12 research outputs found

    Maximum likelihood estimation for constrained parameters of multinomial distributions - Application to Zipf-Mandelbrot models

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    A numerical maximum likelihood (ML) estimation procedure is developed for the constrained parameters of multinomial distributions. The main difficulty involved in computing the likelihood function is the precise and fast determination of the multinomial coefficients. For this the coefficients are rewritten into a telescopic product. The presented method is applied to the ML estimation of the Zipf–Mandelbrot (ZM) distribution, which provides a true model in many real-life cases. The examples discussed arise from ecological and medical observations. Based on the estimates, the hypothesis that the data is ZM distributed is tested using a chi-square test. The computer code of the presented procedure is available on request by the author

    Sparse signal reconstruction from polychromatic X-ray CT measurements via mass attenuation discretization

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    We propose a method for reconstructing sparse images from polychromatic x-ray computed tomography (ct) measurements via mass attenuation coefficient discretization. The material of the inspected object and the incident spectrum are assumed to be unknown. We rewrite the Lambert-Beer’s law in terms of integral expressions of mass attenuation and discretize the resulting integrals. We then present a penalized constrained least-squares optimization approach forreconstructing the underlying object from log-domain measurements, where an active set approach is employed to estimate incident energy density parameters and the nonnegativity and sparsity of the image density map are imposed using negative-energy and smooth ℓ1-norm penalty terms. We propose a two-step scheme for refining the mass attenuation discretization grid by using higher sampling rate over the range with higher photon energy, and eliminating the discretization points that have little effect on accuracy of the forward projection model. This refinement allows us to successfully handle the characteristic lines (Dirac impulses) in the incident energy density spectrum. We compare the proposed method with the standard filtered backprojection, which ignores the polychromatic nature of the measurements and sparsity of theimage density map. Numerical simulations using both realistic simulated and real x-ray ct data are presented

    Sieve Estimation with Bivariate Interval Censored Data

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    Bivariate interval censored data arises in many applications. However, both theoreticaland computational investigations for this type of data are limited because of thecomplicated structure of bivariate censoring. In this paper, we propose a two-stage splinebasedsieve estimator for the association between two event times with bivariate case 2interval censored data. A smooth and explicit estimator for the joint distribution functionis also available. The proposed estimators are shown to be asymptotically consistent andcomputationally efficient. We demonstrate the finite sample performances of the splinebasedsieve estimators using both simulation studies and real data analysis from an AIDSclinical trial study

    Constrained Statistical Inference: A Hybrid of Statistical Theory, Projective Geometry and Applied Optimization Techniques

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    In many data applications, in addition to determining whether a given risk factor affects an outcome, researchers are often interested in whether the factor has an increasing or decreasing effect. For instance, a clinical trial may test which dose provides the minimum effect; a toxicology study may wish to determine the effect of increasing exposure to a harmful contaminant on human health; and an economist may wish to determine an individual's optimal preferences subject to a budget constraint. In such situations, constrained statistical inference is typically used for analysis, as estimation and hypothesis testing incorporate the parameter orderings, or restrictions, in the methodology. Such methods unite statistical theory with elements of projective geometry and optimization algorithms. In many different models, authors have demonstrated constrained techniques lead to more efficient estimates and improved power over unconstrained methods, albeit at the expense of additional computation. In this paper, we review significant advancements made in the field of constrained inference, ranging from early work on isotonic regression for several normal means to recent advances of constraints in Bayesian techniques and mixed models. To illustrate the methods, a new analysis of an environmental study on the health effects in a population of newborns is provided

    KK-Means and Gaussian Mixture Modeling with a Separation Constraint

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    We consider the problem of clustering with KK-means and Gaussian mixture models with a constraint on the separation between the centers in the context of real-valued data. We first propose a dynamic programming approach to solving the KK-means problem with a separation constraint on the centers, building on (Wang and Song, 2011). In the context of fitting a Gaussian mixture model, we then propose an EM algorithm that incorporates such a constraint. A separation constraint can help regularize the output of a clustering algorithm, and we provide both simulated and real data examples to illustrate this point.Comment: 16 pages, 6 tables, 1 figure with 3 subfigure

    An Active Set Algorithm to Estimate Parameters in Generalized Linear Models with Ordered Predictors

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    In biomedical studies, researchers are often interested in assessing the association between one or more ordinal explanatory variables and an outcome variable, at the same time adjusting for covariates of any type. The outcome variable may be continuous, binary, or represent censored survival times. In the absence of precise knowledge of the response function, using monotonicity constraints on the ordinal variables improves efficiency in estimating parameters, especially when sample sizes are small. An active set algorithm that can efficiently compute such estimators is proposed, and a characterization of the solution is provided. Having an efficient algorithm at hand is especially relevant when applying likelihood ratio tests in restricted generalized linear models, where one needs the value of the likelihood at the restricted maximizer. The algorithm is illustrated on a real life data set from oncology.Comment: 24 pages, 1 Figure, 3 Table