1,685 research outputs found

    Facets for Art Gallery Problems

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    The Art Gallery Problem (AGP) asks for placing a minimum number of stationary guards in a polygonal region P, such that all points in P are guarded. The problem is known to be NP-hard, and its inherent continuous structure (with both the set of points that need to be guarded and the set of points that can be used for guarding being uncountably infinite) makes it difficult to apply a straightforward formulation as an Integer Linear Program. We use an iterative primal-dual relaxation approach for solving AGP instances to optimality. At each stage, a pair of LP relaxations for a finite candidate subset of primal covering and dual packing constraints and variables is considered; these correspond to possible guard positions and points that are to be guarded. Particularly useful are cutting planes for eliminating fractional solutions. We identify two classes of facets, based on Edge Cover and Set Cover (SC) inequalities. Solving the separation problem for the latter is NP-complete, but exploiting the underlying geometric structure, we show that large subclasses of fractional SC solutions cannot occur for the AGP. This allows us to separate the relevant subset of facets in polynomial time. We also characterize all facets for finite AGP relaxations with coefficients in {0, 1, 2}. Finally, we demonstrate the practical usefulness of our approach. Our cutting plane technique yields a significant improvement in terms of speed and solution quality due to considerably reduced integrality gaps as compared to the approach by Kr\"oller et al.Comment: 29 pages, 18 figures, 1 tabl

    Engineering Art Galleries

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    The Art Gallery Problem is one of the most well-known problems in Computational Geometry, with a rich history in the study of algorithms, complexity, and variants. Recently there has been a surge in experimental work on the problem. In this survey, we describe this work, show the chronology of developments, and compare current algorithms, including two unpublished versions, in an exhaustive experiment. Furthermore, we show what core algorithmic ingredients have led to recent successes

    Conflict-free Chromatic Art Gallery Coverage

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    We consider a chromatic variant of the art gallery problem, where each guard is assigned one of k distinct colors. A placement of such colored guards is conflict-free if each point of the polygon is seen by some guard whose color appears exactly once among the guards visible to that point. What is the smallest number k(n) of colors that ensure a conflict-free covering of all n-vertex polygons? We call this the conflict-free chromatic art gallery problem. The problem is motivated by applications in distributed robotics and wireless sensor networks where colors indicate the wireless frequencies assigned to a set of covering "landmarks" in the environment so that a mobile robot can always communicate with at least one landmark in its line-of-sight range without interference. Our main result shows that k(n) is O(log n) for orthogonal and for monotone polygons, and O(log^2 n) for arbitrary simple polygons. By contrast, if all guards visible from each point must have distinct colors, then k(n)is Omega(n) for arbitrary simple polygons and Omega(sqrt(n)) for orthogonal polygons, as shown by Erickson and LaValle [Proc. of RSS 2011]

    Reconstructing polygons from scanner data

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    A range-finding scanner can collect information about the shape of an (unknown) polygonal room in which it is placed. Suppose that a set of scanners returns not only a set of points, but also additional information, such as the normal to the plane when a scan beam detects a wall. We consider the problem of reconstructing the floor plan of a room from different types of scan data. In particular, we present algorithmic and hardness results for reconstructing two-dimensional polygons from point-wall pairs, point-normal pairs, and visibility polygons. The polygons may have restrictions on topology (e.g., to be simply connected) or geometry (e.g., to be orthogonal). We show that this reconstruction problem is NP-hard under most models, but that some restrictive assumptions do allow polynomial-time reconstruction algorithms

    Partitioning Regular Polygons into Circular Pieces I: Convex Partitions

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    We explore an instance of the question of partitioning a polygon into pieces, each of which is as ``circular'' as possible, in the sense of having an aspect ratio close to 1. The aspect ratio of a polygon is the ratio of the diameters of the smallest circumscribing circle to the largest inscribed disk. The problem is rich even for partitioning regular polygons into convex pieces, the focus of this paper. We show that the optimal (most circular) partition for an equilateral triangle has an infinite number of pieces, with the lower bound approachable to any accuracy desired by a particular finite partition. For pentagons and all regular k-gons, k > 5, the unpartitioned polygon is already optimal. The square presents an interesting intermediate case. Here the one-piece partition is not optimal, but nor is the trivial lower bound approachable. We narrow the optimal ratio to an aspect-ratio gap of 0.01082 with several somewhat intricate partitions.Comment: 21 pages, 25 figure

    Visibility properties of polygons

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    Two problems dealing with visibility in the interior of a polygon are investigated. We present a linear time algorithm for computing the stair-case visibility polygon from a point inside a simple polygon, which is optimal within a constant factor. We show that the problem of locating the minimum number of 90{dollar}\sp\circ{dollar}-flood-lights to illuminate the interior of a simple polygon is NP-complete. We also discuss the generalization of the above results

    Polygon Exploration with Time-Discrete Vision

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    With the advent of autonomous robots with two- and three-dimensional scanning capabilities, classical visibility-based exploration methods from computational geometry have gained in practical importance. However, real-life laser scanning of useful accuracy does not allow the robot to scan continuously while in motion; instead, it has to stop each time it surveys its environment. This requirement was studied by Fekete, Klein and Nuechter for the subproblem of looking around a corner, but until now has not been considered in an online setting for whole polygonal regions. We give the first algorithmic results for this important algorithmic problem that combines stationary art gallery-type aspects with watchman-type issues in an online scenario: We demonstrate that even for orthoconvex polygons, a competitive strategy can be achieved only for limited aspect ratio A (the ratio of the maximum and minimum edge length of the polygon), i.e., for a given lower bound on the size of an edge; we give a matching upper bound by providing an O(log A)-competitive strategy for simple rectilinear polygons, using the assumption that each edge of the polygon has to be fully visible from some scan point.Comment: 28 pages, 17 figures, 2 photographs, 3 tables, Latex. Updated some details (title, figures and text) for final journal revision, including explicit assumption of full edge visibilit
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