384 research outputs found

    On Long Words Avoiding Zimin Patterns

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    A pattern is encountered in a word if some infix of the word is the image of the pattern under some non-erasing morphism. A pattern p is unavoidable if, over every finite alphabet, every sufficiently long word encounters p. A theorem by Zimin and independently by Bean, Ehrenfeucht and McNulty states that a pattern over n distinct variables is unavoidable if, and only if, p itself is encountered in the n-th Zimin pattern. Given an alphabet size k, we study the minimal length f(n,k) such that every word of length f(n,k) encounters the n-th Zimin pattern. It is known that f is upper-bounded by a tower of exponentials. Our main result states that f(n,k) is lower-bounded by a tower of n-3 exponentials, even for k=2. To the best of our knowledge, this improves upon a previously best-known doubly-exponential lower bound. As a further result, we prove a doubly-exponential upper bound for encountering Zimin patterns in the abelian sense

    Tower-type bounds for unavoidable patterns in words

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    A word ww is said to contain the pattern PP if there is a way to substitute a nonempty word for each letter in PP so that the resulting word is a subword of ww. Bean, Ehrenfeucht and McNulty and, independently, Zimin characterised the patterns PP which are unavoidable, in the sense that any sufficiently long word over a fixed alphabet contains PP. Zimin's characterisation says that a pattern is unavoidable if and only if it is contained in a Zimin word, where the Zimin words are defined by Z1=x1Z_1 = x_1 and Zn=Zn1xnZn1Z_n=Z_{n-1} x_n Z_{n-1}. We study the quantitative aspects of this theorem, obtaining essentially tight tower-type bounds for the function f(n,q)f(n,q), the least integer such that any word of length f(n,q)f(n, q) over an alphabet of size qq contains ZnZ_n. When n=3n = 3, the first non-trivial case, we determine f(n,q)f(n,q) up to a constant factor, showing that f(3,q)=Θ(2qq!)f(3,q) = \Theta(2^q q!).Comment: 17 page

    Avoidability of formulas with two variables

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    In combinatorics on words, a word ww over an alphabet Σ\Sigma is said to avoid a pattern pp over an alphabet Δ\Delta of variables if there is no factor ff of ww such that f=h(p)f=h(p) where h:ΔΣh:\Delta^*\to\Sigma^* is a non-erasing morphism. A pattern pp is said to be kk-avoidable if there exists an infinite word over a kk-letter alphabet that avoids pp. We consider the patterns such that at most two variables appear at least twice, or equivalently, the formulas with at most two variables. For each such formula, we determine whether it is 22-avoidable, and if it is 22-avoidable, we determine whether it is avoided by exponentially many binary words

    Toward the Combinatorial Limit Theory of Free Words

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    Free words are elements of a free monoid, generated over an alphabet via the binary operation of concatenation. Casually speaking, a free word is a finite string of letters. Henceforth, we simply refer to them as words. Motivated by recent advances in the combinatorial limit theory of graphs-notably those involving flag algebras, graph homomorphisms, and graphons-we investigate the extremal and asymptotic theory of pattern containment and avoidance in words. Word V is a factor of word W provided V occurs as consecutive letters within W. W is an instance of V provided there exists a nonerasing monoid homomorphsism {\phi} with {\phi}(V) = W. For example, using the homomorphism {\phi} defined by {\phi}(P) = Ror, {\phi}(h) = a, and {\phi}(D) = baugh, we see that Rorabaugh is an instance of PhD. W avoids V if no factor of W is an instance of V. V is unavoidable provided, over any finite alphabet, there are only finitely many words that avoid V. Unavoidable words were classified by Bean, Ehrenfeucht, and McNulty (1979) and Zimin (1982). We briefly address the following Ramsey-theoretic question: For unavoidable word V and a fixed alphabet, what is the longest a word can be that avoids V? The density of V in W is the proportion of nonempty substrings of W that are instances of V. Since there are 45 substrings in Rorabaugh and 28 of them are instances of PhD, the density of PhD in Rorabaugh is 28/45. We establish a number of asymptotic results for word densities, including the expected density of a word in arbitrarily long, random words and the minimum density of an unavoidable word over arbitrarily long words. This is joint work with Joshua Cooper.Comment: 110 pages, dissertatio

    Avoiding Patterns in the Abelian Sense

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    We classify all 3 letter patterns that are avoidable in the abelian sense. A short list of four letter patterns for which abelian avoidance is undecided is given. Using a generalization of Zimin words we deduce some properties of ω-words avoiding these patterns.Research of both authors supported by NSERC Operating Grants.https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/canadian-journal-of-mathematics/article/avoiding-patterns-in-the-abelian-sense/42148B0781A38A6618A537AAD7D39B8

    Crucial and bicrucial permutations with respect to arithmetic monotone patterns

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    A pattern τ\tau is a permutation, and an arithmetic occurrence of τ\tau in (another) permutation π=π1π2...πn\pi=\pi_1\pi_2...\pi_n is a subsequence πi1πi2...πim\pi_{i_1}\pi_{i_2}...\pi_{i_m} of π\pi that is order isomorphic to τ\tau where the numbers i1<i2<...<imi_1<i_2<...<i_m form an arithmetic progression. A permutation is (k,)(k,\ell)-crucial if it avoids arithmetically the patterns 12...k12... k and (1)...1\ell(\ell-1)... 1 but its extension to the right by any element does not avoid arithmetically these patterns. A (k,)(k,\ell)-crucial permutation that cannot be extended to the left without creating an arithmetic occurrence of 12...k12... k or (1)...1\ell(\ell-1)... 1 is called (k,)(k,\ell)-bicrucial. In this paper we prove that arbitrary long (k,)(k,\ell)-crucial and (k,)(k,\ell)-bicrucial permutations exist for any k,3k,\ell\geq 3. Moreover, we show that the minimal length of a (k,)(k,\ell)-crucial permutation is max(k,)(min(k,)1)\max(k,\ell)(\min(k,\ell)-1), while the minimal length of a (k,)(k,\ell)-bicrucial permutation is at most 2max(k,)(min(k,)1)2\max(k,\ell)(\min(k,\ell)-1), again for k,3k,\ell\geq3