14 research outputs found

    Types of triangle in plane Hamiltonian triangulations and applications to domination and k-walks

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    We investigate the minimum number t(0)(G) of faces in a Hamiltonian triangulation G so that any Hamiltonian cycle C of G has at least t(0)(G) faces that do not contain an edge of C. We prove upper and lower bounds on the maximum of these numbers for all triangulations with a fixed number of facial triangles. Such triangles play an important role when Hamiltonian cycles in triangulations with 3-cuts are constructed from smaller Hamiltonian cycles of 4-connected subgraphs. We also present results linking the number of these triangles to the length of 3-walks in a class of triangulation and to the domination number

    Domination number of annulus triangulations

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    An {\em annulus triangulation} GG is a 2-connected plane graph with two disjoint faces f1f_1 and f2f_2 such that every face other than f1f_1 and f2f_2 are triangular, and that every vertex of GG is contained in the boundary cycle of f1f_1 or f2f_2. In this paper, we prove that every annulus triangulation GG with tt vertices of degree 2 has a dominating set with cardinality at most ⌊∣V(G)∣+t+14βŒ‹\lfloor \frac{|V(G)|+t+1}{4} \rfloor if GG is not isomorphic to the octahedron. In particular, this bound is best possible

    Isolation of squares in graphs

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    Given a set F\mathcal{F} of graphs, we call a copy of a graph in F\mathcal{F} an F\mathcal{F}-graph. The F\mathcal{F}-isolation number of a graph GG, denoted by ΞΉ(G,F)\iota(G,\mathcal{F}), is the size of a smallest subset DD of the vertex set V(G)V(G) such that the closed neighbourhood of DD intersects the vertex sets of the F\mathcal{F}-graphs contained by GG (equivalently, Gβˆ’N[D]G - N[D] contains no F\mathcal{F}-graph). Thus, ΞΉ(G,{K1})\iota(G,\{K_1\}) is the domination number of GG. The second author showed that if F\mathcal{F} is the set of cycles and GG is a connected nn-vertex graph that is not a triangle, then ΞΉ(G,F)β‰€βŒŠn4βŒ‹\iota(G,\mathcal{F}) \leq \left \lfloor \frac{n}{4} \right \rfloor. This bound is attainable for every nn and solved a problem of Caro and Hansberg. A question that arises immediately is how smaller an upper bound can be if F={Ck}\mathcal{F} = \{C_k\} for some kβ‰₯3k \geq 3, where CkC_k is a cycle of length kk. The problem is to determine the smallest real number ckc_k (if it exists) such that for some finite set Ek\mathcal{E}_k of graphs, ΞΉ(G,{Ck})≀ck∣V(G)∣\iota(G, \{C_k\}) \leq c_k |V(G)| for every connected graph GG that is not an Ek\mathcal{E}_k-graph. The above-mentioned result yields c3=14c_3 = \frac{1}{4} and E3={C3}\mathcal{E}_3 = \{C_3\}. The second author also showed that if kβ‰₯5k \geq 5 and ckc_k exists, then ckβ‰₯22k+1c_k \geq \frac{2}{2k + 1}. We prove that c4=15c_4 = \frac{1}{5} and determine E4\mathcal{E}_4, which consists of three 44-vertex graphs and six 99-vertex graphs. The 99-vertex graphs in E4\mathcal{E}_4 were fully determined by means of a computer program. A method that has the potential of yielding similar results is introduced.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figure. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2110.0377

    A generalization of the Art Gallery Theorem

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    Several domination results have been obtained for maximal outerplanar graphs (mops). The classical domination problem is to minimize the size of a set SS of vertices of an nn-vertex graph GG such that Gβˆ’N[S]G - N[S], the graph obtained by deleting the closed neighborhood of SS, contains no vertices. A classical result of Chv\'{a}tal, the Art Gallery Theorem, tells us that the minimum size is at most n/3n/3 if GG is a mop. Here we consider a modification by allowing Gβˆ’N[S]G - N[S] to have a maximum degree of at most kk. Let ΞΉk(G)\iota_k(G) denote the size of a smallest set SS for which this is achieved. If n≀2k+3n \le 2k+3, then trivially ΞΉk(G)≀1\iota_k(G) \leq 1. Let GG be a mop on nβ‰₯max⁑{5,2k+3}n \ge \max\{5,2k+3\} vertices, n2n_2 of which are of degree~22. Sharp bounds on ΞΉk(G)\iota_k(G) have been obtained for k=0k = 0 and k=1k = 1, namely ΞΉ0(G)≀min⁑{n4,n+n25,nβˆ’n23}\iota_{0}(G) \le \min\{\frac{n}{4},\frac{n+n_2}{5},\frac{n-n_2}{3}\} and ΞΉ1(G)≀min⁑{n5,n+n26,nβˆ’n23}\iota_1(G) \le \min\{\frac{n}{5},\frac{n+n_2}{6},\frac{n-n_2}{3}\}. We prove that ΞΉk(G)≀min⁑{nk+4,n+n2k+5,nβˆ’n2k+2}\iota_{k}(G) \le \min\{\frac{n}{k+4},\frac{n+n_2}{k+5},\frac{n-n_2}{k+2}\} for any kβ‰₯0k \ge 0, and that this bound is sharp. We also prove that nβˆ’n22\frac{n-n_2}{2} is a sharp upper bound on the domination number of GG.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1903.1229