577 research outputs found

    On hyper-exponential output-feedback stabilization of a double integrator by using artificial delay

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    International audienceThe problem of output-feedback stabilization of a double integrator is revisited with the objective of achieving the rates of convergence faster than exponential. It is assumed that only position is available for measurements, and the designed feedback is based on the output and its delayed values without an estimation of velocity. It is shown that by selecting the closed-loop system to be homogeneous with negative or positive degree it is possible to accelerate the rate of convergence in the system at the price of a small steady-state error. Efficiency of the proposed control is demonstrated in simulations

    Homogeneity of neutral systems and accelerated stabilization of a double integrator by measurement of its position

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    International audienceA new theory of homogeneity for neutral type systems with application to fast stabilization of the 2nd-order integrator is proposed. It is assumed that only the position is available for measurements, and the designed feedback uses the output and its delayed values without an estimation of velocity. It is shown that by selecting the closed-loop system to be homogeneous with negative or positive degree, it is possible to accelerate the rate of convergence in the system at the price of a small steady-state error. Robustness of the developed stabilization strategy with respect to exogenous perturbations is investigated. The efficiency of the proposed control is demonstrated in simulations

    On output-based accelerated stabilization of a chain of integrators: Implicit Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional approach

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    International audienceThe problem of output accelerated stabilization of a chain of integrators is considered. Proposed control law nonlinearly depends on the output and its delayed values, and it does not use an observer to estimate the unmeasured components of the state. It is proven that such a nonlinear delayed control law ensures practical output stabilization with rates of convergence faster than exponential. The effective way of computation of feedback gains is given. It is shown that closed-loop system stability does not depend on the value of artificial delay, but the maximum value of delay determines the width of stability zone. The efficiency of the proposed control is demonstrated in simulations

    Stabilization of cascaded nonlinear systems under sampling and delays

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    Over the last decades, the methodologies of dynamical systems and control theory have been playing an increasingly relevant role in a lot of situations of practical interest. Though, a lot of theoretical problem still remain unsolved. Among all, the ones concerning stability and stabilization are of paramount importance. In order to stabilize a physical (or not) system, it is necessary to acquire and interpret heterogeneous information on its behavior in order to correctly intervene on it. In general, those information are not available through a continuous flow but are provided in a synchronous or asynchronous way. This issue has to be unavoidably taken into account for the design of the control action. In a very natural way, all those heterogeneities define an hybrid system characterized by both continuous and discrete dynamics. This thesis is contextualized in this framework and aimed at proposing new methodologies for the stabilization of sampled-data nonlinear systems with focus toward the stabilization of cascade dynamics. In doing so, we shall propose a small number of tools for constructing sampled-data feedback laws stabilizing the origin of sampled-data nonlinear systems admitting cascade interconnection representations. To this end, we shall investigate on the effect of sampling on the properties of the continuous-time system while enhancing design procedures requiring no extra assumptions over the sampled-data equivalent model. Finally, we shall show the way sampling positively affects nonlinear retarded dynamics affected by a fixed and known time-delay over the input signal by enforcing on the implicit cascade representation the sampling process induces onto the retarded system

    High-frequency oscillator design for integrated transceivers

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    High-frequency oscillator design for integrated transceivers

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    New Approaches in Automation and Robotics

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    The book New Approaches in Automation and Robotics offers in 22 chapters a collection of recent developments in automation, robotics as well as control theory. It is dedicated to researchers in science and industry, students, and practicing engineers, who wish to update and enhance their knowledge on modern methods and innovative applications. The authors and editor of this book wish to motivate people, especially under-graduate students, to get involved with the interesting field of robotics and mechatronics. We hope that the ideas and concepts presented in this book are useful for your own work and could contribute to problem solving in similar applications as well. It is clear, however, that the wide area of automation and robotics can only be highlighted at several spots but not completely covered by a single book

    Adaptive Formation Control of Cooperative Multi-Vehicle Systems

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    The literature comprises many approaches and results for the formation control of multi-vehicle systems; however, the results established for the cases where the vehicles contain parametric uncertainties are limited. Motivated by the need for explicit characterization of the effects of uncertainties on multi-vehicle formation motions, we study distributed adaptive formation control of multi-vehicle systems in this thesis, focusing on different interrelated sub-objectives. We first examine the cohesive motion control problem of minimally persistent formations of autonomous vehicles. Later, we consider parametric uncertainties in vehicle dynamics in such autonomous vehicle formations. Following an indirect adaptive control approach and exploiting the features of the certainty equivalence principle, we propose control laws to solve maneuvering problem of the formations, robust to parametric modeling uncertainties. Next, as a formation acquisition/closing ranks problem, we study the adaptive station keeping problem, which is defined as positioning an autonomous mobile vehicle AA inside a multi-vehicle network, having specified distances from the existing vehicles of the network. In this setting, a single-integrator model is assumed for the kinematics for the vehicle AA, and AA is assumed to have access to only its own position and its continuous distance measurements to the vehicles of the network. We partition the problem into two sub-problems; localization of the existing vehicles of the network using range-only measurements and motion control of AA to its desired location within the network with respect to other vehicles. We design an indirect adaptive control scheme, provide formal stability and convergence analysis and numerical simulation results, demonstrating the characteristics and performance of the design. Finally, we study re-design of the proposed station keeping scheme for the more challenging case where the vehicle AA has non-holonomic motion dynamics and does not have access to its self-location information. Overall, the thesis comprises methods and solutions to four correlated formation control problems in the direction of achieving a unified distributed adaptive formation control framework for multi-vehicle systems

    Development of Robust Control Strategies for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles

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    The resources of the energy and chemical balance in the ocean sustain mankind in many ways. Therefore, ocean exploration is an essential task that is accomplished by deploying Underwater Vehicles. An Underwater Vehicle with autonomy feature for its navigation and control is called Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV). Among the task handled by an AUV, accurately positioning itself at a desired position with respect to the reference objects is called set-point control. Similarly, tracking of the reference trajectory is also another important task. Battery recharging of AUV, positioning with respect to underwater structure, cable, seabed, tracking of reference trajectory with desired accuracy and speed to avoid collision with the guiding vehicle in the last phase of docking are some significant applications where an AUV needs to perform the above tasks. Parametric uncertainties in AUV dynamics and actuator torque limitation necessitate to design robust control algorithms to achieve motion control objectives in the face of uncertainties. Sliding Mode Controller (SMC), H / μ synthesis, model based PID group controllers are some of the robust controllers which have been applied to AUV. But SMC suffers from less efficient tuning of its switching gains due to model parameters and noisy estimated acceleration states appearing in its control law. In addition, demand of high control effort due to high frequency chattering is another drawback of SMC. Furthermore, real-time implementation of H / μ synthesis controller based on its stability study is restricted due to use of linearly approximated dynamic model of an AUV, which hinders achieving robustness. Moreover, model based PID group controllers suffer from implementation complexities and exhibit poor transient and steady-state performances under parametric uncertainties. On the other hand model free Linear PID (LPID) has inherent problem of narrow convergence region, i.e.it can not ensure convergence of large initial error to zero. Additionally, it suffers from integrator-wind-up and subsequent saturation of actuator during the occurrence of large initial error. But LPID controller has inherent capability to cope up with the uncertainties. In view of addressing the above said problem, this work proposes wind-up free Nonlinear PID with Bounded Integral (BI) and Bounded Derivative (BD) for set-point control and combination of continuous SMC with Nonlinear PID with BI and BD namely SM-N-PID with BI and BD for trajectory tracking. Nonlinear functions are used for all P,I and D controllers (for both of set-point and tracking control) in addition to use of nonlinear tan hyperbolic function in SMC(for tracking only) such that torque demand from the controller can be kept within a limit. A direct Lyapunov analysis is pursued to prove stable motion of AUV. The efficacies of the proposed controllers are compared with other two controllers namely PD and N-PID without BI and BD for set-point control and PD plus Feedforward Compensation (FC) and SM-NPID without BI and BD for tracking control. Multiple AUVs cooperatively performing a mission offers several advantages over a single AUV in a non-cooperative manner; such as reliability and increased work efficiency, etc. Bandwidth limitation in acoustic medium possess challenges in designing cooperative motion control algorithm for multiple AUVs owing to the necessity of communication of sensors and actuator signals among AUVs. In literature, undirected graph based approach is used for control design under communication constraints and thus it is not suitable for large number of AUVs participating in a cooperative motion plan. Formation control is a popular cooperative motion control paradigm. This thesis models the formation as a minimally persistent directed graph and proposes control schemes for maintaining the distance constraints during the course of motion of entire formation. For formation control each AUV uses Sliding Mode Nonlinear PID controller with Bounded Integrator and Bounded Derivative. Direct Lyapunov stability analysis in the framework of input-to-state stability ensures the stable motion of formation while maintaining the desired distance constraints among the AUVs