38,981 research outputs found

    Probabilistic existence of regular combinatorial structures

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    We show the existence of regular combinatorial objects which previously were not known to exist. Specifically, for a wide range of the underlying parameters, we show the existence of non-trivial orthogonal arrays, t-designs, and t-wise permutations. In all cases, the sizes of the objects are optimal up to polynomial overhead. The proof of existence is probabilistic. We show that a randomly chosen structure has the required properties with positive yet tiny probability. Our method allows also to give rather precise estimates on the number of objects of a given size and this is applied to count the number of orthogonal arrays, t-designs and regular hypergraphs. The main technical ingredient is a special local central limit theorem for suitable lattice random walks with finitely many steps.Comment: An extended abstract of this work [arXiv:1111.0492] appeared in STOC 2012. This version expands the literature discussio

    Genuinely multipartite entangled states and orthogonal arrays

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    A pure quantum state of N subsystems with d levels each is called k-multipartite maximally entangled state, written k-uniform, if all its reductions to k qudits are maximally mixed. These states form a natural generalization of N-qudits GHZ states which belong to the class 1-uniform states. We establish a link between the combinatorial notion of orthogonal arrays and k-uniform states and prove the existence of several new classes of such states for N-qudit systems. In particular, known Hadamard matrices allow us to explicitly construct 2-uniform states for an arbitrary number of N>5 qubits. We show that finding a different class of 2-uniform states would imply the Hadamard conjecture, so the full classification of 2-uniform states seems to be currently out of reach. Additionally, single vectors of another class of 2-uniform states are one-to-one related to maximal sets of mutually unbiased bases. Furthermore, we establish links between existence of k-uniform states, classical and quantum error correction codes and provide a novel graph representation for such states.Comment: 24 pages, 7 figures. Comments are very welcome

    Entanglement and quantum combinatorial designs

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    We introduce several classes of quantum combinatorial designs, namely quantum Latin squares, cubes, hypercubes and a notion of orthogonality between them. A further introduced notion, quantum orthogonal arrays, generalizes all previous classes of designs. We show that mutually orthogonal quantum Latin arrangements can be entangled in the same way than quantum states are entangled. Furthermore, we show that such designs naturally define a remarkable class of genuinely multipartite highly entangled states called kk-uniform, i.e. multipartite pure states such that every reduction to kk parties is maximally mixed. We derive infinitely many classes of mutually orthogonal quantum Latin arrangements and quantum orthogonal arrays having an arbitrary large number of columns. The corresponding multipartite kk-uniform states exhibit a high persistency of entanglement, which makes them ideal candidates to develop multipartite quantum information protocols.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures. Comments are very welcome

    Difference Covering Arrays and Pseudo-Orthogonal Latin Squares

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    Difference arrays are used in applications such as software testing, authentication codes and data compression. Pseudo-orthogonal Latin squares are used in experimental designs. A special class of pseudo-orthogonal Latin squares are the mutually nearly orthogonal Latin squares (MNOLS) first discussed in 2002, with general constructions given in 2007. In this paper we develop row complete MNOLS from difference covering arrays. We will use this connection to settle the spectrum question for sets of 3 mutually pseudo-orthogonal Latin squares of even order, for all but the order 146