4 research outputs found

    Extending the multiphysics modelling of electric machines in a digital twin concept

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    The digital twin is a trending technology that has been applied to different fields. In this work, the use of the digital twin of electric machines in a life cycle perspective is investigated. It presents a literature review of the main concepts and applications of the digital twin in the field. In addition, it discusses the methodological approach to obtain the digital twin of a static electric machine by using its multiphysics model in a reduced order model, to improve the maintenance scheme and estimate the lifetime of its insulation system based on the machine’s temperature profile.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Digital twin-enabled smart industrial systems: a bibliometric review

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    The aim of this study is to investigate the body of literature on digital twins, exploring, in particular, their role in enabling smart industrial systems. This review adopts a dynamic and quantitative bibliometric method including works citations, keywords co-occurrence networks and keywords burst detection with the aim of clarifying the main contributions to this research area and highlighting prevalent topics and trends over time. The analysis performed on citations traces the backbone of contributions to the topic, visible within the main path. Keywords co-occurrence networks depict the prevalent issues addressed, tools implemented and application areas. The burst detection completes the analysis identifying the trends and most recent research areas characterizing research on the digital twin topic. Decision-making, process design and life cycle as well as the enabling role in the adoption of the latest industrial paradigms emerge as the prevalent issues addressed by the body of literature on digital twins. In particular, the up-to-date issues of real-time systems and industry 4.0 technologies, closely related to the concept of smart industrial systems, characterize the latest research trajectories identified in the literature on digital twins. In this context, the digital twin can find new opportunities for application in manufacturing, control and services

    Diseño e implementación de un prototipo de " Digital Twin" aplicado a una planta PSA generadora de oxígeno, con el uso de internet de las cosas

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    El presente trabajo de investigación trata sobre el diseño e implementación de un “Digital Twin”.Empezando con el diseño del activo físico, desde la integración de sensores previamente instaladosen el lugar, pasando por la programación usada en todos los controladores. Posteriormente se diseña el activo digital, escogiendo el procesador teniendo en cuenta su mínimocosto y consumo de energía, pasando por la selección de servicios y la arquitectura que estos usaron, para finalmente interconectarlos. Luego se generaron dashboards para poder observar con claridad la información recogida por lossensores y enviadas previamente, como muestra de esto también se implementa un sistema SCADA, reforzando la facilidad de integración que trae el “Digital Twin”. También como parte de la investigación se desarrolla un modelo de Machine Learning como retroalimentación del “Digital Twin” hacia el activo físico, mejorando con esto la automatizacióndel proceso de generación de oxígeno, regulando el flujo para poder mantener la pureza de oxígen

    On the development of robot fish swarms in virtual reality with digital twins

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