8,281 research outputs found

    A Dynamic Resource Allocation on Service Supply Chain

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    Interactive Food and Beverage Marketing: Targeting Children and Youth in the Digital Age

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    Looks at the practices of food and beverage industry marketers in reaching youth via digital videos, cell phones, interactive games and social networking sites. Recommends imposing governmental regulations on marketing to children and adolescents

    Connected Women: How Mobile Can Support Women's Economic and Social Empowerment

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    This report explores how mobile services provided by Vodafone and the Vodafone Foundation are enabling women to seize new opportunities and improve their lives. Accenture Sustainability Services were commissioned to conduct research on the services and to assess their potential social and economic impact if they were widely available across Vodafone's markets by 2020. It showcases the projects and the work of those involved and also poses the question -- what would the benefit to women and to society at large be if projects such as these were taken to scale and achieved an industrialscale of growth? This reflects the Foundation's commitment not solely to the development of pilots but rather the Trustees' ambition to see projects which lead to transformational change. In order to understand this more deeply, the Report looks at the benefits for women and society and providessome financial modelling for how the engagement of commercial players could achieve industrial, sustainable growth in these areas. Accenture has provided the modelling and, given the public benefit and understanding which the report seeks to generate, these are shared openly for all in the mobile industry to understand and share. It is the Trustees' hope that the collaboration with Oxford University and Accenture in the delivery of this Report will stimulate not only the expansion of existing charitable programmes but will also seed other philanthropic, social enterprise or commercial initiatives

    5P4F-Based Innovation Method of E-Commerce Business Models

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    The development of Internet provides greater space and flexibility for business model innovations, while continuous innovations innately characterize the e-commerce models. The innovation activities have been greatly enhanced since the US Patent and Trademark Office issued a patent for the one-click shopping process invented by Amazon. This paper presents an analysis method, as well as the innovation method, of e-commerce business models, both based on 5P4F(5P---product, price, place, promotion, position; 4F---business flow, information flow, capital flow, logistics flow). The paper provides two ways to innovate EC business models : innovation of element property and innovation through model-composition. With these methods, practitioners can operate a detailed analysis of the present models and models of their enterprises to search for existing problems and consummate the present models with focus. As to the academic circle, it provides a general and referential frame, idea and method for the research on EC business model innovation


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    E-Scripture: The Impact of Technology on the Reading of Sacred Texts (2013)

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    The tradition of religious readers in transition is not new: Augustine expressed “amazement” that Ambrose read silently and not aloud, movable type in the fifteenth century made the Bible publishable without scribal work, and today, electronic pages have become interactive in ways scarcely imagined a short time ago. How readers of today imagine a page (now conceptualized as a ‘web-page’) and consequently, reading in general, has profound implications for the 21st century. Acknowledging the fact that “the significance of a religious book lies not only in the message of its content, but also in the form and self-presentation with which it makes itself available to worship and transmission,” this project assumes that a great deal of perspective is provided by looking at this current transition in light of the old. In virtually all previous reading transitions, a religious ‘pattern of reading technology’ can be seen, whose pieces are all well-known but have not been collectively applied to the current situation of e-reading. The pattern operates with a three part assumption: readers will initially use a new technology to perform the same functions as the old technology, only more quickly, with more efficiency, or in greater quantity. This early use of new reading technology, in other words, largely attempts to imitate the functions and appearance of the old format. The second part is that the old technology becomes sacralized or ritualized in the face of the new technology’s standardization. As this standardization occurs, the new technology develops its own unique and innovative functions, exclusive to that form and shedding some or most of the imitative appearance and functions of the old technology – the third part of the pattern. Reviewing these transitions of the past and present, it becomes clear that perhaps fear of the new technology – however relatable – proves somewhat unfounded. New reading technology does not prove ultimately inimical to the old formats, or to religion, and despite many initial practical concerns, actually provides a multitude of benefits in the reading of sacred texts

    Research on the Application of Computer Graphic Advertisement Design Based on a Genetic Algorithm and TRIZ Theory

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    In view of the shortcomings of the traditional thinking of computer graphic advertising design, this paper introduces TRIZ innovative thinking to design computer advertising. First of all, combined with specific cases of computer creative print advertising, this paper analyzes the creative methods of stimulating divergent thinking, aggregation thinking and transformation thinking from the innovation principle of TRIZ theory as the origin, and applies them to the creative mechanism and application program of print advertising creativity. The whole process is led by rational principles of perceptual thinking, driven by specific principles of abstract imagination, to explore the thinking source of creative design essence of print advertising. The theory and its application mechanism become a new thinking method and application attempt in the creative field of print advertisement. Then, based on the TRIZ innovation theory, the business model of advertising content arrangement is constructed, and the mathematical model is constructed according to the planning business media resource planning on the business model to realize the multi-objective optimization of efficient use of orders and precise delivery of time. Finally, a multi-objective optimization mathematical model of parallel genetic algorithm is designed to solve the advertisement content arrangement. The innovative thinking of TRIZ and the application of genetic algorithm in content arrangement of computer graphic advertisement design are verified by experiments

    Examining the roles of social media on startups of Oulu

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    Abstract. This thesis is focused on explaining social media, how and why the startups in Oulu use social media for. This thesis has practical and first hand data and information about how the firms are utilizing social media, why they are using social media and what they think about social media. The thesis is conducted through a literature review on the topic which is supported by an empirical case study. The motivation of doing this thesis on social media influence in the startups of Oulu came from the lack of previous researches on this topic. The first part of the thesis is consist of theoretical aspects of social media, different types of social media, social media and traditional media, mobile social media. In the later part of theory covers the opportunities, challenges and implication of social media. There is discussion on the benefits that social media offers, what the challenges companies might face using social media and how social media activities can be planned and implemented. Multi case study was conducted on four startup firms from Oulu. One person form each company was interviewed and the theme of the interview was why the firms are using social media and their motivation behind it, which channels they are using and why, how much resources they are using behind social media, the impact they are having, the challenges they are facing and what they think about the future of social media. Most of the research conducted on social media is mainly focused on the big organization, the author wanted to know how much social media means to the smaller firms in a specific region in this case Oulu. With the combination of the theory and the case study there should be an understanding the relationship between social media and startups. The main findings of this study is that the startups of Oulu uses social media for the purpose of increasing brand awareness and for a strong market presence

    Disney plus Hotstar on Twitter: Using netnography and word clouds to gain consumer insights

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    Microblogging platform Twitter is being used more and more by businesses to promote and connect with their brands. The main goal of this manuscript is to identify the content typologies that Disney Plus Hotstar utilizes on Twitter to encourage customer engagement. This has been accomplished through the usage of technique termed as Netnography. The document then uses wordclouds to extract user data from the Disney Plus Hotstar twitter feed