4 research outputs found

    On non-traceable, non-hypotraceable, arachnoid graphs

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    Motivated by questions concerning optical networks, in 2003 Gargano, Hammar, Hell, Stacho, and Vaccaro defined the notions of spanning spiders and arachnoid graphs. A spider is a tree with at most one branch (vertex of degree at least 3). The spider is centred at the branch vertex (if there is any,otherwise it is centred at any of the vertices). A graph is arachnoid if it has a spanning spider centred at any of its vertices. Traceable graphs are obviously arachnoid, and Gargano et al. observed that hypotraceable graphs (non-traceable graphs with the property that all vertex-deleted subgraphs are traceable) are also easily seen to be arachnoid. However, they did not find any other arachnoid graphs, and asked the question whether they exist. The main goal of this paper is to answer this question in the affirmative, moreover, we show that for any prescribed graph H, there exists a non-traceable, non-hypotraceable, arachnoid graph that contains H as an induced subgraph

    Spiders everywhere

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    A spider is a tree with at most one branch (a vertex of degree at least 3) centred at the branch if it exists, and centred at any vertex otherwise. A graph G is arachnoid if for any vertex v of G, there exists a spanning spider of G centred at v-in other words: there are spiders everywhere! Hypotraceable graphs are non-traceable graphs in which all vertex-deleted subgraphs are traceable. Gargano et al. (2004) defined arachnoid graphs as natural generalisations of traceable graphs and asked for the existence of arachnoid graphs that are (i) non-traceable and non-hypotraceable, or (ii) in which some vertex is the centre of only spiders with more than three legs. An affirmative answer to (ii) implies an affirmative answer to (i). While non-traceable, non-hypotraceable arachnoid graphs were described in Wiener (2017), (ii) remained open. In this paper we give an affirmative answer to this question and discuss spanning spiders whose legs must have some minimum length. (C) 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V

    On the minimum leaf number of cubic graphs

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    The \emph{minimum leaf number} ml(G)\hbox{ml} (G) of a connected graph GG is defined as the minimum number of leaves of the spanning trees of GG. We present new results concerning the minimum leaf number of cubic graphs: we show that if GG is a connected cubic graph of order nn, then ml(G)≤n6+13\mathrm{ml}(G) \leq \frac{n}6 + \frac13, improving on the best known result in [Inf. Process. Lett. 105 (2008) 164-169] and proving the conjecture in [Electron. J. Graph Theory and Applications 5 (2017) 207-211]. We further prove that if GG is also 2-connected, then ml(G)≤n6.53\mathrm{ml}(G) \leq \frac{n}{6.53}, improving on the best known bound in [Math. Program., Ser. A 144 (2014) 227-245]. We also present new conjectures concerning the minimum leaf number of several types of cubic graphs and examples showing that the bounds of the conjectures are best possible.Comment: 17 page