230 research outputs found

    S-Packing Colorings of Cubic Graphs

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    Given a non-decreasing sequence S=(s_1,s_2,…,s_k)S=(s\_1,s\_2, \ldots, s\_k) of positive integers, an {\em SS-packing coloring} of a graph GG is a mapping cc from V(G)V(G) to {s_1,s_2,…,s_k}\{s\_1,s\_2, \ldots, s\_k\} such that any two vertices with color s_is\_i are at mutual distance greater than s_is\_i, 1≤i≤k1\le i\le k. This paper studies SS-packing colorings of (sub)cubic graphs. We prove that subcubic graphs are (1,2,2,2,2,2,2)(1,2,2,2,2,2,2)-packing colorable and (1,1,2,2,3)(1,1,2,2,3)-packing colorable. For subdivisions of subcubic graphs we derive sharper bounds, and we provide an example of a cubic graph of order 3838 which is not (1,2,…,12)(1,2,\ldots,12)-packing colorable

    On facial unique-maximum (edge-)coloring

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    A facial unique-maximum coloring of a plane graph is a vertex coloring where on each face α\alpha the maximal color appears exactly once on the vertices of α\alpha. If the coloring is required to be proper, then the upper bound for the minimal number of colors required for such a coloring is set to 55. Fabrici and G\"oring [Fabrici and Goring 2016] even conjectured that 44 colors always suffice. Confirming the conjecture would hence give a considerable strengthening of the Four Color Theorem. In this paper, we prove that the conjecture holds for subcubic plane graphs, outerplane graphs and plane quadrangulations. Additionally, we consider the facial edge-coloring analogue of the aforementioned coloring and prove that every 22-connected plane graph admits such a coloring with at most 44 colors.Comment: 5 figure

    An upper bound on the fractional chromatic number of triangle-free subcubic graphs

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    An (a:b)(a:b)-coloring of a graph GG is a function ff which maps the vertices of GG into bb-element subsets of some set of size aa in such a way that f(u)f(u) is disjoint from f(v)f(v) for every two adjacent vertices uu and vv in GG. The fractional chromatic number χf(G)\chi_f(G) is the infimum of a/ba/b over all pairs of positive integers a,ba,b such that GG has an (a:b)(a:b)-coloring. Heckman and Thomas conjectured that the fractional chromatic number of every triangle-free graph GG of maximum degree at most three is at most 2.8. Hatami and Zhu proved that χf(G)≤3−3/64≈2.953\chi_f(G) \leq 3-3/64 \approx 2.953. Lu and Peng improved the bound to χf(G)≤3−3/43≈2.930\chi_f(G) \leq 3-3/43 \approx 2.930. Recently, Ferguson, Kaiser and Kr\'{a}l' proved that χf(G)≤32/11≈2.909\chi_f(G) \leq 32/11 \approx 2.909. In this paper, we prove that χf(G)≤43/15≈2.867\chi_f(G) \leq 43/15 \approx 2.867

    Linear colorings of subcubic graphs

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    A linear coloring of a graph is a proper coloring of the vertices of the graph so that each pair of color classes induce a union of disjoint paths. In this paper, we prove that for every connected graph with maximum degree at most three and every assignment of lists of size four to the vertices of the graph, there exists a linear coloring such that the color of each vertex belongs to the list assigned to that vertex and the neighbors of every degree-two vertex receive different colors, unless the graph is C5C_5 or K3,3K_{3,3}. This confirms a conjecture raised by Esperet, Montassier, and Raspaud. Our proof is constructive and yields a linear-time algorithm to find such a coloring

    Dichotomies properties on computational complexity of S-packing coloring problems

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    This work establishes the complexity class of several instances of the S-packing coloring problem: for a graph G, a positive integer k and a non decreasing list of integers S = (s\_1 , ..., s\_k ), G is S-colorable, if its vertices can be partitioned into sets S\_i , i = 1,... , k, where each S\_i being a s\_i -packing (a set of vertices at pairwise distance greater than s\_i). For a list of three integers, a dichotomy between NP-complete problems and polynomial time solvable problems is determined for subcubic graphs. Moreover, for an unfixed size of list, the complexity of the S-packing coloring problem is determined for several instances of the problem. These properties are used in order to prove a dichotomy between NP-complete problems and polynomial time solvable problems for lists of at most four integers
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