1,532 research outputs found

    On simultaneous identification of a scatterer and its generalized impedance boundary condition

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    We consider the inverse scattering problem consisting in the identification of both an obstacle and two functional coefficients of a generalized boundary condition prescribed on its boundary, from far--fields due to several plane waves. After proving a uniqueness result for such inverse problem, we define and compute appropriate derivative of the far--field with respect to an obstacle with non constant impedances. A steepest descent method is then applied to retrieve both the obstacle and the functional impedances from the measured far--fields. The feasability of the method is demonstrated with the help of some 2D numerical experiments

    Identification of generalized impedance boundary conditions: some numerical issues

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    We are interested in the identification of a Generalized Impedance Boundary Condition from the far fields created by one or several incident plane waves at a fixed frequency. We focus on the particular case where this boundary condition is expressed as a second order surface operator: the inverse problem then amounts to retrieve the two functions λ\lambda and μ\mu that define this boundary operator. We first derive a new type of stability estimate for the identification of λ\lambda and μ\mu from the far field when inexact knowledge of the boundary is assumed. We then introduce an optimization method to identify λ\lambda and μ\mu, using in particular a H1H^1-type regularization of the gradient. We lastly show some numerical results in two dimensions, including a study of the impact of some various parameters, and by assuming either an exact knowledge of the shape of the obstacle or an approximate one.Ce travail concerne l'identification d'une condition aux limites d'impédance généralisée (GIBC) sur le bord d'un objet diffractant à partir du champ lointain créé par une ou plusieurs ondes planes, dans le cas particulier où cette condition est caractérisée par un opérateur d'ordre 2 sur le bord, défini par deux fonctions λ\lambda et μ\mu à identifier. Nous commençons par établir une estimation originale de stabilité des fonctions λ\lambda et μ\mu cherchées vis à vis du champ lointain, en présence d'une erreur commise sur la forme de l'obstacle. Nous introduisons ensuite une méthode d'optimisation pour identifier λ\lambda et μ\mu, une régularisation de type H1H^1 du gradient étant utilisée. Nous montrons enfin des résultats numériques de reconstruction en deux dimensions incluant une étude de sensibilité par rapport aux différents paramètres, en supposant une connaissance exacte ou approchée de la forme de l'obstacle

    Simultaneous numerical determination of a corroded boundary and its admittance

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    In this paper, an inverse geometric problem for Laplace’s equation arising in boundary corrosion detection is considered. This problem, which consists of determining an unknown corroded portion of the boundary of a bounded domain and its admittance Robin coefficient from two pairs of boundary Cauchy data (boundary temperature and heat flux), is solved numerically using the meshless method of fundamental solutions. A non-linear minimization of the objective function is regularized, and the stability of the numerical results is investigated with respect to noise in the input data and various values of the regularization parameters involved

    Reconstructing the shape and material parameters of dissipative obstacles using an impedance model

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    In inverse scattering problems, a model that allows for the simultaneous recovery of both the domain shape and an impedance boundary condition covers a wide range of problems with impenetrable domains, including recovering the shape of sound-hard and sound-soft obstacles and obstacles with thin coatings. This work develops an optimization framework for recovering the shape and material parameters of a penetrable, dissipative obstacle in the multifrequency setting, using a constrained class of curvature-dependent impedance function models proposed by Antoine, Barucq, and Vernhet. We find that this constrained model improves the robustness of the recovery problem, compared to more general models, and provides meaningfully better obstacle recovery than simpler models. We explore the effectiveness of the model for varying levels of dissipation, for noise-corrupted data, and for limited aperture data in the numerical examples

    Analysis of the factorization method for a general class of boundary conditions

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    SubmittedInternational audienceWe analyze the factorization method (introduced by Kirsch in 1998 to solve inverse scattering problems at fixed frequency from the farfield operator) for a general class of boundary conditions that generalizes impedance boundary conditions. For instance, when the surface impedance operator is of pseudo-differential type, our main result stipulates that the factorization method works if the order of this operator is different from one and the operator is Fredholm of index zero with non negative imaginary part. We also provide some validating numerical examples for boundary operators of second order with discussion on the choice of the testing function

    Reconstruction of discontinuous parameters in a second order impedance boundary operator

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    International audienceWe consider the inverse problem of retrieving the coefficients of a second order boundary operator from Cauchy data associated with the Laplace operator at a measurement curve. We study the identifiability and reconstruction in the case of piecewise continuous parameters. We prove in particular the differentiability of the Khon-Vogelius functional with respect to the discontinuity points and employ the result in a gradient type minimizing algorithm. We provide validating numerical results discussing in particular the case of unknown number of discontinuity points

    Linearized Reconstruction for Diffuse Optical Spectroscopic Imaging

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    In this paper, we present a novel reconstruction method for diffuse optical spectroscopic imaging with a commonly used tissue model of optical absorption and scattering. It is based on linearization and group sparsity, which allows recovering the diffusion coefficient and absorption coefficient simultaneously, provided that their spectral profiles are incoherent and a sufficient number of wavelengths are judiciously taken for the measurements. We also discuss the reconstruction for imperfectly known boundary and show that with the multi-wavelength data, the method can reduce the influence of modelling errors and still recover the absorption coefficient. Extensive numerical experiments are presented to support our analysis.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figure

    Parametric Level Set Methods for Inverse Problems

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    In this paper, a parametric level set method for reconstruction of obstacles in general inverse problems is considered. General evolution equations for the reconstruction of unknown obstacles are derived in terms of the underlying level set parameters. We show that using the appropriate form of parameterizing the level set function results a significantly lower dimensional problem, which bypasses many difficulties with traditional level set methods, such as regularization, re-initialization and use of signed distance function. Moreover, we show that from a computational point of view, low order representation of the problem paves the path for easier use of Newton and quasi-Newton methods. Specifically for the purposes of this paper, we parameterize the level set function in terms of adaptive compactly supported radial basis functions, which used in the proposed manner provides flexibility in presenting a larger class of shapes with fewer terms. Also they provide a "narrow-banding" advantage which can further reduce the number of active unknowns at each step of the evolution. The performance of the proposed approach is examined in three examples of inverse problems, i.e., electrical resistance tomography, X-ray computed tomography and diffuse optical tomography