534 research outputs found

    The geometric mean of two matrices from a computational viewpoint

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    The geometric mean of two matrices is considered and analyzed from a computational viewpoint. Some useful theoretical properties are derived and an analysis of the conditioning is performed. Several numerical algorithms based on different properties and representation of the geometric mean are discussed and analyzed and it is shown that most of them can be classified in terms of the rational approximations of the inverse square root functions. A review of the relevant applications is given

    Second-Order Self-Consistent-Field Density-Matrix Renormalization Group

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    We present a matrix-product state (MPS)-based quadratically convergent density-matrix renormalization group self-consistent-field (DMRG-SCF) approach. Following a proposal by Werner and Knowles (JCP 82, 5053, (1985)), our DMRG-SCF algorithm is based on a direct minimization of an energy expression which is correct to second-order with respect to changes in the molecular orbital basis. We exploit a simultaneous optimization of the MPS wave function and molecular orbitals in order to achieve quadratic convergence. In contrast to previously reported (augmented Hessian) Newton-Raphson and super-configuration-interaction algorithms for DMRG-SCF, energy convergence beyond a quadratic scaling is possible in our ansatz. Discarding the set of redundant active-active orbital rotations, the DMRG-SCF energy converges typically within two to four cycles of the self-consistent procedureComment: 40 pages, 5 figures, 3 table

    Analytic calculation of energies and wave functions of the quartic and pure quartic oscillators

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    Ground state energies and wave functions of quartic and pure quartic oscillators are calculated by first casting the Schr\"{o}dinger equation into a nonlinear Riccati form and then solving that nonlinear equation analytically in the first iteration of the quasilinearization method (QLM). In the QLM the nonlinear differential equation is solved by approximating the nonlinear terms by a sequence of linear expressions. The QLM is iterative but not perturbative and gives stable solutions to nonlinear problems without depending on the existence of a smallness parameter. Our explicit analytic results are then compared with exact numerical and also with WKB solutions and it is found that our ground state wave functions, using a range of small to large coupling constants, yield a precision of between 0.1 and 1 percent and are more accurate than WKB solutions by two to three orders of magnitude. In addition, our QLM wave functions are devoid of unphysical turning point singularities and thus allow one to make analytical estimates of how variation of the oscillator parameters affects physical systems that can be described by the quartic and pure quartic oscillators.Comment: 8 pages, 12 figures, 1 tabl

    Iterative Algorithms for Nonlinear Equations and Dynamical Behaviors: Applications

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    Numerical iteration methods for solving the roots of nonlinear transcendental or algebraic model equations (in 1D, 2D or 3D) are useful in most applied sciences (Biology, physics, mathematics, Chemistry…) and in engineering, for example, problems of beam deflections. This article presents new iterative algorithms for finding roots of nonlinear equations applying some fixed point transformation and interpolation. A method for solving nonlinear systems (in higher dimensions, for multi-variables) is also considered. Our main focus is on methods not involving the equation f(x) in problem and or its derivatives. These new algorithm can be considered as the acceleration convergence of several existing methods. For convergence and efficiency proofs and applications, we solve deflection of a beam differential equation and some test experiments in in Matlab.  Different (real & complex) dynamical (convergence plane) analyzes are also shown graphically. Keywords: nonlinear equations, deflection of beam, iterations, dynamical analysis, applications, 2

    Optimal iterative methods for finding multiple roots of nonlinear equations using free parameters

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    [EN] In this paper, we propose a family of optimal eighth order convergent iterative methods for multiple roots with known multiplicity with the introduction of two free parameters and three univariate weight functions. Also numerical experiments have applied to a number of academical test functions and chemical problems for different special schemes from this family that satisfies the conditions given in convergence result.This research was partially supported by Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad MTM2014-52016-C02-2-P and Generalitat Valenciana PROMETEO/2016/089.Zafar, F.; Cordero Barbero, A.; Quratulain, R.; Torregrosa Sánchez, JR. (2018). Optimal iterative methods for finding multiple roots of nonlinear equations using free parameters. Journal of Mathematical Chemistry. 56(7):1884-1901. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10910-017-0813-1S18841901567R. Behl, A. Cordero, S.S. Motsa, J.R. Torregrosa, On developing fourth-order optimal families of methods for multiple roots and their dynamics. Appl. Math. Comput. 265(15), 520–532 (2015)R. Behl, A. Cordero, S.S. Motsa, J.R. Torregrosa, V. Kanwar, An optimal fourth-order family of methods for multiple roots and its dynamics. Numer. Algor. 71(4), 775–796 (2016)R. Behl, A. Cordero, S.S. Motsa, J.R. Torregrosa, An eighth-order family of optimal multiple root finders and its dynamics. Numer. Algor. (2017). doi: 10.1007/s11075-017-0361-6F.I. Chicharro, A. Cordero, J. R. Torregrosa, Drawing dynamical and parameters planes of iterative families and methods. Sci. World J. ID 780153 (2013)A. Constantinides, N. Mostoufi, Numerical Methods for Chemical Engineers with MATLAB Applications (Prentice Hall PTR, New Jersey, 1999)J.M. Douglas, Process Dynamics and Control, vol. 2 (Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1972)Y.H. Geum, Y.I. Kim, B. Neta, A class of two-point sixth-order multiple-zero finders of modified double-Newton type and their dynamics. Appl. Math. Comput. 270, 387–400 (2015)Y.H. Geum, Y.I. Kim, B. Neta, A sixth-order family of three-point modified Newton-like multiple-root finders and the dynamics behind their extraneous fixed points. Appl. Math. Comput. 283, 120–140 (2016)J.L. Hueso, E. Martınez, C. Teruel, Determination of multiple roots of nonlinear equations and applications. J. Math. Chem. 53, 880–892 (2015)L.O. Jay, A note on Q-order of convergence. BIT Numer. Math. 41, 422–429 (2001)S. Li, X. Liao, L. Cheng, A new fourth-order iterative method for finding multiple roots of nonlinear equations. Appl. Math. Comput. 215, 1288–1292 (2009)S.G. Li, L.Z. Cheng, B. Neta, Some fourth-order nonlinear solvers with closed formulae for multiple roots. Comput. Math. Appl. 59, 126–135 (2010)B. Liu, X. Zhou, A new family of fourth-order methods for multiple roots of nonlinear equations. Nonlinear Anal. Model. Control 18(2), 143–152 (2013)M. Shacham, Numerical solution of constrained nonlinear algebraic equations. Int. J. Numer. Method Eng. 23, 1455–1481 (1986)M. Sharifi, D.K.R. Babajee, F. Soleymani, Finding the solution of nonlinear equations by a class of optimal methods. Comput. Math. Appl. 63, 764–774 (2012)J.R. Sharma, R. Sharma, Modified Jarratt method for computing multiple roots. Appl. Math. Comput. 217, 878–881 (2010)F. Soleymani, D.K.R. Babajee, T. Lofti, On a numerical technique forfinding multiple zeros and its dynamic. J. Egypt. Math. Soc. 21, 346–353 (2013)F. Soleymani, D.K.R. Babajee, Computing multiple zeros using a class of quartically convergent methods. Alex. Eng. J. 52, 531–541 (2013)R. Thukral, A new family of fourth-order iterative methods for solving nonlinear equations with multiple roots. J. Numer. Math. Stoch. 6(1), 37–44 (2014)R. Thukral, Introduction to higher-order iterative methods for finding multiple roots of nonlinear equations. J. Math. Article ID 404635 (2013)X. Zhou, X. Chen, Y. Song, Constructing higher-order methods for obtaining the muliplte roots of nonlinear equations. J. Comput. Math. Appl. 235, 4199–4206 (2011)X. Zhou, X. Chen, Y. Song, Families of third and fourth order methods for multiple roots of nonlinear equations. Appl. Math. Comput. 219, 6030–6038 (2013

    Logarithmic link smearing for full QCD

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    A Lie-algebra based recipe for smoothing gauge links in lattice field theory is presented, building on the matrix logarithm. With or without hypercubic nesting, this LOG/HYL smearing yields fat links which are differentiable w.r.t. the original ones. This is essential for defining UV-filtered ("fat link") fermion actions which may be simulated with a HMC-type algorithm. The effect of this smearing on the distribution of plaquettes and on the residual mass of tree-level O(a)-improved clover fermions in quenched QCD is studied.Comment: 29 pages, 7 figures; v2: improved text, includes comparison of APE/EXP/LOG with optimized parameters, 3 references adde

    A general second order complete active space self-consistent-field solver for large-scale systems

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    We present a new second order complete active space self-consistent field implementation to converge wavefunctions for both large active spaces and large atomic orbital (AO) bases. Our algorithm decouples the active space wavefunction solver from the orbital optimization in the microiterations, and thus may be easily combined with various modern active space solvers. We also introduce efficient approximate orbital gradient and Hessian updates, and step size determination. We demonstrate its capabilities by calculating the low-lying states of the Fe(\Roman{2})-porphine complex with modest resources using a density matrix renormalization group solver in a CAS(22,27) active space and a 3000 AO basis
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