38 research outputs found

    Sizes of Minimum Connected Dominating Sets of a Class of Wireless Sensor Networks

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    We consider an important performance measure of wireless sensor networks, namely, the least number of nodes, N, required to facilitate routing between any pair of nodes, allowing other nodes to remain in sleep mode in order to conserve energy. We derive the expected value and the distribution of N for single dimensional dense networks

    Permodelan Efisiensi Energi Set Gateway Pada Ad Hoc Jaringan Nirkabel

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    Salah satu hal yang sangat penting pada jaringan nirkabel terutama industri 4.0 adalah efisiensirouting pada node yang tersedia di dalamnya yang melalui suatu gateway. Untuk hal itu dilakukanpendekatan menggunakan set gateway yang terhubung satu sama lain. Diinginkan penggunaan gatewayyang seminimal mungkin sehingga dapat mengurangi tingkat penggunaan energi. Wu dan Li memberikansuatu algoritma untuk menghitung gateway pada ad hoc jaringan nirkabel. Algoritma tersebut digunakandalam permodelan pada penelitian ini. Perhitungan dilakukan dengan memperhatikan koneksi antar nodeyang ditentukan berdasarkan letak geografis node tersebut dengan lainnya. Gateway merupakan nodeyang menjadi perantara pesan, sehingga node tersebut melakukan penerimaan data dan pengiriman datasekaligus dengan transmisi Wi-Fi. Hal ini mengakibatkan energi yang dikonsumsi lebih banyak dari padanode biasa yang hanya melakukan pengiriman atau hanya penerimaan data saja. Untuk hal tersebut,pemakaian energi dapat ditekan dengan mengatur gateway seminimal mungkin tanpa merusak alurpendistribusian data ke node yang dituju. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pemodelan berdasarkan algoritmaWu dan Li. Pada simulasi dalam penentuan dan membangun model node, diberikan beberapa aturansebelumnya. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan pengurangan gateway signifikan relatif tanpa algoritma.Diperoleh gateway yang dibutuhkan adalah 97 untuk tanpa algoritma, 35 untuk algoritma ID dan 25untuk algoritma ND pada saat jumlah node adalah 100.Kata Kunci: ad hoc, Gateway, Nirkabel, Node, Routing, Simulasi, Wi-Fi

    A Distributed Greedy Algorithm for Constructing Connected Dominating Sets in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    A Connected Dominating Set (CDS) of the graph representing a Wireless Sensor Network can be used as a virtual backbone for routing in the network. Since sensor nodes are constrained by limited on-board batteries, it is desirable to have a small CDS for the network. However, constructing a minimum size CDS has been shown to be a NP-hard problem. In this paper we present a distributed greedy algorithm for constructing a CDS that we call Greedy Connect. Our algorithm operates in two phases, first constructing a dominating set and then connecting the nodes in this set. We evaluate our algorithm using simulations and compare it to the two-hop K2 algorithm in the literature. Depending on the network topology, our algorithm generally constructs a CDS that is up to 30% smaller in size than K

    Reducing the Number of Forward Nodes from 1-Hop Nodes to Cover 2-Hop Nodes with Network Coding

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    All neighbors of a node can receive a data packet conveyed by a broadcasting node in an ad-hoc wireless network. In this way, the no. of forwarding nodes is utilized as the cost criterion for propagation. Among different estimation approaches, the researcher uses 1-Hop nodes to cover entire 2- Hop nodes utilizing 2-hop region information to decrease repetitive communicates. We dissect a few deficiencies of this approach and propose an improved algorithm along with the network coding concepts in this paper. Our algorithm utilizes 2-hop neighborhood more successfully to lessen excess communicates. The Simulation results of applying this algorithm demonstrate performance improvements. Nowadays the scientists are acquainting the idea of Network coding to neighbour topology aware protocols that beats the excess number of broadcast by victimization the using XOR of data packets. We have made an endeavor to seek out the network coding gain. We’ve shown simulation, implementation and breakdown of result in various circumstances

    An Efficient Multi path Dynamic Routing Protocol for Computing and Constrained Mobile Ad-hoc Network Environment

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    Wireless mobile ad-hoc networks are classified as ad-hoc networks with logical connections. These types of networks do not have fixed topology (or physical connections) due to the mobility property of nodes, interference, propagation and loss of path. Because of all these problems the path established between sources to destination is not reliable and efficient path. Hence a dynamic source routing protocol is required for these networks to working properly. Data transfer using this protocol based on shorted path, all packets need to be transferred using same path. The researcher on MANET proposed many Routing algorithms to this task. The main idea of this paper is to study, understand, and analyze the problems with existing routing methods. In the proposed multi path dynamic routing, first identify multi paths exist between source to destination and select best shortest path and then data is segmented into packets, each packet is transferred to receiver using selected best shortest path. At receiver end received data need to be rearranged. Finally the performance proposed system is compared with existing methods and proposed method shows better performance when compared with existing methods

    Scalable energy-efficient routing in mobile Ad hoc network

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    The quick deployment without any existing infrastructure makes mobile ad hoc networks (MANET) a striking choice for dynamic situations such as military and rescue operations, disaster recovery, and so on and so forth. However, routing remains one of the major issues in MANET due to the highly dynamic and distributed environment. Energy consumption is also a significant issue in ad hoc networks since the nodes are battery powered. This report discusses some major dominating set based approaches to perform energy efficient routing in mobile ad hoc networks. It also presents the performance results for each of these mentioned approaches in terms of throughput, average end to end delay and the life time in terms of the first node failure. Based on the simulation results, I identified the key issues in these protocols regarding network life time. In this report, I propose and discuss a new approach “Dynamic Dominating Set Generation Algorithm” (DDSG) to optimize the network life time. This algorithm dynamically selects dominating nodes during the process of routing and thus creates a smaller dominating set. DDSG algorithm thereby eliminates the energy consumption from the non-used dominating nodes. In order to further increase the network life time, the algorithm takes into consideration the threshold settings which helps to distribute the process of routing within the network. This helps to eliminate a single dominating node from getting drained out by continuous transmission and reception of packets. In this report, the detailed algorithmic design and performance results through simulation is discussed

    Topology control in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Network

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    Topology of a Wireless Sensor Network determines the connectivity of the wireless network and topology Control is the important technique of extending network lifetime while preserving network connectivity. In this paper, we consider a heterogeneous multi-hop wireless sensor network consisting of sensor nodes and relay nodes. Relay nodes strategically deployed for fault tolerance and virtual backbone creation. We propose topology control algorithm based on hybrid approaches to maximize the topological network lifetime of the WSN. The experimental performance evaluation demonstrates the topology control with efficient use of relay nodes maximizes the network lifetime of WSNs