975 research outputs found

    Pathfinder autonomous rendezvous and docking project

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    Capabilities are being developed and demonstrated to support manned and unmanned vehicle operations in lunar and planetary orbits. In this initial phase, primary emphasis is placed on definition of the system requirements for candidate Pathfinder mission applications and correlation of these system-level requirements with specific requirements. The FY-89 activities detailed are best characterized as foundation building. The majority of the efforts were dedicated to assessing the current state of the art, identifying desired elaborations and expansions to this level of development and charting a course that will realize the desired objectives in the future. Efforts are detailed across all work packages in developing those requirements and tools needed to test, refine, and validate basic autonomous rendezvous and docking elements

    Self-unloading, reusable, lunar lander project

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    In the early 21st century, NASA will return to the Moon and establish a permanent base. To achieve this goal safely and economically, B&T Engineering has designed an unmanned, reusable, self-unloading lunar lander. The lander is designed to deliver 15,000 kg payloads from an orbit transfer vehicle (OTV) in a low lunar polar orbit and an altitude of 200 km to any location on the lunar surface

    The Apollo spacecraft: A chronology volume 4, 21 January 1966 - 13 July 1974

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    This final volume of the chronology is divided into three parts: (1) preparation for flight, the accident, and investigation; (2) recovery, spacecraft redefinition, and the first manned flight; and (3) man circles the moon, the Eagle lands, and manned space exploration. Congressional documents, official correspondence, government and contractor reports, memoranda, working papers, and minutes of meetings were used as primary sources. A relatively few entries are based on press releases and newspaper and magazine articles

    The Second Conference on Lunar Bases and Space Activities of the 21st Century, volume 1

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    These papers comprise a peer-review selection of presentations by authors from NASA, LPI industry, and academia at the Second Conference (April 1988) on Lunar Bases and Space Activities of the 21st Century, sponsored by the NASA Office of Exploration and the Lunar Planetary Institute. These papers go into more technical depth than did those published from the first NASA-sponsored symposium on the topic, held in 1984. Session topics covered by this volume include (1) design and operation of transportation systems to, in orbit around, and on the Moon, (2) lunar base site selection, (3) design, architecture, construction, and operation of lunar bases and human habitats, and (4) lunar-based scientific research and experimentation in astronomy, exobiology, and lunar geology

    Lunar Ascent and Orbit Injection via Neighboring Optimal Guidance and Constrained Attitude Control

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    Future human or robotic missions to the Moon will require efficient ascent path and accurate orbit injection maneuvers, because the dynamical conditions at injection affect the subsequent phases of spaceflight. This research focuses on the original combination of two techniques applied to lunar ascent modules, i.e., (1) the recently introduced variable-time-domain neighboring optimal guidance (VTD-NOG), and (2) a constrained proportional-derivative (CPD) attitude control algorithm. VTD-NOG belongs to the class of feedback implicit guidance approaches aimed at finding the corrective control actions capable of maintaining the spacecraft sufficiently close to the reference trajectory. CPD pursues the desired attitude using thrust vector control while constraining the rate of the thrust deflection angle. The numerical results unequivocally demonstrate that the joint use of VTD-NOG and CPD represents an accurate and effective methodology for guidance and control of lunar ascent path and orbit injection in the presence of nonnominal flight conditions

    Lunar base launch and landing facilities conceptual design

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    The purpose of this study was to perform a first look at the requirements for launch and landing facilities for early lunar bases and to prepared conceptual designs for some of these facilities. The emphasis of the study is on the facilities needed from the first manned landing until permanent occupancy, the Phase 2 lunar base. Factors including surface characteristics, navigation system, engine blast effects, and expected surface operations are used to develop landing pad designs, and definitions fo various other elements of the launch and landing facilities. Finally, the dependence of the use of these elements and the evolution of the facilities are established

    Study of space shuttle environmental control and life support problems

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    Four problem areas were treated: (1) cargo module environmental control and life support systems; (2) space shuttle/space station interfaces; (3) thermal control considerations for payloads; and (4) feasibility of improving system reusability

    Apollo guidance, navigation and control - Design survey of the Apollo inertial subsystem

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    Design, development, and testing of inertial guidance and navigation systems for Apollo projec

    Apollo Program Summary Report: Synopsis of the Apollo Program Activities and Technology for Lunar Exploration

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    Overall program activities and the technology developed to accomplish lunar exploration are discussed. A summary of the flights conducted over an 11-year period is presented along with specific aspects of the overall program, including lunar science, vehicle development and performance, lunar module development program, spacecraft development testing, flight crew summary, mission operations, biomedical data, spacecraft manufacturing and testing, launch site facilities, equipment, and prelaunch operations, and the lunar receiving laboratory. Appendixes provide data on each of the Apollo missions, mission type designations, spacecraft weights, records achieved by Apollo crewmen, vehicle histories, and a listing of anomalous hardware conditions noted during each flight beginning with Apollo 4

    Apollo 9 carries lunar module

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