230,117 research outputs found

    A Hybrid Boundary Element Method for Elliptic Problems with Singularities

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    The singularities that arise in elliptic boundary value problems are treated locally by a singular function boundary integral method. This method extracts the leading singular coefficients from a series expansion that describes the local behavior of the singularity. The method is fitted into the framework of the widely used boundary element method (BEM), forming a hybrid technique, with the BEM computing the solution away from the singularity. Results of the hybrid technique are reported for the Motz problem and compared with the results of the standalone BEM and Galerkin/finite element method (GFEM). The comparison is made in terms of the total flux (i.e. the capacitance in the case of electrostatic problems) on the Dirichlet boundary adjacent to the singularity, which is essentially the integral of the normal derivative of the solution. The hybrid method manages to reduce the error in the computed capacitance by a factor of 10, with respect to the BEM and GFEM

    A fully implicit multi-axial solution strategy for direct ratchet boundary evaluation : implementation and comparison

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    Ensuring sufficient safety against ratcheting is a fundamental requirement in pressure vessel design. However, determining the ratchet boundary using a full elastic plastic finite element analysis can be problematic and a number of direct methods have been proposed to overcome difficulties associated with ratchet boundary evaluation. This paper proposes a new lower bound ratchet analysis approach, similar to the previously proposed Hybrid method but based on fully implicit elastic-plastic solution strategies. The method utilizes superimposed elastic stresses and modified radial return integration to converge on the residual state throughout, resulting in one Finite Element model suitable for solving the cyclic stresses (Stage 1) and performing the augmented limit analysis to determine the ratchet boundary (Stage 2). The modified radial return methods for both stages of the analysis are presented, with the corresponding stress update algorithm and resulting consistent tangent moduli. Comparisons with other direct methods for selected benchmark problems are presented. It is shown that the proposed method evaluates a consistent lower bound estimate of the ratchet boundary, which has not previously been clearly demonstrated for other lower bound approaches. Limitations in the description of plastic strains and compatibility during the ratchet analysis are identified as being a cause for the differences between the proposed methods and current upper bound methods

    On the Modeling of a Gapped Power-Bus Structure using a Hybrid FEM/MoM Approach

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    A hybrid finite-element-method/method-of-moments (FEM/MoM) approach is applied to the analysis of a gapped power-bus structure on a printed circuit board. FEM is used to model the details of the structure. MoM is used to provide a radiation boundary condition to terminate the FEM mesh. Numerical results exhibit significant errors when the FEM/MoM boundary is chosen to coincide with the physical boundary of the board. These errors are due to the inability of hybrid elements on the boundary to enforce the correct boundary condition at a gap edge in a strong sense. A much better alternative is to extend the MoM boundary above the surface of the board

    Rigorous analysis of internal resonances in 3-D hybrid FE-BIE formulations by means of the Poincaré-Steklov operator

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    3-D hybrid finite-element (FE) boundary integral equation (BIE) formulations are widely used because of their ability to simulate large inhomogeneous structures in both open and bounded simulation domains by applying each method where it is the most efficient. However, some formulations suffer from breakdown frequencies at which the solution is not uniquely defined and errors are introduced due to internal resonances. In this paper, we investigate the occurrence of spurious solutions resulting from these resonances by using the concept of the Poincare-Steklov or Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator, which provides a relation between the tangential electric field and the electric current on the boundary of a domain. By identifying this operator in both the FE and BIE method, several new properties of internal resonances in 3-D hybrid FE-BIE formulations are easily derived. Several conformal and nonconformal formulations are studied and the theory is then applied to a scattering problem

    Electromagnetic scattering and radiation from microstrip patch antennas and spirals residing in a cavity

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    A new hybrid method is presented for the analysis of the scattering and radiation by conformal antennas and arrays comprised of circular or rectangular elements. In addition, calculations for cavity-backed spiral antennas are given. The method employs a finite element formulation within the cavity and the boundary integral (exact boundary condition) for terminating the mesh. By virtue of the finite element discretization, the method has no restrictions on the geometry and composition of the cavity or its termination. Furthermore, because of the convolutional nature of the boundary integral and the inherent sparseness of the finite element matrix, the storage requirement is kept very low at O(n). These unique features of the method have already been exploited in other scattering applications and have permitted the analysis of large-size structures with remarkable efficiency. In this report, we describe the method's formulation and implementation for circular and rectangular patch antennas in different superstrate and substrate configurations which may also include the presence of lumped loads and resistive sheets/cards. Also, various modelling approaches are investigated and implemented for characterizing a variety of feed structures to permit the computation of the input impedance and radiation pattern. Many computational examples for rectangular and circular patch configurations are presented which demonstrate the method's versatility, modeling capability and accuracy

    Modelling stress-corrosion microcracking in polycrystalline materials by the Boundary Element Method

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    The boundary element method is employed in this study in conjunction with the finite element method to build a multi-physics hybrid numerical model for the computational study of stress corrosion cracking related to hydrogen diffusion in polycrystalline microstructures. More specifically a boundary integral representation is used to represent the micro-mechanics of the aggregate while an explicit finite element method is used to model inter-granular hydrogen diffusion. The inter-granular interaction between contiguous grains is represented through cohesive laws, whose physical parameters depend on the concentration of inter-granular hydrogen, diffusing along the interfaces according to the Fick's second law. The model couples the effectiveness of the polycrystalline boundary element micro-mechanics model with the generality of the finite element representation of the inter-granular diffusion process. Few numerical tests are reported, to demonstrate the potential of the proposed technique

    Hybrid graded element model for nonlinear functionally graded materials

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    A hybrid graded element model is developed in this article for solving the heat conduction problem of nonlinear functionally graded materials (FGMs), whose material properties not only vary spatially but also are temperature dependent. In the proposed approach, both Kirchhoff transformation and iterative method are introduced to deal with the nonlinear term in the heat conduction equation of nonlinear FGMs. Then, the graded element is formulated based on two sets of independent temperature fields. One is the intra-element temperature field, which is defined within the element domain and constructed by a linear combination of fundamental solutions; the other is the frame field, which is defined on the element boundary only and used as the boundary interpolation functions of the element to ensure the field continuity over the inter-element boundary. This model can simulate the graded material properties naturally due to the inherent properties of fundamental solutions, which are employed in constructing the graded element. Moreover, a multi-subdomain method is developed to deal with the problem with different materials. Finally, the performance of the proposed method is assessed by several benchmark examples. The results are in excellent agreement with the analytical solutions
