183 research outputs found

    Power allocation and linear precoding for wireless communications with finite-alphabet inputs

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    This dissertation proposes a new approach to maximizing data rate/throughput of practical communication system/networks through linear precoding and power allocation. First, the mutual information or capacity region is derived for finite-alphabet inputs such as phase-shift keying (PSK), pulse-amplitude modulation (PAM), and quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) signals. This approach, without the commonly used Gaussian input assumptions, complicates the mutual information analysis and precoder design but improves performance when the designed precoders are applied to practical systems and networks. Second, several numerical optimization methods are developed for multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) multiple access channels, dual-hop relay networks, and point-to-point MIMO systems. In MIMO multiple access channels, an iterative weighted sum rate maximization algorithm is proposed which utilizes an alternating optimization strategy and gradient descent update. In dual-hop relay networks, the structure of the optimal precoder is exploited to develop a two-step iterative algorithm based on convex optimization and optimization on the Stiefel manifold. The proposed algorithm is insensitive to initial point selection and able to achieve a near global optimal precoder solution. The gradient descent method is also used to obtain the optimal power allocation scheme which maximizes the mutual information between the source node and destination node in dual-hop relay networks. For point-to-point MIMO systems, a low complexity precoding design method is proposed, which maximizes the lower bound of the mutual information with discretized power allocation vector in a non-iterative fashion, thus reducing complexity. Finally, performances of the proposed power allocation and linear precoding schemes are evaluated in terms of both mutual information and bit error rate (BER). Numerical results show that at the same target mutual information or sum rate, the proposed approaches achieve 3-10dB gains compared to the existing methods in the medium signal-to-noise ratio region. Such significant gains are also indicated in the coded BER systems --Abstract, page iv-v

    PAPR Constrained Power Allocation for Iterative Frequency Domain Multiuser SIMO Detector

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    Peak to average power ratio (PAPR) constrained power allocation in single carrier multiuser (MU) single-input multiple-output (SIMO) systems with iterative frequency domain (FD) soft cancelation (SC) minimum mean squared error (MMSE) equalization is considered in this paper. To obtain full benefit of the iterative receiver, its convergence properties need to be taken into account also at the transmitter side. In this paper, we extend the existing results on the area of convergence constrained power allocation (CCPA) to consider the instantaneous PAPR at the transmit antenna of each user. In other words, we will introduce a constraint that PAPR cannot exceed a predetermined threshold. By adding the aforementioned constraint into the CCPA optimization framework, the power efficiency of a power amplifier (PA) can be significantly enhanced by enabling it to operate on its linear operation range. Hence, PAPR constraint is especially beneficial for power limited cell-edge users. In this paper, we will derive the instantaneous PAPR constraint as a function of transmit power allocation. Furthermore, successive convex approximation is derived for the PAPR constrained problem. Numerical results show that the proposed method can achieve the objectives described above.Comment: Presented in IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 201

    PAR-Aware Large-Scale Multi-User MIMO-OFDM Downlink

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    We investigate an orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM)-based downlink transmission scheme for large-scale multi-user (MU) multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) wireless systems. The use of OFDM causes a high peak-to-average (power) ratio (PAR), which necessitates expensive and power-inefficient radio-frequency (RF) components at the base station. In this paper, we present a novel downlink transmission scheme, which exploits the massive degrees-of-freedom available in large-scale MU-MIMO-OFDM systems to achieve low PAR. Specifically, we propose to jointly perform MU precoding, OFDM modulation, and PAR reduction by solving a convex optimization problem. We develop a corresponding fast iterative truncation algorithm (FITRA) and show numerical results to demonstrate tremendous PAR-reduction capabilities. The significantly reduced linearity requirements eventually enable the use of low-cost RF components for the large-scale MU-MIMO-OFDM downlink.Comment: To appear in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communication

    A precoding aided space domain index modulation scheme for downlink multiuser MIMO systems

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    In this correspondence, we propose a space domain index modulation (IM) scheme for the downlink of multiuser multiple-input multiple-output (MU-MIMO) systems. Instead of the most common approach where spatial bits select active receiver antennas, in the presented scheme the spatial information is mapped onto the transmitter side. This allows IM to better exploit large dimensional antenna settings which are typically easier to deploy at the base station. In order to mitigate inter-user interference and allow single user detection, a precoder is adopted at the BS. Furthermore, two alternative enhanced signal construction methods are proposed for minimizing the transmitted power or enable an implementation with a reduced number of RF chains. Simulation results for different scenarios show that the proposed approach can be an attractive alternative to conventional precoded MU-MIMO.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Sparse-DFT and WHT Precoding with Iterative Detection for Highly Frequency-Selective Channels

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    Various precoders have been recently studied by the wireless community to combat the channel fading effects. Two prominent precoders are implemented with the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) and Walsh-Hadamard transform (WHT). The WHT precoder is implemented with less complexity since it does not need complex multiplications. Also, spreading can be applied sparsely to decrease the transceiver complexity, leading to sparse DFT (SDFT) and sparse Walsh-Hadamard (SWH). Another relevant topic is the design of iterative receivers that deal with inter-symbol-interference (ISI). In particular, many detectors based on expectation propagation (EP) have been proposed recently for channels with high levels of ISI. An alternative is the maximum a-posterior (MAP) detector, although it leads to unfeasible high complexity in many cases. In this paper, we provide a relatively low-complexity \textcolor{black}{computation} of the MAP detector for the SWH. We also propose two \textcolor{black}{feasible methods} based on the Log-MAP and Max-Log-MAP. Additionally, the DFT, SDFT and SWH precoders are compared using an EP-based receiver with one-tap FD equalization. Lastly, SWH-Max-Log-MAP is compared to the (S)DFT with EP-based receiver in terms of performance and complexity. The results show that the proposed SWH-Max-Log-MAP has a better performance and complexity trade-off for QPSK and 16-QAM under highly selective channels, but has unfeasible complexity for higher QAM orders

    Single-Carrier Modulation versus OFDM for Millimeter-Wave Wireless MIMO

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    This paper presents results on the achievable spectral efficiency and on the energy efficiency for a wireless multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) link operating at millimeter wave frequencies (mmWave) in a typical 5G scenario. Two different single-carrier modem schemes are considered, i.e., a traditional modulation scheme with linear equalization at the receiver, and a single-carrier modulation with cyclic prefix, frequency-domain equalization and FFT-based processing at the receiver; these two schemes are compared with a conventional MIMO-OFDM transceiver structure. Our analysis jointly takes into account the peculiar characteristics of MIMO channels at mmWave frequencies, the use of hybrid (analog-digital) pre-coding and post-coding beamformers, the finite cardinality of the modulation structure, and the non-linear behavior of the transmitter power amplifiers. Our results show that the best performance is achieved by single-carrier modulation with time-domain equalization, which exhibits the smallest loss due to the non-linear distortion, and whose performance can be further improved by using advanced equalization schemes. Results also confirm that performance gets severely degraded when the link length exceeds 90-100 meters and the transmit power falls below 0 dBW.Comment: accepted for publication on IEEE Transactions on Communication
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