten dagegen irreversible VerƤnderungen ein, die ein Absterben der Zellen zur Folge haben.U osvijetljenim stanicama vrste Netrium digitus većina kloroplasta sadrži manje-viÅ”e nediferencirani sistem tilakoida. Nakon perioda tame (10 dana ili viÅ”e) u kloroplastima javljaju se pretežno strukture slične grana-područjima (Ā»pseudogranaĀ«).In illuminated cells of Netrium digitus the majority of the ehloro- plasts contains a more or less undifferentiated thylakoid system. After periods of darkness (of ten days and more) a predominant grana-like structure (Ā»pseudogranaĀ«) appears in the chloroplasts

    Djelovanje 1-0-(indol-3ā€™-ilacetil)-Ɵ-D-glukopiranoze i indol-3-iloctene kiseline na neke jednostanične zelene alge

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    The results of the present study have thus shown that low concentrations (0.01ā€”1.0 micro M) of IAA and IA0G do not stimulate the division of the unicellular algae tested. High concentrations of IAA and IA0G (10-3 M), tested only on Chlamydomonas reinhardii, inhibited the cell division with subsequent loss of flagella and giant cell formation. The results indicate a lower toxicity of IA0G in comparison to the effect of IAA. I am indebted to Dr. D. Keglevic for the sample of 1-0-(Indol-3ā€™-ylacetyl)-0-D-glucopyranose and to Dr. M. Pokorny for carrying out the thin layer chromatography.Niske koncentracije IAA i IAƟG (0,01ā€”1,0 uM) ne stimuliraju diobu ispitivanih jednostaničnih alga. Visoke koncentracije IAA i IAƟG (10-3 m), koje su ispitane samo na vrsti Chlamydomonas reinhardii, inhiibiraju staničnu diobu uz gubitak bičeva i pojavu gigantskih stanica. Rezultati ukazuju na slabiju toksičnost IAƟG u usporedbi s učinkom IAA

    Međusobni odnos mineralne ishrane i temperature na rast vrste Euglena gracilis

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    In Euglena gracilis strain Ā»ZĀ« grown in the complex medium (on a repetitive light-dark cycle) the need for exogenous nutrients rises with temperature. At 18 Ā°C no need in added nutrients has been observed. The rate of growth as expressed in increase in cell number, amount of chlorophyll and carotenoids rises at higher temperatures with additional phosphates (K2HP04 and KH2PO4), mixture of microelements and magnesium sulphate. Addition of ammonium mono-H orthophosphate at the concentration used inhibits cell division but does not affect chlorophyll synthesis, and cells with very high chlorophyll concentration are obtained. The study indicates that the illumination regimen induces marked differences in the relative rates of cellular biosynthesis.Potreba za dodatkom pojedinih soli kompleksnom mediju za uzgoj vrste Euglena gracilis soj Ā»ZĀ« raste s poviÅ”enjem temperature. Kod 18Ā° nema potrebe u dodatnim hranidbenim tvarima. Dodatkom amonijevog fosfata (K2HP04 i KH2PO4), mjeÅ”avine mikro- elemenata i magnezijevog sulfata, s porastom temperature povećava se brzina rasta izražena porastom broja stanica, porastom količine klorofila i karotenoida. Dodatak amonijevog fosfata pri upotrebljenoj koncentraciji djeluje inhibitorno na diobu stanica, ali ne i na sintezu klorofila, tako da se dobivaju stanice s vrlo visokom koncentracijom klorofila. Istraživanja pokazuju da režim osvjetljavanja izaziva znatne razlike u relativnim odnosima biosintetskih funkcija stanice

    Der Effekt des Belichtungsregimes auf das Temperatur-Induzierte und spontane Ausbleichen von Euglena gracilis

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    Ustanovljeno je, da je postotak bezbojnih euglena (bilo nastalih spontano, bilo indukcijom kod poviÅ”ene temperature) u kontinuirano osvijetljenim kulturama značajno poviÅ”en u odnosu na periodički osvijetljene kulture (14 h svjetlosti: 10 h tame).Es wird gezeigt, dass bei kontinuierlich belichteten Kulturen von Euglena gracilis der Prozentsatz der sowohl temperaturbedingt als auch spontan entstehenden apochlorotischen Kolonien in bezug auf die periodisch belichteten Kulturen (14 Std Licht: 10 Std Dunkelheit) signifikant hƶher ist

    Toksično djelovanje kadmija i pojava rezistencije u euglene

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    By monitoring the fate of individual Euglena cells on agar plates, extreme sensitivity to low concentrations of cadmium ions during cell division was detected. Toxic effects of cadmium were somewhat more pronounced in the light. The antagonistic role of zinc was confirmed. In etiolated Euglena cadmium inhibited chlorophyll and carotenoid synthesis. The protective role of the resting medium in comparison to the rich Euglena medium is attributed to differences in susceptibility to cadmium in different physiological states of the cells. The properties of a cadmium resistant clone were investigated. This clone contained half the amount of chlorophyll normally present in Euglena, and the normal amount of carotenoids. On the submicroscopie level, most changes occurred in the chloroplasts. All stages from severely disorganized chloroplasts characterized by dilated and swollen thylakoids, to normal cells, were observed. Similarities with changes occurring during adaptation to the herbicide DCMU are discussed.Praćenjem sudbine pojedinačnih stanica na povrÅ”ini agara dokazana je velika osjetljivost stanične diobe u euglene na toksično djelovanje niskih koncentracija kadmija. Potvrđeno je antagonističko djelovanje cinka. U etioliranoj eugleni kadmij inhibira sintezu klorofila i karoteno- ida. ZaÅ”titna uloga mirujućeg medija u usporedbi s bogatim Euglena medijem pripisuje se različitoj osjetljivosti euglene kod raznih fizioloÅ”kih stanja stanica. Istraživana su svojstva klona rezistentnog na kadmij, koji je imao smanjenu koncentraciju klorofila (oko 50%) kroz viÅ”e uzastopnih generacija. Istovremeno je sadržaj karotenoida ostao nepromijenjen u odnosu na kontrolu. U submikroskopskom području najviÅ”e promjena se dogodilo u strukturi kloroplasta. Nađeni su svi prijelazi od vrlo oÅ”tećenih kloroplasta s karakterističnim razmaknutim i nabubralim tilako- idima, do kloroplasta s normalnom strukturom. Razmatra se sličnost s promjenama koje se deÅ”avaju za vrijeme adaptacije euglene na herbicid DCMU

    VariabilitƤt der Stachelform und der Coenobienbildung eines Stammes von Scenedesmus quadricauda (Turpin) BrƩbisson

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    Scenedesmus quadricauda izoliran iz bazena Botaničkog vrta u Zagrebu uzgojen je u čistoj kulturi. Proučavane su promjene oblika i položaja bodlji te stvaranje jednostaničnih populacija. Prolazne nepravilnosti u obliku i rasporedu bodlji primijećene su kod rasta u starim kulturama, u hranidbenim otopinama s visokom koncentracijom soli kao i kod rasta u filtra tima kulture Euglene. Jednostanične populacije kao i oblici bez bodlji pojavile su se naročito kod sniženja pH medija na 5ā€”5,6.Scenedesmus quadricauda wurde aus einem Becken des Botanischen Gartens in Zagreb isoliert und bakterienfrei kultiviert. Coenobienformwechsel und Einzellen-Bildung wurden studiert. VorĆ¼bergehende Anomalien in Form und Verteilung der Stacheln konnten in alten Kulturen, in NƤhrlƶsungen mit hoher Salzkonzentration und nach Kultivieren in Eugenakultur-Filtraten beobachtet werden. Einzellige sowie stachelfreie Formen konnten besonders durch Herabsetzen des pH des Mediums auf 5 ā€” 5,6 induziert werden

    Djelovanje N-fenil-izopropil-karbamata na euglenu

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    The effects of the herbicide isopropyl Nā€”N phenylcarbamate (IPC) on wild type Euglena and three bleached mutants (yellow, pale yellow and white) have been studied. IPC is a slowly acting, rather weak, herbicide which inhibits cell division in all Euglena strains studied. This inhibition depends on the nutritional history of cells and the adaptability of the strain to the ethanol used to dissolve IPC. Wild type Euglena is most sensitive to IPC, especially if cultured in the light, although the lethal dose has been found to be the same for all strains studied (10-3 M). Most metabolic changes, such as appearance of monstrous forms, and inhibition of chlorophyll and paramylum synthesis, are seen at an intermediate dose of about 5 X 10-4 M. IPC does not cause bleaching i. e. irreversible permanent loss of chloroplasts. This study confirms that IPC does not only act on autotrophic plant cells, but on cells of heterotrophic organisms as well.Proučavano je djelovanje herbicida N-fenil-izopropil-karbamata (IPC) na divlji tip euglene i njene izblijeđene mutante (žutu, blijedo žutu i bijelu). IPC je sporo-djelujući, dosta slab herbicid, koji inhibira staničnu diobu u svim proučavanim sojevima euglene. Ova inhibicija ovisi o prethodnim hranidbenim uvjetima i prilagodljivosti dotičnog soja na etanol u kojem je IPC otopljen. Divlji tip euglene je pokazao najveću osjetljivost na IPC, naročito pri uzgoju na svjetlosti, iako je letalna doza (10-3 M) ista za sve proučavane sojeve. Većina metaboličkih promjena, kao Å”to su pojava monstruoznih oblika, inhibicija sinteze klorofila i paramiluma opaža se kod srednje doze od gko 5X10-4 M. IPC ne izaziva izbljeđivanje tj. ireverzibilni trajni gubitak kloroplasta. Ovo istraživanje potvrđuje da IPC ne djeluje samo na autotrofnu biljnu stanicu već također i na stanice heterotrofnih organizama
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