8 research outputs found

    Run-Time Checking of Dynamic Properties

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    We consider a first-order property specification language for run-time monitoring of dynamic systems. The language is based on a linear-time temporal logic and offers two kinds of quantifiers to bind free variables in a formula. One kind contains the usual first-order quantifiers that provide for replication of properties for dynamically created and destroyed objects in the system. The other kind, called attribute quantifiers, is used to check dynamically changing values within the same object. We show that expressions in this language can be eficiently checked over an execution trace of a system

    Invariant-driven specifications in Maude

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    AbstractThis work presents a general mechanism for executing specifications that comply with given invariants, which may be expressed in different formalisms and logics. We exploit Maude’s reflective capabilities and its properties as a general semantic framework to provide a generic strategy that allows us to execute Maude specifications taking into account user-defined invariants. The strategy is parameterized by the invariants and by the logic in which such invariants are expressed. We experiment with different logics, providing examples for propositional logic, (finite future time) linear temporal logic and metric temporal logic

    Precise modeling of design patterns

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    International audienceDesign Patterns are now widely accepted as a useful concept for guiding and documenting the design of object-oriented software systems. Still the UML is ill-equipped for precisely representing design patterns. It is true that some graphical annotations related to parameterized collaborations can be drawn on a UML model, but even the most classical GoF patterns, such as Observer, Composite or Visitor cannot be modeled precisely this way. We thus propose a minimal set of modi - cations to the UML 1.3 meta-model to make it possible to model design patterns and represent their occurrences in UML, opening the way for some automatic processing of pattern applications within CASE tools. We illustrate our proposal by showing how the Visitor and Observer patterns can be precisely modeled and combined together using our UMLAUT tool. We conclude on the generality of our approach, as well as its perspectives in the context of the de nition of UML 2.0

    Representing Dynamic Invariants in Ontologically Well-Founded Conceptual Models

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    Conceptual models often capture the invariant aspects of the phenomena we perceive. These invariants may be considered static when they refer to structures we perceive in phenomena at a particular point in time or dynamic/temporal when they refer to regularities across different points in time. While static invariants have received significant attention, dynamics enjoy marginal support in widely-employed techniques such as UML and OCL. This thesis aims at addressing this gap by proposing a technique for the representation of dynamic invariants of subject domains in UML-based conceptual models. For that purpose, a temporal extension of OCL is proposed. It enriches the ontologically well-founded OntoUML profile and enables the expression of a variety of (arbitrary) temporal constraints. The extension is fully implemented in the tool for specification, verification and simulation of enriched OntoUML models

    On a Temporal Logic for Object-Based Systems

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    This paper presents a logic, called BOTL (Object-Based Temporal Logic), that facilitates the specification of dynamic and static properties of object-based systems. The logic is based on the branching temporal logic CTL and the Object Constraint Language (OCL), an optional part of the UML standard for expressing static properties over class diagrams. The formal semantics of BOTL is defined in terms of a general operational model that is aimed to be applicable to a wide range of object-oriented languages. A mapping of a large fragment of OCL onto BOTL is defined, thus providing a formal semantics to OCL

    A Formal Approach to Practical Software Verification

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    Interpretation and Partition Refinement for Model Checking. Ph. D. Thesis, Eindhoven University of Technology, 1996. [DDR00] J. Katoen D. Distefano and A. Rensink. On a temporal logic for object-based systems. Proceedings of Formal Methods for Open Object-Based Distributed Systems, 2000. [DH99] M. Dwyer and J. Hatcliff. Slicing software for model construction. Proceedings of ACM SIGPLAN Partial Evaluation and Program Manipulation, January 1999. [DP98] M. Dwyer and C. Pasareanu. Filter-based model checking of partial systems. Software Engineering Notes, Volume 23, pp. 189 -- 202, November 1998. [DPD00] J. Skakkebaek D. Park, U. Stern and D. Dill. Java model checking. Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Automated Program Analysis, Testing and Verification, pp 74--82, June 2000. [Dwy98] Matthew Dwyer. Property pattern mappings for ltl . http://www.cis.ksu.edu/santos/spec-patterns/ltl.html, 1998. [EC98] G. Reggio E. Coscia. A proposal for a semantics of a subset of m..