140 research outputs found

    A protocol reconfiguration and optimization system for MPI

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    Modern high performance computing (HPC) applications, for example adaptive mesh refinement and multi-physics codes, have dynamic communication characteristics which result in poor performance on current Message Passing Interface (MPI) implementations. The degraded application performance can be attributed to a mismatch between changing application requirements and static communication library functionality. To improve the performance of these applications, MPI libraries should change their protocol functionality in response to changing application requirements, and tailor their functionality to take advantage of hardware capabilities. This dissertation describes Protocol Reconfiguration and Optimization system for MPI (PRO-MPI), a framework for constructing profile-driven reconfigurable MPI libraries; these libraries use past application characteristics (profiles) to dynamically change their functionality to match the changing application requirements. The framework addresses the challenges of designing and implementing the reconfigurable MPI libraries, which include collecting and reasoning about application characteristics to drive the protocol reconfiguration and defining abstractions required for implementing these reconfigurations. Two prototype reconfigurable MPI implementations based on the framework - Open PRO-MPI and Cactus PRO-MPI - are also presented to demonstrate the utility of the framework. To demonstrate the effectiveness of reconfigurable MPI libraries, this dissertation presents experimental results to show the impact of using these libraries on the application performance. The results show that PRO-MPI improves the performance of important HPC applications and benchmarks. They also show that HyperCLaw performance improves by approximately 22% when exact profiles are available, and HyperCLaw performance improves by approximately 18% when only approximate profiles are available

    Identifying Data Exchange Congestion Through Real-Time Monitoring Of Beowulf Cluster Infiniband Networks

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    The ability to gather data from many types of new information sources has grown quickly using new technologies. The ability to store and retrieve large quantities of data from these new sources has created a need for computing platforms that are able to process the data for information. High Performance Computing Cluster systems have been developed to fulfill a role required for fast processing of large amounts of data for many difficult types of computing applications. Beowulf Clusters use many separate compute nodes to create a tightly coupled parallel HPCC system. The ability for a Beowulf Cluster HPCC system to process data depends on the ability of the compute nodes within the HPCC system to be able to retrieve data, share data, and store data with as little delay as possible. With many compute nodes competing to exchange data over limited network connections, network congestion can occur that can negatively impact the speed of computations. With concerns about network performance optimization, and uneven distribution of computational capacity, it is important for Beowulf HPCC System Administrators to be able to evaluate real-time data transfer metrics for congestion within a particular HPCC system. In this thesis, Heat-Maps will be created to identify potential issues with Infiniband network congestion due to simultaneous data exchanges between compute nodes

    Welcome to Zombieland: Practical and Energy-efficient Memory Disaggregation in a Datacenter

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    In this paper, we propose an effortless way for disaggregating the CPU-memory couple, two of the most important resources in cloud computing. Instead of redesigning each resource board, the disaggregation is done at the power supply domain level. In other words, CPU and memory still share the same board, but their power supply domains are separated. Besides this disaggregation, we make the two following contributions: (1) the prototyping of a new ACPI sleep state (called zombie and noted Sz) which allows to suspend a server (thus save energy) while making its memory remotely accessible; and (2) the prototyping of a rack-level system software which allows the transparent utilization of the entire rack resources (avoiding resource waste). We experimentally evaluate the effectiveness of our solution and show that it can improve the energy efficiency of state-of-the-art consolidation techniques by up to 86%, with minimal additional complexity

    High Performance Computing using Infiniband-based clusters

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    A Fully Userspace Remote Storage Access Stack

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    As computer networking has evolved and the available throughput has increased, the efficiency of the network software stack has become increasingly important. This is because the latency introduced by software has gone from insignificant, compared to historically poor network performance, to the largest component of latency for a modern local-area network. Currently, the vast majority of code that accesses the hardware is part of the kernel, because the kernel is responsible for ensuring that user applications do not interfere with each other when accessing the hardware. Remote Direct Memory Access~(RDMA) provides a solution for applications to perform direct data transfers over the network without requiring context switches into the kernel, but relies instead on specialized hardware interfaces to handle the virtual address mappings and transport protocols. This more intelligent hardware allows for direct control from the userspace application, eliminating the cost of context switches into the kernel. This in turn reduces the overall latency of message transfers. Just like networking, storage is currently undergoing a similar evolution. For most of the recent history of computing, the most common durable storage mechanism has been mechanical hard disk drives, which can only be accessed at block level and have high latency compared to the software drivers used to access the data. However, the introduction of solid state disks~(SSDs) based on Flash significantly decreased the latency, as there are no mechanical parts that need to move to access the data. Upcoming non-volatile memory solutions reduce this latency even further, and even allow byte-level access to the storage medium. Thus, just like with networking, software drivers become the bottleneck and we look for solutions to bypass the kernel to improve the efficiency of direct userspace access to storage. This thesis offers two contributions as part of a solution to these problems. The first part introduces urdma, a software RDMA driver which leverages the Data Plane Development Kit (DPDK) to perform network data transfers in userspace without specialized RDMA interface hardware. The second part examines remote locking protocols, which are required for synchronization in distributed storage systems. We define an RDMA locking mechanism referred to as Verbs Offload Locking Technology (VOLT), which allows acquisition of a remote lock object without any CPU usage by the target node. This offloading allows VOLT to be used with disaggregated memory servers that have limited onboard CPU resources, while also lowering the application overhead for remote locking. Finally, we define a bytecode framework using enhanced Berkeley Packet Filter (eBPF) bytecode for extending the capabilities of an RDMA-capable network interface card (NIC) with new operations, and show how this can be used to implement our remote locking operation

    Optimized Network Architectures for Large Language Model Training with Billions of Parameters

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    This paper challenges the well-established paradigm for building any-to-any networks for training Large Language Models (LLMs). We show that LLMs exhibit a unique communication pattern where only small groups of GPUs require high-bandwidth any-to-any communication within them, to achieve near-optimal training performance. Across these groups of GPUs, the communication is insignificant, sparse, and homogeneous. We propose a new network architecture that closely resembles the communication requirement of LLMs. Our architecture partitions the cluster into sets of GPUs interconnected with non-blocking any-to-any high-bandwidth interconnects that we call HB domains. Across the HB domains, the network only connects GPUs with communication demands. We call this network a "rail-only" connection, and show that our proposed architecture reduces the network cost by up to 75% compared to the state-of-the-art any-to-any Clos networks without compromising the performance of LLM training

    One-Sided Communication for High Performance Computing Applications

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    Thesis (Ph.D.) - Indiana University, Computer Sciences, 2009Parallel programming presents a number of critical challenges to application developers. Traditionally, message passing, in which a process explicitly sends data and another explicitly receives the data, has been used to program parallel applications. With the recent growth in multi-core processors, the level of parallelism necessary for next generation machines is cause for concern in the message passing community. The one-sided programming paradigm, in which only one of the two processes involved in communication actively participates in message transfer, has seen increased interest as a potential replacement for message passing. One-sided communication does not carry the heavy per-message overhead associated with modern message passing libraries. The paradigm offers lower synchronization costs and advanced data manipulation techniques such as remote atomic arithmetic and synchronization operations. These combine to present an appealing interface for applications with random communication patterns, which traditionally present message passing implementations with difficulties. This thesis presents a taxonomy of both the one-sided paradigm and of applications which are ideal for the one-sided interface. Three case studies, based on real-world applications, are used to motivate both taxonomies and verify the applicability of the MPI one-sided communication and Cray SHMEM one-sided interfaces to real-world problems. While our results show a number of short-comings with existing implementations, they also suggest that a number of applications could benefit from the one-sided paradigm. Finally, an implementation of the MPI one-sided interface within Open MPI is presented, which provides a number of unique performance features necessary for efficient use of the one-sided programming paradigm
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