49 research outputs found

    On improving security of GPT cryptosystems

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    The public key cryptosystem based on rank error correcting codes (the GPT cryptosystem) was proposed in 1991. Use of rank codes in cryptographic applications is advantageous since it is practically impossible to utilize combinatoric decoding. This enabled using public keys of a smaller size. Several attacks against this system were published, including Gibson's attacks and more recently Overbeck's attacks. A few modifications were proposed withstanding Gibson's attack but at least one of them was broken by the stronger attacks by Overbeck. A tool to prevent Overbeck's attack is presented in [12]. In this paper, we apply this approach to other variants of the GPT cryptosystem.Comment: 5 pages. submitted ISIT 2009.Processed on IEEE ISIT201

    Polynomial-Time Key Recovery Attack on the Faure-Loidreau Scheme based on Gabidulin Codes

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    Encryption schemes based on the rank metric lead to small public key sizes of order of few thousands bytes which represents a very attractive feature compared to Hamming metric-based encryption schemes where public key sizes are of order of hundreds of thousands bytes even with additional structures like the cyclicity. The main tool for building public key encryption schemes in rank metric is the McEliece encryption setting used with the family of Gabidulin codes. Since the original scheme proposed in 1991 by Gabidulin, Paramonov and Tretjakov, many systems have been proposed based on different masking techniques for Gabidulin codes. Nevertheless, over the years all these systems were attacked essentially by the use of an attack proposed by Overbeck. In 2005 Faure and Loidreau designed a rank-metric encryption scheme which was not in the McEliece setting. The scheme is very efficient, with small public keys of size a few kiloBytes and with security closely related to the linearized polynomial reconstruction problem which corresponds to the decoding problem of Gabidulin codes. The structure of the scheme differs considerably from the classical McEliece setting and until our work, the scheme had never been attacked. We show in this article that this scheme like other schemes based on Gabidulin codes, is also vulnerable to a polynomial-time attack that recovers the private key by applying Overbeck's attack on an appropriate public code. As an example we break concrete proposed 8080 bits security parameters in a few seconds.Comment: To appear in Designs, Codes and Cryptography Journa

    Expanded Gabidulin Codes and Their Application to Cryptography

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    This paper presents a new family of linear codes, namely the expanded Gabidulin codes. Exploiting the existing fast decoder of Gabidulin codes, we propose an efficient algorithm to decode these new codes when the noise vector satisfies a certain condition. Furthermore, these new codes enjoy an excellent error-correcting capability because of the optimality of their parent Gabidulin codes. Based on different masking techniques, we give two encryption schemes by using expanded Gabidulin codes in the McEliece setting. According to our analysis, both of these two cryptosystems can resist the existing structural attacks. Our proposals have an obvious advantage in public-key representation without using the cyclic or quasi-cyclic structure compared to some other code-based cryptosystems

    Injective Rank Metric Trapdoor Functions with Homogeneous Errors

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    In rank-metric cryptography, a vector from a finite dimensional linear space over a finite field is viewed as the linear space spanned by its entries. The rank decoding problem which is the analogue of the problem of decoding a random linear code consists in recovering a basis of a random noise vector that was used to perturb a set of random linear equations sharing a secret solution. Assuming the intractability of this problem, we introduce a new construction of injective one-way trapdoor functions. Our solution departs from the frequent way of building public key primitives from error-correcting codes where, to establish the security, ad hoc assumptions about a hidden structure are made. Our method produces a hard-to-distinguish linear code together with low weight vectors which constitute the secret that helps recover the inputs.The key idea is to focus on trapdoor functions that take sufficiently enough input vectors sharing the same support. Applying then the error correcting algorithm designed for Low Rank Parity Check (LRPC) codes, we obtain an inverting algorithm that recovers the inputs with overwhelming probability

    SALSA VERDE: a machine learning attack on Learning With Errors with sparse small secrets

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    Learning with Errors (LWE) is a hard math problem used in post-quantum cryptography. Homomorphic Encryption (HE) schemes rely on the hardness of the LWE problem for their security, and two LWE-based cryptosystems were recently standardized by NIST for digital signatures and key exchange (KEM). Thus, it is critical to continue assessing the security of LWE and specific parameter choices. For example, HE uses secrets with small entries, and the HE community has considered standardizing small sparse secrets to improve efficiency and functionality. However, prior work, SALSA and PICANTE, showed that ML attacks can recover sparse binary secrets. Building on these, we propose VERDE, an improved ML attack that can recover sparse binary, ternary, and narrow Gaussian secrets. Using improved preprocessing and secret recovery techniques, VERDE can attack LWE with larger dimensions (n=512n=512) and smaller moduli (log2q=12\log_2 q=12 for n=256n=256), using less time and power. We propose novel architectures for scaling. Finally, we develop a theory that explains the success of ML LWE attacks.Comment: 18 pages, accepted to NeurIPS 202

    An extension of Overbeck's attack with an application to cryptanalysis of Twisted Gabidulin-based schemes

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    In the present article, we discuss the decoding of Gabidulin and related codes from a cryptographic perspective and we observe that these codes can be decoded with the single knowledge of a generator matrix. Then, we extend and revisit Gibson's and Overbeck's attacks on the generalised GPT encryption scheme (instantiated with Gabidulin codes) for various ranks of the distortion matrix and apply our attack to the case of an instantiation with twisted Gabidulin codes

    An IND-CCA Rank Metric Encryption Scheme Implementation

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Tecnológico. Ciências da Computação.The advances in the field of quantum computation impose a severe threat to the cryptographic primitives used nowadays. In particular, the community predicts public-key cryptography will be turned completely obsolete if these computers are ever produced. In the light of these facts, researchers are contributing in a great effort to preserve current information systems against quantum attacks. Post-quantum cryptography is the area of research that aims to develop cryptographic systems to resist against both quantum and classical computers while assuring interoperability with existing networks and protocols. This work considers the use of Gabidulin codes—a class of error-correcting codes using rank metric—in the construction of encryption schemes. We first introduce error-correcting codes in general and Gabidulin codes in particular. Then, we present the use of these codes in the context of public-key encryption schemes and show that, while providing the possibility of smaller key sizes, they are especially challenging in terms of security. We present the scheme proposed in Loidreau in 2017, showing that although correcting the main weakness in previous propositions, it is still insecure related to chosen-ciphertext attacks. Then, we present a modification to the scheme, proposed by Shehhi et al. to achieve CCA security, and provide an implementation. We also analyze the theoretical complexity of recent attacks to rank-based cryptography and propose a set of parameters for the scheme