439 research outputs found

    Digital Signature Schemes Based on Hash Functions

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    Cryptographers and security experts around the world have been awakened to the reality that one day (potentially soon) large-scale quantum computers may be available. Most of the public-key cryptosystems employed today on the Internet, in both software and in hardware, are based on number-theoretic problems which are thought to be intractable on a classical (non-quantum) computer and hence are considered secure. The most popular such examples are the RSA encryption and signature schemes, and the Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH) key-exchange protocol employed widely in the SSL/TLS protocols. However, these schemes offer essentially zero security against an adversary in possession of a large-scale quantum computer. Thus, there is an urgent need to develop, analyze and implement cryptosystems and algorithms that are secure against such adversaries. It is widely believed that cryptographic hash functions are naturally resilient to attacks by a quantum adversary, and thus, signature schemes have been developed whose security relies on this belief. The goal of this thesis is to give an overview of hash-based cryptography. We describe the most important hash-based signature schemes as well as the schemes and protocols used as subroutines within them. We give a juxtaposition between stateful and stateless signature schemes, discussing the pros and cons of both while including detailed examples. Furthermore, we detail serious flaws in the security proof for the WOTS-PRF signature scheme. This scheme had the feature that its security proof was based on minimal security assumptions, namely the pseudorandomness of the underlying function family. We explore how this flawed security argument affects the other signature schemes that utilize WOTS-PRF

    07381 Abstracts Collection -- Cryptography

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    From 16.09.2007 to 21.09.2007 the Dagstuhl Seminar 07381 ``Cryptography\u27\u27 was held in the International Conference and Research Center (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl. During the seminar, several participants presented their current research, and ongoing work and open problems were discussed. Abstracts of the presentations given during the seminar as well as abstracts of seminar results and ideas are put together in this paper. The first section describes the seminar topics and goals in general. Links to extended abstracts or full papers are provided, if available

    Network layer access control for context-aware IPv6 applications

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    As part of the Lancaster GUIDE II project, we have developed a novel wireless access point protocol designed to support the development of next generation mobile context-aware applications in our local environs. Once deployed, this architecture will allow ordinary citizens secure, accountable and convenient access to a set of tailored applications including location, multimedia and context based services, and the public Internet. Our architecture utilises packet marking and network level packet filtering techniques within a modified Mobile IPv6 protocol stack to perform access control over a range of wireless network technologies. In this paper, we describe the rationale for, and components of, our architecture and contrast our approach with other state-of-the- art systems. The paper also contains details of our current implementation work, including preliminary performance measurements

    Post-Quantum Insecurity from LWE

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    We show that for many fundamental cryptographic primitives, proving classical security under the learning-with-errors (LWE) assumption, does not imply post-quantum security. This is despite the fact that LWE is widely believed to be post-quantum secure, and our work does not give any evidence otherwise. Instead, it shows that post-quantum insecurity can arise inside cryptographic constructions, even if the assumptions are post-quantum secure. Concretely, our work provides (contrived) constructions of pseudorandom functions, CPA-secure symmetric-key encryption, message-authentication codes, signatures, and CCA-secure public-key encryption schemes, all of which are proven to be classically secure under LWE via black-box reductions, but demonstrably fail to be post-quantum secure. All of these cryptosystems are stateless and non-interactive, but their security is defined via an interactive game that allows the attacker to make oracle queries to the cryptosystem. The polynomial-time quantum attacker can break these schemes by only making a few classical queries to the cryptosystem, and in some cases, a single query suffices. Previously, we only had examples of post-quantum insecurity under post-quantum assumptions for stateful/interactive protocols. Moreover, there appears to be a folklore belief that for stateless/non-interactive cryptosystems with black-box proofs of security, a quantum attack against the scheme should translate into a quantum attack on the assumption. This work shows otherwise. Our main technique is to carefully embed interactive protocols inside the interactive security games of the above primitives. As a result of independent interest, we also show a 3-round quantum disclosure of secrets (QDS) protocol between a classical sender and a receiver, where a quantum receiver learns a secret message in the third round but, assuming LWE, a classical receiver does not

    Forward-Security in Private-Key Cryptography

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    This paper provides a comprehensive treatment of forward-security in the context of sharedkey based cryptographic primitives, as a practical means to mitigate the damage caused by key-exposure. We provide definitions of security, practical proven-secure constructions, and applications for the main primitives in this area. We identify forward-secure pseudorandom bit generators as the central primitive, providing several constructions and then showing how forward-secure message authentication schemes and symmetric encryption schemes can be built based on standard schemes for these problems coupled with forward-secure pseudorandom bit generators. We then apply forward-secure message authentication schemes to the problem of maintaining secure access logs in the presence of break-ins

    CMCC: Misuse Resistant Authenticated Encryption with Minimal Ciphertext Expansion

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    In some wireless environments, minimizing the size of messages is paramount due to the resulting significant energy savings. We present CMCC, an authenticated encryption scheme with associated data (AEAD) that is also nonce misuse resistant. The main focus for this work is minimizing ciphertext expansion, especially for short messages including plaintext lengths less than the underlying block cipher length (e.g., 16 bytes). For many existing AEAD schemes, a successful forgery leads directly to a loss of confidentiality. For CMCC, changes to the ciphertext randomize the resulting plaintext, thus forgeries do not necessarily result in a loss of confidentiality which allows us to reduce the length of the authentication tag. For protocols that send short messages, our scheme is similar to Counter with CBC-MAC (CCM) for computational overhead but has much smaller expansion. We prove both a misuse resistant authenticated encryption (MRAE) security bound and an authenticated encryption (AE) security bound for CMCC. We also present a variation of CMCC, CWM, which provides a further strengthening of the security bounds. Our contributions include both stateless and stateful versions which enable minimal sized message numbers using different network related trade-offs

    On the Role of Hash-Based Signatures in Quantum-Safe Internet of Things:Current Solutions and Future Directions

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is gaining ground as a pervasive presence around us by enabling miniaturized things with computation and communication capabilities to collect, process, analyze, and interpret information. Consequently, trustworthy data act as fuel for applications that rely on the data generated by these things, for critical decision-making processes, data debugging, risk assessment, forensic analysis, and performance tuning. Currently, secure and reliable data communication in IoT is based on public-key cryptosystems such as Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem (ECC). Nevertheless, reliance on the security of de-facto cryptographic primitives is at risk of being broken by the impending quantum computers. Therefore, the transition from classical primitives to quantum-safe primitives is indispensable to ensure the overall security of data en route. In this paper, we investigate applications of one of the post-quantum signatures called Hash-Based Signature (HBS) schemes for the security of IoT devices in the quantum era. We give a succinct overview of the evolution of HBS schemes with emphasis on their construction parameters and associated strengths and weaknesses. Then, we outline the striking features of HBS schemes and their significance for the IoT security in the quantum era. We investigate the optimal selection of HBS in the IoT networks with respect to their performance-constrained requirements, resource-constrained nature, and design optimization objectives. In addition to ongoing standardization efforts, we also highlight current and future research and deployment challenges along with possible solutions. Finally, we outline the essential measures and recommendations that must be adopted by the IoT ecosystem while preparing for the quantum world.Comment: 18 pages, 7 tables, 7 figure

    Hardware Attacks against Hash-based Cryptographic Algorithms

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    This thesis surveys the current state of the art of hash-based cryptography with a view to finding vulnerabilities related to side-channel attacks and fault attacks. For side-channel investigation, we analyzed the power consumption of an Arduino Due microcontroller running a custom ARM implementation of SPHINCS-256---the most advanced digital signature scheme based on hash functions. Simple power analysis (SPA) was applied on a single trace to obtain a first insight into the implementation, and then on multiple traces to identify an initial data dependence of the power consumption on the hash functions involved in the instance. Based on this result, differential power analysis (DPA), with difference of means, V-test, and Pearson correlation, was applied to further investigate the leakage relating to BLAKE-256, as this function is used within SPHINCS-256 several times with the same secret key but applied on different known addresses. Concerning fault attacks, using instances of one-time signature (OTS) or few-times signatures (FTS) to sign a same message has been shown to theoretically make many schemes, such as LD-OTS, W-OTS, and HORS, existentially forgeable with non-invasive attacks. These vulnerabilities are fatal for the Merkle signature schemes which implement the tree chaining method (CMSS). When the schemes provide n/2 = 128 bits of quantum security, a universal forgery can be created with around q = 20 different faulty signatures. This thesis demonstrates a practical application of fault attacks to create this universal forgery using voltage glitching on the previously mentioned ARM implementation of SPHINCS-256. An invasive attack performing key recovery against W-OTS by forcing bits of two quantities to be zero is also described. Countermeasures to thwart all the described attacks are discussed
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