6 research outputs found

    Bilangan Dominasi−lokasi Persekitaran Terbuka Pada Graf Tree

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    R ABSTRAK. Himpunan subset dari himpunan titik disebut himpunan dominasi jika setiap titik di adjacent dengan setidaknya satu titik di . Suatu himpunan dominasi didalam graf merupakan himpunan dominasi-lokasi persekitaran terbuka untuk jika untuk setiap dua titik pada himpunan dan tidak kosong dan berbeda. Bilangan dominasi-lokasi persekitaran terbuka dinotasikan dengan merupakan kardinalitas minimum dari suatu himpunan dominasi-lokasi persekitaran terbuka. Pada tugas akhir ini dikaji himpunan dominasi-lokasi persekitaran terbuka pada graf tree. Graf Tree dengan order memiliki bilangan dominasi-lokasi persekitaran terbuka ⌈ ⁄ ⌉

    On lower bounds of various dominating codes for locating vertices in cubic graphs

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    Self-identifying codes, self-locating dominating codes and solid-locating dominating codes are three subsets of vertices of a graph G to locate vertices. The optimal size of them is denoted by γSID (G),γSLD (G) and γDLD (G). In the master thesis, we mainly discuss their lower bound problem in families of graphs. In the first section, we briefly describe the background of the study and some related questions. In the second, third and fourth section, we show some basic definitions, concepts and examples related to self-identifying codes (SID), self-locating dominating codes (SLD) and solid-locating dominating codes (DLD) in rook’s graphs. In the fifth section, we first introduce some known results of lower bounds of open-locating dominating codes in cubic graphs and then in the sixth section we present some new results about the lower bounds of self-identifying codes, self-locating dominating codes and solid-locating dominating codes in cubic graphs

    Optimization Approaches for Open-Locating Dominating Sets

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    An Open Locating-Dominating Set (OLD set) is a subset of vertices in a graph such that every vertex in the graph has a neighbor in the OLD set and every vertex has a unique set of neighbors in the OLD set. This can also represent where sensors, capable of detecting an event occurrence at an adjacent vertex, could be placed such that one could always identify the location of an event by the specific vertices that indicated an event occurred in their neighborhood. By the open neighborhood construct, which differentiates OLD sets from identifying codes, a vertex is not able to report if it is the location of the event. This construct provides a robustness over identifying codes and opens new applications such as disease carrier and dark actor identification in networks. This work explores various aspects of OLD sets, beginning with an Integer Linear Program for quickly identifying the optimal OLD set on a graph. As many graphs do not admit OLD sets, or there may be times when the total size of the set is limited by an external factor, a concept called maximum covering OLD sets is developed and explored. The coverage radius of the sensors is then expanded in a presentation of Mixed-Weight OLD sets where sensors can cover more than just adjacent vertices. Finally, an application is presented to optimally monitor criminal and terrorist networks using OLD sets and related concepts to identify the optimal set of surveillance targets

    On open neighborhood locating-dominating in graphs

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    On open neighborhood locating-dominating in graphs

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    A set D of vertices in a graph G = (V (G), E(G)) is an open neighborhood locating-dominating set (OLD-set) for G if for every two vertices u, v of V (G) the sets N(u) ∩ D and N(v) ∩ D are non-empty and different. The open neighborhood locating-dominating number OLD(G) is the minimum cardinality of an OLD-set for G. In this paper we characterize graphs G of order n with OLD(G) = 2, 3, or n and graphs with minimum degree (G) ≥ 2 that are C4-free with OLD(G) = n-1.</p