30,241 research outputs found

    Best of Two Local Models: Local Centralized and Local Distributed Algorithms

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    We consider two models of computation: centralized local algorithms and local distributed algorithms. Algorithms in one model are adapted to the other model to obtain improved algorithms. Distributed vertex coloring is employed to design improved centralized local algorithms for: maximal independent set, maximal matching, and an approximation scheme for maximum (weighted) matching over bounded degree graphs. The improvement is threefold: the algorithms are deterministic, stateless, and the number of probes grows polynomially in logn\log^* n, where nn is the number of vertices of the input graph. The recursive centralized local improvement technique by Nguyen and Onak~\cite{onak2008} is employed to obtain an improved distributed approximation scheme for maximum (weighted) matching. The improvement is twofold: we reduce the number of rounds from O(logn)O(\log n) to O(logn)O(\log^*n) for a wide range of instances and, our algorithms are deterministic rather than randomized

    Distributed Approximation of Maximum Independent Set and Maximum Matching

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    We present a simple distributed Δ\Delta-approximation algorithm for maximum weight independent set (MaxIS) in the CONGEST\mathsf{CONGEST} model which completes in O(MIS(G)logW)O(\texttt{MIS}(G)\cdot \log W) rounds, where Δ\Delta is the maximum degree, MIS(G)\texttt{MIS}(G) is the number of rounds needed to compute a maximal independent set (MIS) on GG, and WW is the maximum weight of a node. %Whether our algorithm is randomized or deterministic depends on the \texttt{MIS} algorithm used as a black-box. Plugging in the best known algorithm for MIS gives a randomized solution in O(lognlogW)O(\log n \log W) rounds, where nn is the number of nodes. We also present a deterministic O(Δ+logn)O(\Delta +\log^* n)-round algorithm based on coloring. We then show how to use our MaxIS approximation algorithms to compute a 22-approximation for maximum weight matching without incurring any additional round penalty in the CONGEST\mathsf{CONGEST} model. We use a known reduction for simulating algorithms on the line graph while incurring congestion, but we show our algorithm is part of a broad family of \emph{local aggregation algorithms} for which we describe a mechanism that allows the simulation to run in the CONGEST\mathsf{CONGEST} model without an additional overhead. Next, we show that for maximum weight matching, relaxing the approximation factor to (2+ε2+\varepsilon) allows us to devise a distributed algorithm requiring O(logΔloglogΔ)O(\frac{\log \Delta}{\log\log\Delta}) rounds for any constant ε>0\varepsilon>0. For the unweighted case, we can even obtain a (1+ε)(1+\varepsilon)-approximation in this number of rounds. These algorithms are the first to achieve the provably optimal round complexity with respect to dependency on Δ\Delta

    New Insights into History Matching via Sequential Monte Carlo

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    The aim of the history matching method is to locate non-implausible regions of the parameter space of complex deterministic or stochastic models by matching model outputs with data. It does this via a series of waves where at each wave an emulator is fitted to a small number of training samples. An implausibility measure is defined which takes into account the closeness of simulated and observed outputs as well as emulator uncertainty. As the waves progress, the emulator becomes more accurate so that training samples are more concentrated on promising regions of the space and poorer parts of the space are rejected with more confidence. Whilst history matching has proved to be useful, existing implementations are not fully automated and some ad-hoc choices are made during the process, which involves user intervention and is time consuming. This occurs especially when the non-implausible region becomes small and it is difficult to sample this space uniformly to generate new training points. In this article we develop a sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) algorithm for implementation which is semi-automated. Our novel SMC approach reveals that the history matching method yields a non-implausible distribution that can be multi-modal, highly irregular and very difficult to sample uniformly. Our SMC approach offers a much more reliable sampling of the non-implausible space, which requires additional computation compared to other approaches used in the literature

    Distributed Maximum Matching in Bounded Degree Graphs

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    We present deterministic distributed algorithms for computing approximate maximum cardinality matchings and approximate maximum weight matchings. Our algorithm for the unweighted case computes a matching whose size is at least (1-\eps) times the optimal in \Delta^{O(1/\eps)} + O\left(\frac{1}{\eps^2}\right) \cdot\log^*(n) rounds where nn is the number of vertices in the graph and Δ\Delta is the maximum degree. Our algorithm for the edge-weighted case computes a matching whose weight is at least (1-\eps) times the optimal in \log(\min\{1/\wmin,n/\eps\})^{O(1/\eps)}\cdot(\Delta^{O(1/\eps)}+\log^*(n)) rounds for edge-weights in [\wmin,1]. The best previous algorithms for both the unweighted case and the weighted case are by Lotker, Patt-Shamir, and Pettie~(SPAA 2008). For the unweighted case they give a randomized (1-\eps)-approximation algorithm that runs in O((\log(n)) /\eps^3) rounds. For the weighted case they give a randomized (1/2-\eps)-approximation algorithm that runs in O(\log(\eps^{-1}) \cdot \log(n)) rounds. Hence, our results improve on the previous ones when the parameters Δ\Delta, \eps and \wmin are constants (where we reduce the number of runs from O(log(n))O(\log(n)) to O(log(n))O(\log^*(n))), and more generally when Δ\Delta, 1/\eps and 1/\wmin are sufficiently slowly increasing functions of nn. Moreover, our algorithms are deterministic rather than randomized.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1402.379

    On the Benefit of Merging Suffix Array Intervals for Parallel Pattern Matching

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    We present parallel algorithms for exact and approximate pattern matching with suffix arrays, using a CREW-PRAM with pp processors. Given a static text of length nn, we first show how to compute the suffix array interval of a given pattern of length mm in O(mp+lgp+lglgplglgn)O(\frac{m}{p}+ \lg p + \lg\lg p\cdot\lg\lg n) time for pmp \le m. For approximate pattern matching with kk differences or mismatches, we show how to compute all occurrences of a given pattern in O(mkσkpmax(k,lglgn) ⁣+ ⁣(1+mp)lgplglgn+occ)O(\frac{m^k\sigma^k}{p}\max\left(k,\lg\lg n\right)\!+\!(1+\frac{m}{p}) \lg p\cdot \lg\lg n + \text{occ}) time, where σ\sigma is the size of the alphabet and pσkmkp \le \sigma^k m^k. The workhorse of our algorithms is a data structure for merging suffix array intervals quickly: Given the suffix array intervals for two patterns PP and PP', we present a data structure for computing the interval of PPPP' in O(lglgn)O(\lg\lg n) sequential time, or in O(1+lgplgn)O(1+\lg_p\lg n) parallel time. All our data structures are of size O(n)O(n) bits (in addition to the suffix array)

    Dynamic Algorithms for the Massively Parallel Computation Model

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    The Massive Parallel Computing (MPC) model gained popularity during the last decade and it is now seen as the standard model for processing large scale data. One significant shortcoming of the model is that it assumes to work on static datasets while, in practice, real-world datasets evolve continuously. To overcome this issue, in this paper we initiate the study of dynamic algorithms in the MPC model. We first discuss the main requirements for a dynamic parallel model and we show how to adapt the classic MPC model to capture them. Then we analyze the connection between classic dynamic algorithms and dynamic algorithms in the MPC model. Finally, we provide new efficient dynamic MPC algorithms for a variety of fundamental graph problems, including connectivity, minimum spanning tree and matching.Comment: Accepted to the 31st ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA 2019

    Optimal Dynamic Distributed MIS

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    Finding a maximal independent set (MIS) in a graph is a cornerstone task in distributed computing. The local nature of an MIS allows for fast solutions in a static distributed setting, which are logarithmic in the number of nodes or in their degrees. The result trivially applies for the dynamic distributed model, in which edges or nodes may be inserted or deleted. In this paper, we take a different approach which exploits locality to the extreme, and show how to update an MIS in a dynamic distributed setting, either \emph{synchronous} or \emph{asynchronous}, with only \emph{a single adjustment} and in a single round, in expectation. These strong guarantees hold for the \emph{complete fully dynamic} setting: Insertions and deletions, of edges as well as nodes, gracefully and abruptly. This strongly separates the static and dynamic distributed models, as super-constant lower bounds exist for computing an MIS in the former. Our results are obtained by a novel analysis of the surprisingly simple solution of carefully simulating the greedy \emph{sequential} MIS algorithm with a random ordering of the nodes. As such, our algorithm has a direct application as a 33-approximation algorithm for correlation clustering. This adds to the important toolbox of distributed graph decompositions, which are widely used as crucial building blocks in distributed computing. Finally, our algorithm enjoys a useful \emph{history-independence} property, meaning the output is independent of the history of topology changes that constructed that graph. This means the output cannot be chosen, or even biased, by the adversary in case its goal is to prevent us from optimizing some objective function.Comment: 19 pages including appendix and reference