8 research outputs found

    Fuzzy prime ideals redefined

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    A more general framework than the delta-primary hyperideals

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    In this paper we aim to study the notion of (t,n)-absorbing delta-semiprimary hyperideal in a Krasner (m,n)-hyperring

    Fuzzy ideals in commutative rings

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    In this thesis, we are concerned with various aspects of fuzzy ideals of commutative rings. The central theorem is that of primary decomposition of a fuzzy ideal as an intersection of fuzzy primary ideals in a commutative Noetherian ring. We establish the existence and the two uniqueness theorems of primary decomposition of any fuzzy ideal with membership value 1 at the zero element. In proving this central result, we build up the necessary tools such as fuzzy primary ideals and the related concept of fuzzy maximal ideals, fuzzy prime ideals and fuzzy radicals. Another approach explores various characterizations of fuzzy ideals, namely, generation and level cuts of fuzzy ideals, relation between fuzzy ideals, congruences and quotient fuzzy rings. We also tie up several authors' seemingly different definitions of fuzzy prime, primary, semiprimary and fuzzy radicals available in the literature and show some of their equivalences and implications, providing counter-examples where certain implications fail

    Fuzzy ideals in commutative rings

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    In this thesis, we are concerned with various aspects of fuzzy ideals of commutative rings. The central theorem is that of primary decomposition of a fuzzy ideal as an intersection of fuzzy primary ideals in a commutative Noetherian ring. We establish the existence and the two uniqueness theorems of primary decomposition of any fuzzy ideal with membership value 1 at the zero element. In proving this central result, we build up the necessary tools such as fuzzy primary ideals and the related concept of fuzzy maximal ideals, fuzzy prime ideals and fuzzy radicals. Another approach explores various characterizations of fuzzy ideals, namely, generation and level cuts of fuzzy ideals, relation between fuzzy ideals, congruences and quotient fuzzy rings. We also tie up several authors' seemingly different definitions of fuzzy prime, primary, semiprimary and fuzzy radicals available in the literature and show some of their equivalences and implications, providing counter-examples where certain implications fail

    2-Absorbing Vague Weakly Complete Γ-Ideals in Γ-Rings

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    The aim of this study is to provide a generalization of prime vague Γ-ideals in Γ-rings by introducing non-symmetric 2-absorbing vague weakly complete Γ-ideals of commutative Γ-rings. A novel algebraic structure of a primary vague Γ-ideal of a commutative Γ-ring is presented by 2-absorbing weakly complete primary ideal theory. The approach of non-symmetric 2-absorbing K-vague Γ-ideals of Γ-rings are examined and the relation between a level subset of 2-absorbing vague weakly complete Γ-ideals and 2-absorbing Γ-ideals is given. The image and inverse image of a 2-absorbing vague weakly complete Γ-ideal of a Γ-ring and 2-absorbing K-vague Γ-ideal of a Γ-ring are studied and a 1-1 inclusion-preserving correspondence theorem is given. A vague quotient Γ-ring of R induced by a 2-absorbing vague weakly complete Γ-ideal of a 2-absorbing Γ-ring is characterized, and a diagram is obtained that shows the relationship between these concepts with a 2-absorbing Γ-ideal

    Morita equivalence for partially ordered monoids and po-Γ-semigroups with unities

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    We prove that operator pomonoids of a po-Γ-semigroup with unities are Morita equivalent pomonoids. Conversely, we show that if L and R are Morita equivalent pomonoids then a po-Γ-semigroup A with unities can be constructed such that left and right operator pomonoids of A are Pos-isomorphic to L and R respectively. Using this nice connection between po-Γ-semigroups and Morita equivalence for pomonoids we, in one hand, obtain some Morita invariants of pomonoids using the results of po-Γ-semigroups and on the other hand, some recent results of Morita theory of pomonoids are used to obtain some results of po-Γ-semigroups

    Fuzzy Commutative Algebra

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    Applications of Fuzzy Semiprimary Ideals under Group Action

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    Group actions are a valuable tool for investigating the symmetry and automorphism features of rings. The concept of fuzzy ideals in rings has been expanded with the introduction of fuzzy primary, weak primary, and semiprimary ideals. This paper explores the existence of fuzzy ideals that are semiprimary but neither weak primary nor primary. Furthermore, it defines a group action on a fuzzy ideal and examines the properties of fuzzy ideals and their level cuts under this group action. In fact, it aims to investigate the relationship between fuzzy semiprimary ideals and the radical of fuzzy ideals under group action. Additionally, it includes the results related to the radical of fuzzy ideals and fuzzy G-semiprimary ideals. Moreover, the preservation of the image and inverse image of a fuzzy G-semiprimary ideal of a ring R under certain conditions is also studied. It delves into the algebraic nature of fuzzy ideals and the radical under G-homomorphism of fuzzy ideals