412 research outputs found

    On some properties of the semigroup of a machine which are preserved under state minimization

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    Some results on special types of semigroups of transformations of a set (including permutation groups) are developed and combined with the fundamental results of Paull and Unger on state minimization of incompletely specified sequential machines to obtain some properties of the transformation semigroup of such a machine which are preserved in all minimum state machines (strong preservation), or in at least one (weak preservation) minimum state machine. The principal results are that for permutation machines (those whose states are permuted by every input) there is strong preservation and for simple machines (those whose semigroups have no proper ideals) there is weak preservation. A number of further properties of permutation machines in the satisfaction and minimum state relations are developed

    Effective Theories for Circuits and Automata

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    Abstracting an effective theory from a complicated process is central to the study of complexity. Even when the underlying mechanisms are understood, or at least measurable, the presence of dissipation and irreversibility in biological, computational and social systems makes the problem harder. Here we demonstrate the construction of effective theories in the presence of both irreversibility and noise, in a dynamical model with underlying feedback. We use the Krohn-Rhodes theorem to show how the composition of underlying mechanisms can lead to innovations in the emergent effective theory. We show how dissipation and irreversibility fundamentally limit the lifetimes of these emergent structures, even though, on short timescales, the group properties may be enriched compared to their noiseless counterparts.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure

    Preliminary Concepts for Economic Systems Analysis

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    In preparing theoretical tools to analyze economic systems we need several fundamental concepts that are often applied in various scientific investigations outside economic studies. Amongst others, the concept of autopoiesis, which was introduced by Niklas Luhmann into his sociological systems theory, is the most important in constructing a theoretical model to explain the working of economic systems. An autopoietic system may be regarded as the functional core by which other elementary concepts such as homeostasis, machinery, corporate system and social entropy can be logically connected. In conclusion, all economic systems are contained in distinct social systems of autopoietic character and incorporated with them as a subsystem or partially independent system.system, autopoiesis

    Total variation denoising in l1l^1 anisotropy

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    We aim at constructing solutions to the minimizing problem for the variant of Rudin-Osher-Fatemi denoising model with rectilinear anisotropy and to the gradient flow of its underlying anisotropic total variation functional. We consider a naturally defined class of functions piecewise constant on rectangles (PCR). This class forms a strictly dense subset of the space of functions of bounded variation with an anisotropic norm. The main result shows that if the given noisy image is a PCR function, then solutions to both considered problems also have this property. For PCR data the problem of finding the solution is reduced to a finite algorithm. We discuss some implications of this result, for instance we use it to prove that continuity is preserved by both considered problems.Comment: 34 pages, 9 figure

    Local Causal States and Discrete Coherent Structures

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    Coherent structures form spontaneously in nonlinear spatiotemporal systems and are found at all spatial scales in natural phenomena from laboratory hydrodynamic flows and chemical reactions to ocean, atmosphere, and planetary climate dynamics. Phenomenologically, they appear as key components that organize the macroscopic behaviors in such systems. Despite a century of effort, they have eluded rigorous analysis and empirical prediction, with progress being made only recently. As a step in this, we present a formal theory of coherent structures in fully-discrete dynamical field theories. It builds on the notion of structure introduced by computational mechanics, generalizing it to a local spatiotemporal setting. The analysis' main tool employs the \localstates, which are used to uncover a system's hidden spatiotemporal symmetries and which identify coherent structures as spatially-localized deviations from those symmetries. The approach is behavior-driven in the sense that it does not rely on directly analyzing spatiotemporal equations of motion, rather it considers only the spatiotemporal fields a system generates. As such, it offers an unsupervised approach to discover and describe coherent structures. We illustrate the approach by analyzing coherent structures generated by elementary cellular automata, comparing the results with an earlier, dynamic-invariant-set approach that decomposes fields into domains, particles, and particle interactions.Comment: 27 pages, 10 figures; http://csc.ucdavis.edu/~cmg/compmech/pubs/dcs.ht

    Controlled Sequential Monte Carlo

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    Sequential Monte Carlo methods, also known as particle methods, are a popular set of techniques for approximating high-dimensional probability distributions and their normalizing constants. These methods have found numerous applications in statistics and related fields; e.g. for inference in non-linear non-Gaussian state space models, and in complex static models. Like many Monte Carlo sampling schemes, they rely on proposal distributions which crucially impact their performance. We introduce here a class of controlled sequential Monte Carlo algorithms, where the proposal distributions are determined by approximating the solution to an associated optimal control problem using an iterative scheme. This method builds upon a number of existing algorithms in econometrics, physics, and statistics for inference in state space models, and generalizes these methods so as to accommodate complex static models. We provide a theoretical analysis concerning the fluctuation and stability of this methodology that also provides insight into the properties of related algorithms. We demonstrate significant gains over state-of-the-art methods at a fixed computational complexity on a variety of applications

    Hierarchical coordinate systems for understanding complexity and its evolution with applications to genetic regulatory networks

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    Original article can be found at : http://www.mitpressjournals.org/ Copyright MIT PressBeyond complexity measures, sometimes it is worth in addition investigating how complexity changes structurally, especially in artificial systems where we have complete knowledge about the evolutionary process. Hierarchical decomposition is a useful way of assessing structural complexity changes of organisms modeled as automata, and we show how recently developed computational tools can be used for this purpose, by computing holonomy decompositions and holonomy complexity. To gain insight into the evolution of complexity, we investigate the smoothness of the landscape structure of complexity under minimal transitions. As a proof of concept, we illustrate how the hierarchical complexity analysis reveals symmetries and irreversible structure in biological networks by applying the methods to the lac operon mechanism in the genetic regulatory network of Escherichia coli.Peer reviewe

    Higher-order Projected Power Iterations for Scalable Multi-Matching

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    The matching of multiple objects (e.g. shapes or images) is a fundamental problem in vision and graphics. In order to robustly handle ambiguities, noise and repetitive patterns in challenging real-world settings, it is essential to take geometric consistency between points into account. Computationally, the multi-matching problem is difficult. It can be phrased as simultaneously solving multiple (NP-hard) quadratic assignment problems (QAPs) that are coupled via cycle-consistency constraints. The main limitations of existing multi-matching methods are that they either ignore geometric consistency and thus have limited robustness, or they are restricted to small-scale problems due to their (relatively) high computational cost. We address these shortcomings by introducing a Higher-order Projected Power Iteration method, which is (i) efficient and scales to tens of thousands of points, (ii) straightforward to implement, (iii) able to incorporate geometric consistency, (iv) guarantees cycle-consistent multi-matchings, and (iv) comes with theoretical convergence guarantees. Experimentally we show that our approach is superior to existing methods