616 research outputs found

    Sustainable Cooperative Coevolution with a Multi-Armed Bandit

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    This paper proposes a self-adaptation mechanism to manage the resources allocated to the different species comprising a cooperative coevolutionary algorithm. The proposed approach relies on a dynamic extension to the well-known multi-armed bandit framework. At each iteration, the dynamic multi-armed bandit makes a decision on which species to evolve for a generation, using the history of progress made by the different species to guide the decisions. We show experimentally, on a benchmark and a real-world problem, that evolving the different populations at different paces allows not only to identify solutions more rapidly, but also improves the capacity of cooperative coevolution to solve more complex problems.Comment: Accepted at GECCO 201

    An exploration of evolutionary computation applied to frequency modulation audio synthesis parameter optimisation

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    With the ever-increasing complexity of sound synthesisers, there is a growing demand for automated parameter estimation and sound space navigation techniques. This thesis explores the potential for evolutionary computation to automatically map known sound qualities onto the parameters of frequency modulation synthesis. Within this exploration are original contributions in the domain of synthesis parameter estimation and, within the developed system, evolutionary computation, in the form of the evolutionary algorithms that drive the underlying optimisation process. Based upon the requirement for the parameter estimation system to deliver multiple search space solutions, existing evolutionary algorithmic architectures are augmented to enable niching, while maintaining the strengths of the original algorithms. Two novel evolutionary algorithms are proposed in which cluster analysis is used to identify and maintain species within the evolving populations. A conventional evolution strategy and cooperative coevolution strategy are defined, with cluster-orientated operators that enable the simultaneous optimisation of multiple search space solutions at distinct optima. A test methodology is developed that enables components of the synthesis matching problem to be identified and isolated, enabling the performance of different optimisation techniques to be compared quantitatively. A system is consequently developed that evolves sound matches using conventional frequency modulation synthesis models, and the effectiveness of different evolutionary algorithms is assessed and compared in application to both static and timevarying sound matching problems. Performance of the system is then evaluated by interview with expert listeners. The thesis is closed with a reflection on the algorithms and systems which have been developed, discussing possibilities for the future of automated synthesis parameter estimation techniques, and how they might be employed

    Evolutionary Algorithms

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    Evolutionary algorithms (EAs) are population-based metaheuristics, originally inspired by aspects of natural evolution. Modern varieties incorporate a broad mixture of search mechanisms, and tend to blend inspiration from nature with pragmatic engineering concerns; however, all EAs essentially operate by maintaining a population of potential solutions and in some way artificially 'evolving' that population over time. Particularly well-known categories of EAs include genetic algorithms (GAs), Genetic Programming (GP), and Evolution Strategies (ES). EAs have proven very successful in practical applications, particularly those requiring solutions to combinatorial problems. EAs are highly flexible and can be configured to address any optimization task, without the requirements for reformulation and/or simplification that would be needed for other techniques. However, this flexibility goes hand in hand with a cost: the tailoring of an EA's configuration and parameters, so as to provide robust performance for a given class of tasks, is often a complex and time-consuming process. This tailoring process is one of the many ongoing research areas associated with EAs.Comment: To appear in R. Marti, P. Pardalos, and M. Resende, eds., Handbook of Heuristics, Springe

    Compositional evolution: interdisciplinary investigations in evolvability, modularity, and symbiosis

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    Conventionally, evolution by natural selection is almost inseparable from the notion of accumulating successive slight variations. Although it has been suggested that symbiotic mechanisms that combine together existing entities provide an alternative to gradual, or 'accretive', evolutionary change, there has been disagreement about what impact these mechanisms have on our understanding of evolutionary processes. Meanwhile, in artificial evolution methods used in computer science, it has been suggested that the composition of genetic material under sexual recombination may provide adaptation that is not available under mutational variation, but there has been considerable difficulty in demonstrating this formally. Thus far, it has been unclear what types of systems, if any, can be evolved by such 'compositional' mechanisms that cannot be evolved by accretive mechanisms. This dissertation takes an interdisciplinary approach to this question by building abstract computational simulations of accretive and compositional mechanisms. We identify a class of complex systems possessing 'modular interdependency', incorporating highly epistatic but modular substructure. This class typifies characteristics that are pathological for accretive evolution - the corresponding fitness landscape is highly rugged, has many local optima creating broad fitness saddles, and includes 'irreducibly complex' adaptations that cannot be reached by a succession of gradually changing proto-systems. Nonetheless, we provide simulations to show that this class of system is easily evolvable under sexual recombination or a mechanism of 'symbiotic encapsulation'. Our simulations and analytic results help us to understand the fundamental differences in the adaptive capacities of these mechanisms, and the conditions under which they provide an adaptive advantage. These models exemplify how certain kinds of complex systems, considered unevolvable under normal accretive change, are, in principle, easily evolvable under compositional evolution

    Theoretical advantages of lenient learners : an evolutionary game theoretic perspective

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    This paper presents the dynamics of multiple learning agents from an evolutionary game theoretic perspective. We provide replicator dynamics models for cooperative coevolutionary algorithms and for traditional multiagent Q-learning, and we extend these differential equations to account for lenient learners: agents that forgive possible mismatched teammate actions that resulted in low rewards. We use these extended formal models to study the convergence guarantees for these algorithms, and also to visualize the basins of attraction to optimal and suboptimal solutions in two benchmark coordination problems. The paper demonstrates that lenience provides learners with more accurate information about the benefits of performing their actions, resulting in higher likelihood of convergence to the globally optimal solution. In addition, the analysis indicates that the choice of learning algorithm has an insignificant impact on the overall performance of multiagent learning algorithms; rather, the performance of these algorithms depends primarily on the level of lenience that the agents exhibit to one another. Finally, the research herein supports the strength and generality of evolutionary game theory as a backbone for multiagent learning

    Multispecies Coevolution Particle Swarm Optimization Based on Previous Search History

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    A hybrid coevolution particle swarm optimization algorithm with dynamic multispecies strategy based on K-means clustering and nonrevisit strategy based on Binary Space Partitioning fitness tree (called MCPSO-PSH) is proposed. Previous search history memorized into the Binary Space Partitioning fitness tree can effectively restrain the individuals’ revisit phenomenon. The whole population is partitioned into several subspecies and cooperative coevolution is realized by an information communication mechanism between subspecies, which can enhance the global search ability of particles and avoid premature convergence to local optimum. To demonstrate the power of the method, comparisons between the proposed algorithm and state-of-the-art algorithms are grouped into two categories: 10 basic benchmark functions (10-dimensional and 30-dimensional), 10 CEC2005 benchmark functions (30-dimensional), and a real-world problem (multilevel image segmentation problems). Experimental results show that MCPSO-PSH displays a competitive performance compared to the other swarm-based or evolutionary algorithms in terms of solution accuracy and statistical tests