180 research outputs found

    A quantitative taxonomy of human hand grasps

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    Background: A proper modeling of human grasping and of hand movements is fundamental for robotics, prosthetics, physiology and rehabilitation. The taxonomies of hand grasps that have been proposed in scientific literature so far are based on qualitative analyses of the movements and thus they are usually not quantitatively justified. Methods: This paper presents to the best of our knowledge the first quantitative taxonomy of hand grasps based on biomedical data measurements. The taxonomy is based on electromyography and kinematic data recorded from 40 healthy subjects performing 20 unique hand grasps. For each subject, a set of hierarchical trees are computed for several signal features. Afterwards, the trees are combined, first into modality-specific (i.e. muscular and kinematic) taxonomies of hand grasps and then into a general quantitative taxonomy of hand movements. The modality-specific taxonomies provide similar results despite describing different parameters of hand movements, one being muscular and the other kinematic. Results: The general taxonomy merges the kinematic and muscular description into a comprehensive hierarchical structure. The obtained results clarify what has been proposed in the literature so far and they partially confirm the qualitative parameters used to create previous taxonomies of hand grasps. According to the results, hand movements can be divided into five movement categories defined based on the overall grasp shape, finger positioning and muscular activation. Part of the results appears qualitatively in accordance with previous results describing kinematic hand grasping synergies. Conclusions: The taxonomy of hand grasps proposed in this paper clarifies with quantitative measurements what has been proposed in the field on a qualitative basis, thus having a potential impact on several scientific fields

    A Biomechanical Model for the Development of Myoelectric Hand Prosthesis Control Systems

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    Advanced myoelectric hand prostheses aim to reproduce as much of the human hand's functionality as possible. Development of the control system of such a prosthesis is strongly connected to its mechanical design; the control system requires accurate information on the prosthesis' structure and the surrounding environment, which can make development difficult without a finalized mechanical prototype. This paper presents a new framework for the development of electromyographic hand control systems, consisting of a prosthesis model based on the biomechanical structure of the human hand. The model's dynamic structure uses an ellipsoidal representation of the phalanges. Other features include underactuation in the fingers and thumb modeled with bond graphs, and a viscoelastic contact model. The model's functions are demonstrated by the execution of lateral and tripod grasps, and evaluated with regard to joint dynamics and applied forces. Finally, additions are suggested with which this model can be of use in mechanical design and patient training as well

    A finger mechanism for adaptive end effectors

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    This paper presents design and analysis of a rigid link finger, which may be suitable for a number of adaptive end effectors. The design has evolved from an industrial need for a tele-operated system to be used in nuclear environments. The end effector is designed to assist repair work in nuclear reactors during retrieval operation, particularly for the purpose of grasping objects of various shape, size and mass. The work is based on the University of Southampton's Whole Arm Manipulator, which has a special design consideration for safety and flexibility. The paper discusses kinematic issues associated with the finger design, and to the end of the paper specifies the limits of finger operating parameters for implementing control law

    Grasping and Control Issues in Adaptive End Effectors

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    Research into robotic grasping and manipulation has led to the development of a large number of tendon based end effectors. Many are, however, developed as a research tool, which are limited in application to the laboratory environment. The main reason being that the designs requiring a large number of actuators to be controlled. Due to the space and safety requirements, very few have been developed and commissioned for industrial applications. This paper presents design of a rigid link finger operated by a minimum number of actuators, which may be suitable for a number of adaptive end effectors. The adaptive nature built into the end effector (due to limited number of actuators) presents considerable problems in grasping and control. The paper discusses the issues associated with such designs. The research can be applicable to any adaptive end effectors that are controlled by limited number of actuators and evaluates their suitability in industrial environments

    Planning hand-arm grasping motions with human-like appearance

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    © 2018 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting /republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other worksFinalista de l’IROS Best Application Paper Award a la 2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, ICROS.This paper addresses the problem of obtaining human-like motions on hand-arm robotic systems performing pick-and-place actions. The focus is set on the coordinated movements of the robotic arm and the anthropomorphic mechanical hand, with which the arm is equipped. For this, human movements performing different grasps are captured and mapped to the robot in order to compute the human hand synergies. These synergies are used to reduce the complexity of the planning phase by reducing the dimension of the search space. In addition, the paper proposes a sampling-based planner, which guides the motion planning ollowing the synergies. The introduced approach is tested in an application example and thoroughly compared with other state-of-the-art planning algorithms, obtaining better results.Peer ReviewedAward-winningPostprint (author's final draft

    A Whole-Body Pose Taxonomy for Loco-Manipulation Tasks

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    Exploiting interaction with the environment is a promising and powerful way to enhance stability of humanoid robots and robustness while executing locomotion and manipulation tasks. Recently some works have started to show advances in this direction considering humanoid locomotion with multi-contacts, but to be able to fully develop such abilities in a more autonomous way, we need to first understand and classify the variety of possible poses a humanoid robot can achieve to balance. To this end, we propose the adaptation of a successful idea widely used in the field of robot grasping to the field of humanoid balance with multi-contacts: a whole-body pose taxonomy classifying the set of whole-body robot configurations that use the environment to enhance stability. We have revised criteria of classification used to develop grasping taxonomies, focusing on structuring and simplifying the large number of possible poses the human body can adopt. We propose a taxonomy with 46 poses, containing three main categories, considering number and type of supports as well as possible transitions between poses. The taxonomy induces a classification of motion primitives based on the pose used for support, and a set of rules to store and generate new motions. We present preliminary results that apply known segmentation techniques to motion data from the KIT whole-body motion database. Using motion capture data with multi-contacts, we can identify support poses providing a segmentation that can distinguish between locomotion and manipulation parts of an action.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, 1 table with full page figure that appears in landscape page, 2015 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and System
