385,766 research outputs found

    Parameter estimation of large flexible aerospace structures with application to the control of the Maypole Deployable Reflector

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    Systems such as the Maypole deployable reflector have a distributed parameter nature. The flexible column and hoop structure and the circular antenna of 30-100 meter diameter which it supports are described by partial, rather than ordinary, differential equations. Progress completed in reduced order modelling andd controller design and digital parameter estimation and control is summarized. Topics covered include depolyment and on-orbit operation; quasi-static (steady state) operation; dynamic distributed parameter system; autoregressive moving average identification; frequency domain procedures; direct or implicit active control; adaptive observers; parameter estimation using a linear reinforcement learning factor; feedback control; and reduced order modeling for nonlinear systems

    Effect of filling methods on the forecasting of time series with missing values

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    Master's Project (M.S.) University of Alaska Fairbanks, 2014The Gulf of Alaska Mooring (GAK1) monitoring data set is an irregular time series of temperature and salinity at various depths in the Gulf of Alaska. One approach to analyzing data from an irregular time series is to regularize the series by imputing or filling in missing values. In this project we investigated and compared four methods (denoted as APPROX, SPLINE, LOCF and OMIT) of doing this. Simulation was used to evaluate the performance of each filling method on parameter estimation and forecasting precision for an Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) model. Simulations showed differences among the four methods in terms of forecast precision and parameter estimate bias. These differences depended on the true values of model parameters as well as on the percentage of data missing. Among the four methods used in this project, the method OMIT performed the best and SPLINE performed the worst. We also illustrate the application of the four methods to forecasting the Gulf of Alaska Mooring (GAK1) monitoring time series, and discuss the results in this project

    Bayesian Wavelet-Based Methods for the Detection of Multiple Changes of the Long Memory Parameter

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    Long memory processes are widely used in many scientific fields, such as economics, physics, and engineering. Change point detection problems have received considerable attention in the literature because of their wide range of possible applications. Here we describe a wavelet-based Bayesian procedure for the estimation and location of multiple change points in the long memory parameter of Gaussian autoregressive fractionally integrated moving average models (ARFIMA(p, d, q)), with unknown autoregressive and moving average parameters. Our methodology allows the number of change points to be unknown. The reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm is used for posterior inference. The method also produces estimates of all model parameters. Performances are evaluated on simulated data and on the benchmark Nile river dataset

    Recursive search-based identification algorithms for the exponential autoregressive time series model with coloured noise

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    This study focuses on the recursive parameter estimation problems for the non-linear exponential autoregressive model with moving average noise (the ExpARMA model for short). By means of the gradient search, an extended stochastic gradient (ESG) algorithm is derived. Considering the difficulty of determining the step-size in the ESG algorithm, a numerical approach is proposed to obtain the optimal step-size. In order to improve the parameter estimation accuracy, the authors employ the multi-innovation identification theory to develop a multi-innovation ESG (MI-ESG) algorithm for the ExpARMA model. Introducing a forgetting factor into the MI-ESG algorithm, the parameter estimation accuracy can be further improved. With an appropriate innovation length and forgetting factor, the variant of the MI-ESG algorithm is effective to identify all the unknown parameters of the ExpARMA model. A simulation example is provided to test the proposed algorithms

    Spatial autoregressive fractionally integrated moving average model

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    In this paper, we introduce the concept of fractional integration for spatial autoregressive models. We show that the range of the dependence can be spatially extended or diminished by introducing a further fractional integration parameter to spatial autoregressive moving average models (SARMA). This new model is called the spatial autoregressive fractionally integrated moving average model, briefly sp-ARFIMA. We show the relation to time-series ARFIMA models and also to (higher-order) spatial autoregressive models. Moreover, an estimation procedure based on the maximum-likelihood principle is introduced and analysed in a series of simulation studies. Eventually, the use of the model is illustrated by an empirical example of atmospheric fine particles, so-called aerosol optical thickness, which is important in weather, climate and environmental science