3,213 research outputs found

    Certain subclasses of multivalent functions defined by new multiplier transformations

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    In the present paper the new multiplier transformations \mathrm{{\mathcal{J}% }}_{p}^{\delta }(\lambda ,\mu ,l) (\delta ,l\geq 0,\;\lambda \geq \mu \geq 0;\;p\in \mathrm{% }%\mathbb{N} )} of multivalent functions is defined. Making use of the operator Jpδ(λ,μ,l),\mathrm{% {\mathcal{J}}}_{p}^{\delta }(\lambda ,\mu ,l), two new subclasses Pλ,μ,lδ(A,B;σ,p)\mathcal{% P}_{\lambda ,\mu ,l}^{\delta }(A,B;\sigma ,p) and P~λ,μ,lδ(A,B;σ,p)\widetilde{\mathcal{P}}% _{\lambda ,\mu ,l}^{\delta }(A,B;\sigma ,p)\textbf{\ }of multivalent analytic functions are introduced and investigated in the open unit disk. Some interesting relations and characteristics such as inclusion relationships, neighborhoods, partial sums, some applications of fractional calculus and quasi-convolution properties of functions belonging to each of these subclasses Pλ,μ,lδ(A,B;σ,p)\mathcal{P}_{\lambda ,\mu ,l}^{\delta }(A,B;\sigma ,p) and P~λ,μ,lδ(A,B;σ,p)\widetilde{\mathcal{P}}_{\lambda ,\mu ,l}^{\delta }(A,B;\sigma ,p) are investigated. Relevant connections of the definitions and results presented in this paper with those obtained in several earlier works on the subject are also pointed out

    On 2-form gauge models of topological phases

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    We explore various aspects of 2-form topological gauge theories in (3+1)d. These theories can be constructed as sigma models with target space the second classifying space B2GB^2G of the symmetry group GG, and they are classified by cohomology classes of B2GB^2G. Discrete topological gauge theories can typically be embedded into continuous quantum field theories. In the 2-form case, the continuous theory is shown to be a strict 2-group gauge theory. This embedding is studied by carefully constructing the space of qq-form connections using the technology of Deligne-Beilinson cohomology. The same techniques can then be used to study more general models built from Postnikov towers. For finite symmetry groups, 2-form topological theories have a natural lattice interpretation, which we use to construct a lattice Hamiltonian model in (3+1)d that is exactly solvable. This construction relies on the introduction of a cohomology, dubbed 2-form cohomology, of algebraic cocycles that are identified with the simplicial cocycles of B2GB^2G as provided by the so-called WW-construction of Eilenberg-MacLane spaces. We show algebraically and geometrically how a 2-form 4-cocycle reduces to the associator and the braiding isomorphisms of a premodular category of GG-graded vector spaces. This is used to show the correspondence between our 2-form gauge model and the Walker-Wang model.Comment: 78 page

    2D Conformal Field Theories and Holography

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    It is known that the chiral part of any 2d conformal field theory defines a 3d topological quantum field theory: quantum states of this TQFT are the CFT conformal blocks. The main aim of this paper is to show that a similar CFT/TQFT relation exists also for the full CFT. The 3d topological theory that arises is a certain ``square'' of the chiral TQFT. Such topological theories were studied by Turaev and Viro; they are related to 3d gravity. We establish an operator/state correspondence in which operators in the chiral TQFT correspond to states in the Turaev-Viro theory. We use this correspondence to interpret CFT correlation functions as particular quantum states of the Turaev-Viro theory. We compute the components of these states in the basis in the Turaev-Viro Hilbert space given by colored 3-valent graphs. The formula we obtain is a generalization of the Verlinde formula. The later is obtained from our expression for a zero colored graph. Our results give an interesting ``holographic'' perspective on conformal field theories in 2 dimensions.Comment: 29+1 pages, many figure

    Polyhedra in loop quantum gravity

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    Interwiners are the building blocks of spin-network states. The space of intertwiners is the quantization of a classical symplectic manifold introduced by Kapovich and Millson. Here we show that a theorem by Minkowski allows us to interpret generic configurations in this space as bounded convex polyhedra in Euclidean space: a polyhedron is uniquely described by the areas and normals to its faces. We provide a reconstruction of the geometry of the polyhedron: we give formulas for the edge lengths, the volume and the adjacency of its faces. At the quantum level, this correspondence allows us to identify an intertwiner with the state of a quantum polyhedron, thus generalizing the notion of quantum tetrahedron familiar in the loop quantum gravity literature. Moreover, coherent intertwiners result to be peaked on the classical geometry of polyhedra. We discuss the relevance of this result for loop quantum gravity. In particular, coherent spin-network states with nodes of arbitrary valence represent a collection of semiclassical polyhedra. Furthermore, we introduce an operator that measures the volume of a quantum polyhedron and examine its relation with the standard volume operator of loop quantum gravity. We also comment on the semiclassical limit of spinfoams with non-simplicial graphs.Comment: 32 pages, many figures. v2 minor correction
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