23,385 research outputs found

    1-Relaxed Edge-Sum Labeling Game

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    We introduce a new graph labeling and derive a game on graphs called the 1-relaxed modular edge-sum labeling game. Given a graph G and a natural number n, we define a labeling by assigning to each edge a number from {1,..., n} and assign a corresponding label for each vertex u by the sum of the labels of the edges incident to u, computing this sum modulo n. Similar to the chromatic number, we define L(G) for a graph G as the smallest n such that G has a proper labeling. We provide bounds for L(G) for various classes of graphs. Motivated by competitive graph coloring, we define a game on using modular edge-sum labeling and determine the chromatic game number for various classes of graphs. We will emphasize some characteristics that distinguish this labeling from traditional vertex coloring

    List-coloring and sum-list-coloring problems on graphs

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    Graph coloring is a well-known and well-studied area of graph theory that has many applications. In this dissertation, we look at two generalizations of graph coloring known as list-coloring and sum-list-coloring. In both of these types of colorings, one seeks to first assign palettes of colors to vertices and then choose a color from the corresponding palette for each vertex so that a proper coloring is obtained. A celebrated result of Thomassen states that every planar graph can be properly colored from any arbitrarily assigned palettes of five colors. This result is known as 5-list-colorability of planar graphs. Albertson asked whether Thomassen\u27s theorem can be extended by precoloring some vertices which are at a large enough distance apart. Hutchinson asked whether Thomassen\u27s theorem can be extended by allowing certain vertices to have palettes of size less than five assigned to them. In this dissertation, we explore both of these questions and answer them in the affirmative for various classes of graphs. We also provide a catalog of small configurations with palettes of different prescribed sizes and determine whether or not they can always be colored from palettes of such sizes. These small configurations can be useful in reducing certain planar graphs to obtain more information about their structure. Additionally, we look at the newer notion of sum-list-coloring where the sum choice number is the parameter of interest. In sum-list-coloring, we seek to minimize the sum of varying sizes of palettes of colors assigned the vertices of a graph. We compute the sum choice number for all graphs on at most five vertices, present some general results about sum-list-coloring, and determine the sum choice number for certain graphs made up of cycles

    A study of the total coloring of graphs.

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    The area of total coloring is a more recent and less studied area than vertex and edge coloring, but recently, some attention has been given to the Total Coloring Conjecture, which states that each graph\u27s total chromatic number xT is no greater than its maximum degree plus two. In this dissertation, it is proved that the conjecture is satisfied by those planar graphs in which no vertex of degree 5 or 6 1ies on more than three 3-cycles. The total independence number aT is found for some families of graphs, and a relationship between that parameter and the size of a graph\u27s minimum maximal matching is discussed. For colorings with natural numbers, the total chromatic sum ST is introduced, as is total strength (oT of a graph. Tools are developed for proving that a total coloring has minimum sum, and this sum is found for some graphs including paths, cycles, complete graphs, complete bipartite graphs, full binary trees, and some hypercubes. A family of graphs is found for which no optimal total coloring maximizes the smallest color class. Lastly, the relationship between a graph\u27s total chromatic number and its total strength is explored, and some graphs are found that require more than their total chromatic number of colors to obtain a minimum sum

    Bounded Max-Colorings of Graphs

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    In a bounded max-coloring of a vertex/edge weighted graph, each color class is of cardinality at most bb and of weight equal to the weight of the heaviest vertex/edge in this class. The bounded max-vertex/edge-coloring problems ask for such a coloring minimizing the sum of all color classes' weights. In this paper we present complexity results and approximation algorithms for those problems on general graphs, bipartite graphs and trees. We first show that both problems are polynomial for trees, when the number of colors is fixed, and HbH_b approximable for general graphs, when the bound bb is fixed. For the bounded max-vertex-coloring problem, we show a 17/11-approximation algorithm for bipartite graphs, a PTAS for trees as well as for bipartite graphs when bb is fixed. For unit weights, we show that the known 4/3 lower bound for bipartite graphs is tight by providing a simple 4/3 approximation algorithm. For the bounded max-edge-coloring problem, we prove approximation factors of 32/2b3-2/\sqrt{2b}, for general graphs, min{e,32/b}\min\{e, 3-2/\sqrt{b}\}, for bipartite graphs, and 2, for trees. Furthermore, we show that this problem is NP-complete even for trees. This is the first complexity result for max-coloring problems on trees.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure

    Lower Bound for (Sum) Coloring Problem

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    The Minimum Sum Coloring Problem is a variant of the Graph Vertex Coloring Problem, for which each color has a weight. This paper presents a new way to find a lower bound of this problem, based on a relaxation into an integer partition problem with additional constraints. We improve the lower bound for 18 graphs of standard benchmark DIMACS, and prove the optimal value for 4 graphs by reaching their known upper bound