3 research outputs found

    On Spectral Coexistence of CP-OFDM and FB-MC Waveforms in 5G Networks

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    Future 5G networks will serve a variety of applications that will coexist on the same spectral band and geographical area, in an uncoordinated and asynchronous manner. It is widely accepted that using CP-OFDM, the waveform used by most current communication systems, will make it difficult to achieve this paradigm. Especially, CP-OFDM is not adapted for spectral coexistence because of its poor spectral localization. Therefore, it has been widely suggested to use filter bank based multi carrier (FB-MC) waveforms with enhanced spectral localization to replace CP-OFDM. Especially, FB-MC waveforms are expected to facilitate coexistence with legacy CP-OFDM based systems. However, this idea is based on the observation of the PSD of FB-MC waveforms only. In this paper, we demonstrate that this approach is flawed and show what metric should be used to rate interference between FB-MC and CP-OFDM systems. Finally, our results show that using FB-MC waveforms does not facilitate coexistence with CP-OFDM based systems to a high extent.Comment: Manuscript submitted for review to IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication

    Power Allocation and Capacity Analysis for FBMC-OQAM With Superimposed Training

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    Superimposed training (ST) is a semiblind channel estimation technique, proposed for orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM), where training sequences are added to data symbols, avoiding the use of dedicated pilot-subcarriers, and increasing the available bandwidth compared with pilot symbol assisted modulation (PSAM). Filter bank multicarrier offset quadrature amplitude modulation (FBMC-OQAM) is a promising waveform technique considered to replace the OFDM, which takes advantage of well-designed filters to avoid the use of cyclic prefix and reduce the out-band-emissions. In this paper, we provide the expressions of the average channel capacity of the FBMC-OQAM combined with either PSAM or ST schemes, considering imperfect channel estimation and the presence of the pilot sequences. In order to compute the capacity expression of our proposal, ST-FBMC-OQAM, we analyze the channel estimation error and its variance. The average channel capacity is deduced considering the noise, data interference from ST, and the intrinsic self-interference of the FBMC-OQAM. Additionally, to maximize the average channel capacity, the optimal value of data power allocation is also obtained. The simulation results confirm the validity of the capacity analysis and demonstrate the superiority of the ST-FBMC-OQAM over existing proposals

    SCATTER PHY : an open source physical layer for the DARPA spectrum collaboration challenge

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    DARPA, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency from the United States, has started the Spectrum Collaboration Challenge with the aim to encourage research and development of coexistence and collaboration techniques of heterogeneous networks in the same wireless spectrum bands. Team SCATTER has been participating in the challenge since its beginning, back in 2016. SCATTER's open-source software defined physical layer (SCATTER PHY) has been developed as a standalone application, with the ability to communicate with higher layers through a set of well defined messages (created with Google's Protocol buffers) and that exchanged over a ZeroMQ bus. This approach allows upper layers to access it remotely or locally and change all parameters in real time through the control messages. SCATTER PHY runs on top of USRP based software defined radio devices (i.e., devices from Ettus or National Instruments) to send and receive wireless signals. It is a highly optimized and real-time configurable SDR based PHY layer that can be used for the research and development of novel intelligent spectrum sharing schemes and algorithms. The main objective of making SCATTER PHY available to the research and development community is to provide a solution that can be used out of the box to devise disruptive algorithms and techniques to optimize the sub-optimal use of the radio spectrum that exists today. This way, researchers and developers can mainly focus their attention on the development of smarter (i.e., intelligent algorithms and techniques) spectrum sharing approaches. Therefore, in this paper, we describe the design and main features of SCATTER PHY and showcase several experiments performed to assess the effectiveness and performance of the proposed PHY layer