22 research outputs found

    Query Learning with Exponential Query Costs

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    In query learning, the goal is to identify an unknown object while minimizing the number of "yes" or "no" questions (queries) posed about that object. A well-studied algorithm for query learning is known as generalized binary search (GBS). We show that GBS is a greedy algorithm to optimize the expected number of queries needed to identify the unknown object. We also generalize GBS in two ways. First, we consider the case where the cost of querying grows exponentially in the number of queries and the goal is to minimize the expected exponential cost. Then, we consider the case where the objects are partitioned into groups, and the objective is to identify only the group to which the object belongs. We derive algorithms to address these issues in a common, information-theoretic framework. In particular, we present an exact formula for the objective function in each case involving Shannon or Renyi entropy, and develop a greedy algorithm for minimizing it. Our algorithms are demonstrated on two applications of query learning, active learning and emergency response.Comment: 15 page

    On the Complexity of Searching in Trees: Average-case Minimization

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    We focus on the average-case analysis: A function w : V -> Z+ is given which defines the likelihood for a node to be the one marked, and we want the strategy that minimizes the expected number of queries. Prior to this paper, very little was known about this natural question and the complexity of the problem had remained so far an open question. We close this question and prove that the above tree search problem is NP-complete even for the class of trees with diameter at most 4. This results in a complete characterization of the complexity of the problem with respect to the diameter size. In fact, for diameter not larger than 3 the problem can be shown to be polynomially solvable using a dynamic programming approach. In addition we prove that the problem is NP-complete even for the class of trees of maximum degree at most 16. To the best of our knowledge, the only known result in this direction is that the tree search problem is solvable in O(|V| log|V|) time for trees with degree at most 2 (paths). We match the above complexity results with a tight algorithmic analysis. We first show that a natural greedy algorithm attains a 2-approximation. Furthermore, for the bounded degree instances, we show that any optimal strategy (i.e., one that minimizes the expected number of queries) performs at most O(\Delta(T) (log |V| + log w(T))) queries in the worst case, where w(T) is the sum of the likelihoods of the nodes of T and \Delta(T) is the maximum degree of T. We combine this result with a non-trivial exponential time algorithm to provide an FPTAS for trees with bounded degree

    Compression with graphical constraints: An interactive browser

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    Abstract—We study the problem of searching for a given element in a set of objects using a membership oracle. The membership oracle, given a subset of objects A, and a target object t, determines whether A contains t or not. The goal is to find the target object with the minimum number of questions asked from the oracle. This problem is known to be strongly related to lossless source compression. In fact, the optimum strategy is provided by Hufmman coding with the average number of questions very close to the entropy H(P) of the object set. The membership oracle aims at modelling interactive methods (i.e., incorporate human feedback) has many real life applica-tions. Due to practical constraints imposed by such applications not every subset A of objects can be queried. It is known that in general finding the optimum strategy with such constrains is NP-complete. Given this negative result we restrict attention to the cases represented by graphical models: graph G whose nodes are the database objects is given, and the queries are restricted to be those subsets A that are connected in G. We show that when G itself is connected, there is a search algorithm that finds the target in 4H(P) + 2 queries on the average. Since entropy is the trivial lower bound, our algorithm performs within a constant gap from the optimum strategy. I