4,097 research outputs found

    Tasks prioritization for whole-body realtime imitation of human motion by humanoid robots

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    International audienceThis paper deals with on-line motion imitation of a human being by a humanoid robot using inverse kinematics (IK). First, the human observed trajectories are scaled in order to match the robot geometric and kinematic description. Second, a task prioritization process is defined using both equality and minimized constraints in the robot IK model, with four tasks: balance management, end-effectors tracking, joint limits avoidance and staying close to the human joint trajectories. The method was validated using the humanoid robot NAO

    Skeleton2Humanoid: Animating Simulated Characters for Physically-plausible Motion In-betweening

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    Human motion synthesis is a long-standing problem with various applications in digital twins and the Metaverse. However, modern deep learning based motion synthesis approaches barely consider the physical plausibility of synthesized motions and consequently they usually produce unrealistic human motions. In order to solve this problem, we propose a system ``Skeleton2Humanoid'' which performs physics-oriented motion correction at test time by regularizing synthesized skeleton motions in a physics simulator. Concretely, our system consists of three sequential stages: (I) test time motion synthesis network adaptation, (II) skeleton to humanoid matching and (III) motion imitation based on reinforcement learning (RL). Stage I introduces a test time adaptation strategy, which improves the physical plausibility of synthesized human skeleton motions by optimizing skeleton joint locations. Stage II performs an analytical inverse kinematics strategy, which converts the optimized human skeleton motions to humanoid robot motions in a physics simulator, then the converted humanoid robot motions can be served as reference motions for the RL policy to imitate. Stage III introduces a curriculum residual force control policy, which drives the humanoid robot to mimic complex converted reference motions in accordance with the physical law. We verify our system on a typical human motion synthesis task, motion-in-betweening. Experiments on the challenging LaFAN1 dataset show our system can outperform prior methods significantly in terms of both physical plausibility and accuracy. Code will be released for research purposes at: https://github.com/michaelliyunhao/Skeleton2HumanoidComment: Accepted by ACMMM202

    Human Motion Transfer on Humanoid Robot

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    The aim of this thesis is to transfer human motion to a humanoid robot online. In the first part of this work, the human motion recorded by a motion capture system is analyzed to extract salient features that are to be transferred on the humanoid robot. We introduce the humanoid normalized model as the set of motion properties. In the second part of this work, the robot motion that includes the human motion features is computed using the inverse kinematics with priority. In order to transfer the motion properties a stack of tasks is predefined. Each motion property in the humanoid normalized model corresponds to one target in the stack of tasks. We propose a framework to transfer human motion online as close as possible to a human motion performance for the upper body. Finally, we study the problem of transfering feet motion. In this study, the motion of feet is analyzed to extract the Euclidean trajectories adapted to the robot. Moreover, the trajectory of the center of mass which ensures that the robot does not fall is calculated from the feet positions and the inverse pendulum model of the robot. Using this result, it is possible to achieve complete imitation of upper body movements and including feet motio

    Motion Imitation Based on Sparsely Sampled Correspondence

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    Existing techniques for motion imitation often suffer a certain level of latency due to their computational overhead or a large set of correspondence samples to search. To achieve real-time imitation with small latency, we present a framework in this paper to reconstruct motion on humanoids based on sparsely sampled correspondence. The imitation problem is formulated as finding the projection of a point from the configuration space of a human's poses into the configuration space of a humanoid. An optimal projection is defined as the one that minimizes a back-projected deviation among a group of candidates, which can be determined in a very efficient way. Benefited from this formulation, effective projections can be obtained by using sparse correspondence. Methods for generating these sparse correspondence samples have also been introduced. Our method is evaluated by applying the human's motion captured by a RGB-D sensor to a humanoid in real-time. Continuous motion can be realized and used in the example application of tele-operation.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, technical repor

    Realistic Human Motion Preservation-Imitation Development on Robot with Kinect

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    At most, motion generation on robot is usually done through complex computation in off-line mode and straightforward method. In straightforward method, the operator drives robot to certain pose either with moving manipulator tool-tip with hand or remotely. Once the desired pose achieved, the current pose is saved to memory. However, these methods are time consuming. An easy and quick approach is by imitating an object motion to robot with sensing devices. There have been numerous efforts for motion imitation either by using position sensitive detector (PSD) or by using stereo camera. However, a calibrated pre-condition should be done initially, which is not possible for natural movement. Here, this paper proposed motion preservation by capturing human motion naturally through Kinect and then reproduced human motion on humanoid robot simultaneously. In addition, the motions are also preserved in database for later used on robot motion generation and teaching as well. Furthermore, the robot motions are developed to run smoothly and close to human eye ability. The proposed method has been validated in experimental results by capturing and reproducing human motion on robot in rate of 20Hz with340us computation cost for each process
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