5 research outputs found

    An Agent Based Transaction Manager for Multidatabase Systems

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    A multidatabase system (MDBMS) is a facility that allows users to access data located in multiple autonomous database management systems (DBMSs) at different sites. To ensure global atomicity for multidatabase transactions, a reliable global atomic commitment protocol is a possible solution. In this protocol a centralized transaction manager (TM) receives global transactions, submits subtransactions to the appropriate sites via AGENTS. An AGENT is a component of MDBS that runs on each site; AGENTS after receiving subtransactions from the transaction manager perform the transaction and send the results back to TM. We have presented a unique proof-of-concept, a JAVA application for an Agent Based Transaction Manager that preserves global atomicity. It provides a user friendly interface through which reliable atomic commitment protocol for global transaction execution in multidatabase environment can be visualized. We demonstrated with three different test case scenarios how the protocol works. This is useful in further research in this area where atomicity of transactions can be verified for protocol correctness

    Transactional Agents for Pervasive Computing

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    Pervasive computing enables seamless integration of computing technology into everyday life to make upto- date information and services proactively available to the users based on their needs and behaviors. We aim to develop a transaction management scheme as a pertinent component for such environment supported by either structured or ad hoc networks. We propose Transactional Agents for Pervasive COmputing (TAPCO), which utilizes a dynamic hierarchical meta data structure that captures the semantic contents of the underlying heterogeneous data sources. Mobile agents process the transactions collaboratively, to preserve ACID properties without violating local autonomy of the data sources. TAPCO is simulated and compared against Decentralized Serialization Graph Testing (DSGT) protocol. The results show that TAPCO outperforms DSGT in several ways. In contrast to DSGT that did not consider local transactions, TAPCO supports both local and global transactions without violating the local autonomy


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    With the rapid growth of the wireless networking technology and mobile computing devices, there is an increasing demand for processing mobile database transactions in mission-critical applications such as disaster rescue and military operations that do not require a fixed infrastructure, so that mobile users can access and manipulate the database anytime and anywhere. A Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) is a collection of mobile, wireless and battery-powered nodes without a fixed infrastructure; therefore it fits well in such applications. However, when a node runs out of energy or has insufficient energy to function, communication may fail, disconnections may happen, execution of transactions may be prolonged, and thus time-critical transactions may be aborted if they missed their deadlines. In order to guarantee timely and correct results for multiple concurrent transactions, energy-efficient database concurrency control (CC) techniques become critical. Due to the characteristics of MANET databases, existing CC algorithms cannot work effectively.In this dissertation, an energy-efficient CC algorithm, called Sequential Order with Dynamic Adjustment (SODA), is developed for mission-critical MANET databases in a clustered network architecture where nodes are divided into clusters, each of which has a node, called a cluster head, responsible for the processing of all nodes in the cluster. The cluster structure is constructed using a novel weighted clustering algorithm, called MEW (Mobility, Energy, and Workload), that uses node mobility, remaining energy and workload to group nodes into clusters and select cluster heads. In SODA, in order to conserve energy and balance energy consumption among servers so that the lifetime of the network is prolonged, cluster heads are elected to work as coordinating servers. SODA is based on optimistic CC to offer high transaction concurrency and avoid unbounded blocking time. It utilizes the sequential order of committed transactions to simplify the validation process and dynamically adjusts the sequential order of committed transactions to reduce transaction aborts and improve system throughput.Besides correctness proof and theoretical analysis, comprehensive simulation experiments were conducted to study the performance of MEW and SODA. The simulation results confirm that MEW prolongs the lifetime of MANETs and has a lower cluster head change rate and re-affiliation rate than the existing algorithm MOBIC. The simulation results also show the superiority of SODA over the existing techniques, SESAMO and S2PL, in terms of transaction abort rate, system throughput, total energy consumption by all servers, and degree of balancing energy consumption among servers

    Transaktionen in föderierten Datenbanksystemen unter eingeschränkten Isolation Levels

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    Atomarität und Isolation von Transaktionen sind Schlüsseleigenschaften fortgeschrittener Anwendungen in föderierten Systemen, die aus verteilten, heterogenen Komponenten bestehen. Während Atomarität von praktisch allen realen Systemen durch das Zweiphasen- Commitprotokoll gewährleistet wird, unterstützt kein System eine explizite föderierte Concurrency Control. In der Literatur wurden zwar zahlreiche Lösungsansätze vorgeschlagen, doch sie haben wenig Einfluss auf Produkte genommen, weil sie die weitverbreiteten Isolation Levels nicht berücksichtigen, die Applikationen Optimierungsmöglichkeiten auf Kosten einer eingeschränkten Kontrolle über die Konsistenz der Daten erlauben. Diese Arbeit vergleicht zunächst existierende Definitionen für Isolation Levels und entwickelt eine neuartige, formale Charakterisierung für Snapshot Isolation, dem Isolation Level des Marktführers Oracle. Anschließend werden Algorithmen zur föderierten Concurrency Control vorgestellt, die beweisbar auch unter lokaler Snapshot Isolation die korrekte Ausführung föderierter Transaktionen gewährleisten, und Isolation Levels für föderierte Transaktionen diskutiert. Die Algorithmen sind in ein prototypisches föderiertes System integriert. Performancemessungen an diesem Prototyp zeigen ihre praktische Einsetzbarkeit.Atomicity and isolation of transactions are key requirements of advanced applications in federated systems consisting of distributed and heterogeneous components. While all existing federated systems support atomicity using the two-phase commit protocol, they lack support for federated concurrency control. Many possible solutions have been proposed in the literature, but they failed to make impact on real systems because they completely ignored the widely used concept of isolation levels, which offer optimization options to applications at the cost of less rigorous control over data consistency. This thesis compares existing definitions for isolation levels and develops a new characterization for Snapshot Isolation, an isolation level provided by Oracle, the market leader in the database field. We present algorithms for federated concurrency control that provably guarantee the correct execution of federated transactions even under local Snapshot Isolation, and discuss isolation levels for federated transactions. The algorithms are integrated into a federated system prototype. Performance measurements with this prototype show the practical viability of the developed methods

    Transaktionen in föderierten Datenbanksystemen unter eingeschränkten Isolation Levels

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    Atomarität und Isolation von Transaktionen sind Schlüsseleigenschaften fortgeschrittener Anwendungen in föderierten Systemen, die aus verteilten, heterogenen Komponenten bestehen. Während Atomarität von praktisch allen realen Systemen durch das Zweiphasen- Commitprotokoll gewährleistet wird, unterstützt kein System eine explizite föderierte Concurrency Control. In der Literatur wurden zwar zahlreiche Lösungsansätze vorgeschlagen, doch sie haben wenig Einfluss auf Produkte genommen, weil sie die weitverbreiteten Isolation Levels nicht berücksichtigen, die Applikationen Optimierungsmöglichkeiten auf Kosten einer eingeschränkten Kontrolle über die Konsistenz der Daten erlauben. Diese Arbeit vergleicht zunächst existierende Definitionen für Isolation Levels und entwickelt eine neuartige, formale Charakterisierung für Snapshot Isolation, dem Isolation Level des Marktführers Oracle. Anschließend werden Algorithmen zur föderierten Concurrency Control vorgestellt, die beweisbar auch unter lokaler Snapshot Isolation die korrekte Ausführung föderierter Transaktionen gewährleisten, und Isolation Levels für föderierte Transaktionen diskutiert. Die Algorithmen sind in ein prototypisches föderiertes System integriert. Performancemessungen an diesem Prototyp zeigen ihre praktische Einsetzbarkeit.Atomicity and isolation of transactions are key requirements of advanced applications in federated systems consisting of distributed and heterogeneous components. While all existing federated systems support atomicity using the two-phase commit protocol, they lack support for federated concurrency control. Many possible solutions have been proposed in the literature, but they failed to make impact on real systems because they completely ignored the widely used concept of isolation levels, which offer optimization options to applications at the cost of less rigorous control over data consistency. This thesis compares existing definitions for isolation levels and develops a new characterization for Snapshot Isolation, an isolation level provided by Oracle, the market leader in the database field. We present algorithms for federated concurrency control that provably guarantee the correct execution of federated transactions even under local Snapshot Isolation, and discuss isolation levels for federated transactions. The algorithms are integrated into a federated system prototype. Performance measurements with this prototype show the practical viability of the developed methods