36 research outputs found

    Limited memory and the essentiality of money

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    This paper investigates the relationship between memory and the essentiality ofmoney. We consider a random matching economy with a large finite population inwhich commitment is not possible and memory is limited in the sense that only afraction m E(0; 1) of the population has publicly observable histories. We show thatno matter how limited memory is, there exists a social norm that achieves the firstbest regardless of the population size. In other words, money can fail to be essentialirrespective of the amount of memory in the economy. This suggests that the emphasison limited memory as a fundamental friction for money to be essential deserves a deeperexamination.

    The Emergence of Dialogic Identities: Transforming Heteroglossia in the Marquesas, F.P.

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    Te \u27Enana \u27the people\u27 of the Marquesas, French Polynesia, have been engaged for some time in the dialogic negotiation of their heteroglossic identity. Based on an ethnographic study of language socialization in the Marquesas, this dissertation examines how communicative forms are acquired within a changing socio-cultural matrix, as well as on how cultural habits and beliefs are produced and reproduced via verbal interaction. My first two months of fieldwork were spent in Tahiti (the capital of French Polynesia), living and studying the language use and cultural patterns of an \u27enana family. Subsequently, I spent ten months in a village in the Marquesas, taping at regular intervals the everyday interactions of children and their caregivers within four families and transcribing these with the aid of the caregivers. The transcripts and the caregiver metalinguistic commentary were analyzed for the contexts and functions of code-switching between francais (the local variety of French), \u27enana (including several dialects of the language, spoken in the Marquesas), and sarapia (a stigmatized \u27mixed\u27 code); the communicative genres laden with cultural expectations as to how people ought to think, feel, and act; and the socializing routines influencing these beliefs and practices via participant-observation and informal interviews, I also collected a wide range of information concerning everyday social interactions, routine verbal practices, and cultural notions concerning the value, use, learning, and potential loss of the language. My findings are as follows. Despite the flowering of a cultural revival movement, a complex political economic situation (beginning with the establishment of the French nuclear testing facility in 1963) is responsible for an increase in code-switching and decrease in the acquisition and use of \u27enana by children. Nonetheless, the language continues to be learned and used by many as both medium and marker of an ethnolinguistic identity which is the syncretic product of indigenous reactions to two centuries of foreign influence and rule. Furthermore, while bearing the partial imprimatur of western thought and practice, \u27enana ways of structuring verbal interaction and the acquisition of communicative resources reveal some deeper systemic commitments to pan-Pacific cultural and communicative practices

    Data Acquisition Applications

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    Data acquisition systems have numerous applications. This book has a total of 13 chapters and is divided into three sections: Industrial applications, Medical applications and Scientific experiments. The chapters are written by experts from around the world, while the targeted audience for this book includes professionals who are designers or researchers in the field of data acquisition systems. Faculty members and graduate students could also benefit from the book

    Towards a conceptual model for the apparel industry in Thailand focused on domestic fashion origination

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    This thesis has several strands relating to the future prospects of the Thai fashion industry, which has undergone recent instability in the context of the global fashion system. They presuppose a reorientation and/or development of the domestic economy and culture of consumption of Thailand to favour innovation, originality and personal identity. The thesis will present an argument based upon the creation of conceptual models derived in part from existing models and theories, from literature surveys and empirical studies. A new framework to conceptualise the fashion process in Thailand called, the Thai Fashion Process Model is presented. Through the process of the comparative studies, the fashion process in the West is set against that which exists in Thailand. The Western fashion process model integrates much previous research about the fashion process, fills important gaps that the symbolic interactionist theory of fashion omits, and makes a number of new predictions about the translation of social trends into specific lifestyles and individual differences within the commodification process. The model purposes two important fashion forces: the differentiating force and the socialising force. These operate at different levels (macro and micro) and through different fashion practitioners. The empirical studies gathered data tor analysis through interview and questionnaire surveys at the micro-level in both the UK and Thailand within the context of the conceptual framework. Additional data tor analysis was also gathered relative to the macro-level. The studies provide excellent support for the reconceptualisation and, in particular, suggest that individual psychological factors might be given a new prominence in the overall fashion process and the way in which new fashions emerge. The new Thai Fashion Process Model presents a different direction in the fashion change sequence, which implies a reorientation of the industry towards a high priority in domestic fashion origination and innovation. The socio-cultural economic changes require a refocusing towards individual or segmented consumers' motivation, needs, and desires as opposed to the conformity that exists in contemporary Thai society in its domestic consumption

    Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum : Tomus 47. Fasc. 1-2.

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    School effectiveness and school improvement: questioning the paradigms

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    School Effectiveness and School Improvement have achieved a hegemonic position as paradigms of educational evaluation and development, both as research paradigms and as discursive practices shaping policy and practice. This is true internationally but with particular strength in the governance of English schools, thus the texts which constitute this doctoral submission - namely a book and several journal articles, and an extended commentary upon them - are grounded specifically in that context. The concept of paradigm is deployed in order to question systematically their (often tacit) methodological and political assumptions and to establish some foundations and justification for alternative models of school quality and educational change. A particular emphasis is placed upon the neglect, within these dominant paradigms, of educational and social aims, curriculum and pedagogy, and their inadequate framing of the relationship between schools and social context. These texts also focus strongly upon the situation of schools serving inner city and other highpoverty neighbourhoods, as a kind of border situation which exposes the limitations of these paradigms

    A detailed and critical analysis of the Martin Plan for Prohibiting Poverty

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    Thesis (M.A.)--Boston University, 1938. This item was digitized by the Internet Archive

    Médecine et santé à Angkor : pouvoir royal, compassion et offre médicale sous le règne de Jayavarman VII (1181-1220)

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    Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

    Palynofacies analysis of middle Jurassic sediments from the Inner Hebrides

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    PhD ThesisA quantitative palynofacies study of thermally immature Middle Jurassic sediments of Skye, Raasay, and Eigg has been undertaken in order to examine kerogen and palynomorph distributions in relation to various potential controlling factors (lithology, lithofacies, depositional environment, sequence stratigraphy). This has involved performing rigorous kerogen and palynomorph counts on 440 samples from 12 localities (average sampling density 5 per metre in sampled sections), supported by 250 TOC and 57'Rock-Eval' pyrolysis analyses. The facies of the Middle Jurassic sediments of the Inner Hebrides range from subtidal marine to freshwater alluvial mudflats. The succession is divided into three major units: the Bearreraig Sandstone Formation (Aalenian-Bajocian) which is 400m thick, and represents the deposition of tidalsubtidal sand sheets, the ? Bathonian Great Estuarine Group (250m thick) which represents a range of mostly lagoonal-deltaic freshwater to hypersaline facies, and finally the Staffin Bay Formation (lowermiddle Callovian; thickness 18m) which represents a transgressive lagoon-barrier bar complex. ... The detailed subdivision of the phytoclast group has permitted the calculation of a phytoclast preservation index (PPI) which summarises the overall degradation state of the phytoclast assemblage for each sample. The highest PPI values (= most refractory phytoclast assemblagesa) re found in the mudflat-alluvial facies of the Skudiburgh Formation, lowest PPI values, reflecting 'fresh' phytoclast input, are found in the transgressive Staffin Bay Formation. The TOC values are generally <2.5%, but reach up to 3-4% in parts of the Dun Caan Shales Member (Bearreraig Sandstone Formation) and the Lonfearn Member (Lealt Shales Formation), and 6-8% in the Upper Ostrea Member (Staffin Bay Formation). Hydrogen Index (HI) values mostly fall below 300 (organic facies C or CD), but are increased in parts of the Lonfearn and Upper Ostrea members (400- 500, organic facies B), and particularly in the Kilmaluag Formation where values of over 800 are found (= organic facies AB). The correlation between the optical and geochemical data varies from very poor to very good. In some cases TOC is correlated with %AOM, and also %Botryococcus. Multiple regression on the HI suggests that in most cases %AOM is the variable best correlated with the HI; this procedure has allowed the calculation of a predicted HI value for all 440 samples.NERC

    Dirty Discourse: Birth Control Advertising in the 1920s and 1930s

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    This dissertation returns to an era when the American Medical Association did not consider contraception part of medicine. In the 1920s and 1930s, women shopped for diaphragms in Bloomingdales, ordered contraceptive douche from the Sears catalogue, and browsed for birth control bargains in drugstore windows. Ironically, contraceptive sales transpired even though a federal obscenity law made selling contraception illegal, along with contraceptive advertising and any form of birth control information. Advertisers camouflaged their products behind commonly understood euphemisms, like feminine hygiene, and the law left them alone. The goal of the birth control movement in the 19205 and 1930s was to take power away from the commercial advertiser and place it in the hands of the physician. This study adds a new dimension to birth control history by considering the important and heretofore unexamined fact that contraceptive advertising existed, even though the ads were illegal, and that the advertisements played an important role in birth control advocacy. Birth control advocates convinced doctors to control the contraceptive field through rhetorical strategies that created distinctions between scientific and commercial contraception. Scientists were still developing laboratory tests to evaluate a contraceptive\u27s effectiveness in the 1930s. Any difference between medical and non-medical contraception was not in the product\u27s chemical make-up, but rather the communication strategies that determined a given contraceptive\u27s hierarchical place. Birth control advocates fought hard to legalize contraception through medical approval and to make reliable contraceptive information readily available -- but not readily available through a medium that used the sexually desiring body to sell contraception. Advocates attached a clean, chaste meaning to birth control, a meaning that disassociated birth control from the sexed bodies that use it. They transformed birth control information into a discreet language that catered only to the medical profession to legitimate the public support of physicians and legislators. They succeeded. Commercial birth control advertising subsequently faded away and sixty years later, birth control is one of popular culture\u27s best kept historical secrets