16,917 research outputs found

    A Dialogue of Multipoles: Matched Asymptotic Expansion for Caged Black Holes

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    No analytic solution is known to date for a black hole in a compact dimension. We develop an analytic perturbation theory where the small parameter is the size of the black hole relative to the size of the compact dimension. We set up a general procedure for an arbitrary order in the perturbation series based on an asymptotic matched expansion between two coordinate patches: the near horizon zone and the asymptotic zone. The procedure is ordinary perturbation expansion in each zone, where additionally some boundary data comes from the other zone, and so the procedure alternates between the zones. It can be viewed as a dialogue of multipoles where the black hole changes its shape (mass multipoles) in response to the field (multipoles) created by its periodic "mirrors", and that in turn changes its field and so on. We present the leading correction to the full metric including the first correction to the area-temperature relation, the leading term for black hole eccentricity and the "Archimedes effect". The next order corrections will appear in a sequel. On the way we determine independently the static perturbations of the Schwarzschild black hole in dimension d>=5, where the system of equations can be reduced to "a master equation" - a single ordinary differential equation. The solutions are hypergeometric functions which in some cases reduce to polynomials.Comment: 47 pages, 12 figures, minor corrections described at the end of the introductio

    Beyond Inflation: A Cyclic Universe Scenario

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    Inflation has been the leading early universe scenario for two decades, and has become an accepted element of the successful `cosmic concordance' model. However, there are many puzzling features of the resulting theory. It requires both high energy and low energy inflation, with energy densities differing by a hundred orders of magnitude. The questions of why the universe started out undergoing high energy inflation, and why it will end up in low energy inflation, are unanswered. Rather than resort to anthropic arguments, we have developed an alternative cosmology, the Cyclic universe, in which the universe exists in a very long-lived attractor state determined by the laws of physics. The model shares inflation's phenomenological successes without requiring an epoch of high energy inflation. Instead, the universe is made homogeneous and flat, and scale-invariant adiabatic perturbations are generated during an epoch of low energy acceleration like that seen today, but preceding the last big bang. Unlike inflation, the model requires low energy acceleration in order for a periodic attractor state to exist. The key challenge facing the scenario is that of passing through the cosmic singularity at t=0. Substantial progress has been made at the level of linearised gravity, which is reviewed here. The challenge of extending this to nonlinear gravity and string theory remains.Comment: 27 pages, 6 figures, talk given at the Nobel Symposium `String Theory and Cosmology', 2003. To appear, Physica Script

    Density Perturbations in the Ekpyrotic Scenario

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    We study the generation of density perturbations in the ekpyrotic scenario for the early universe, including gravitational backreaction. We expose interesting subtleties that apply to both inflationary and ekpyrotic models. Our analysis includes a detailed proposal of how the perturbations generated in a contracting phase may be matched across a `bounce' to those in an expanding hot big bang phase. For the physical conditions relevant to the ekpyrotic scenario, we re-obtain our earlier result of a nearly scale-invariant spectrum of energy density perturbations. We find that the perturbation amplitude is typically small, as desired to match observation.Comment: 36 pages, compressed and RevTex file, one postscript figure file. Minor typographical and numerical errors corrected, discussion added. This version to appear in Physical Review

    Asymptotic safety in the f(R) approximation

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    In the asymptotic safety programme for quantum gravity, it is important to go beyond polynomial truncations. Three such approximations have been derived where the restriction is only to a general function f(R) of the curvature R>0. We confront these with the requirement that a fixed point solution be smooth and exist for all non-negative R. Singularities induced by cutoff choices force the earlier versions to have no such solutions. However, we show that the most recent version has a number of lines of fixed points, each supporting a continuous spectrum of eigen-perturbations. We uncover and analyse the first five such lines. Sensible fixed point behaviour may be achieved if one consistently incorporates geometry/topology change. As an exploratory example, we analyse the equations analytically continued to R<0, however we now find only partial solutions.We show how these results are always consistent with, and to some extent can be predicted from, a straightforward analysis of the constraints inherent in the equations.Comment: Latex, 66 pages, published version, typos correcte

    Modulated Perturbations from Instant Preheating after new Ekpyrosis

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    We present a mechanism to transfer the spectrum of perturbations in a scalar isocurvature field Îľ\xi onto the matter content in the radiation era via modulated, instant preheating after ekpyrosis. In this setup, Îľ\xi determines the coupling constant relevant for the decay of a preheat matter field into Fermions. The resulting power spectrum is scale invariant if Îľ\xi remains close to a scaling solution in new ekpyrotic models of the universe; by construction the spectrum is independent of the detailed physics near the bounce. The process differs from the curvaton mechanism, which has been used recently to revive the ekpyrotic scenario, in that no peculiar behavior of Îľ\xi shortly before or during the bounce is needed. In addition, a concrete and efficient realization of reheating after ekpyrosis is provided; this mechanism is not tied to ekpyrotic models, but could equally well be used in other setups, for instance inflationary ones. We estimate non-Gaussianities and find no additional contributions in the most simple realizations, in contrast to models using the curvaton mechanism.Comment: 21 pages; v2 references added, minor clarification

    Passing through the bounce in the ekpyrotic models

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    By considering a simplified but exact model for realizing the ekpyrotic scenario, we clarify various assumptions that have been used in the literature. In particular, we discuss the new ekpyrotic prescription for passing the perturbations through the singularity which we show to provide a spectrum depending on a non physical normalization function. We also show that this prescription does not reproduce the exact result for a sharp transition. Then, more generally, we demonstrate that, in the only case where a bounce can be obtained in Einstein General Relativity without facing singularities and/or violation of the standard energy conditions, the bounce cannot be made arbitrarily short. This contrasts with the standard (inflationary) situation where the transition between two eras with different values of the equation of state can be considered as instantaneous. We then argue that the usually conserved quantities are not constant on a typical bounce time scale. Finally, we also examine the case of a test scalar field (or gravitational waves) where similar results are obtained. We conclude that the full dynamical equations of the underlying theory should be solved in a non singular case before any conclusion can be drawn.Comment: 17 pages, ReVTeX 4, 13 figures, minor corrections, conclusions unchange
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