6 research outputs found

    On Ritt's decomposition Theorem in the case of finite fields

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    A classical theorem by Ritt states that all the complete decomposition chains of a univariate polynomial satisfying a certain tameness condition have the same length. In this paper we present our conclusions about the generalization of these theorem in the case of finite coefficient fields when the tameness condition is dropped.Comment: 13 pages. v2: added comment from reader and additional reference

    Résolution de certaines équations diophantiennes et propriétés de certains polynômes

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    Dans les quatre premiers chapitres de cette thèse, nous abordons quelques équations diophantiennes et leurs solutions. On démontre que l'équation y 2 = px(Ax2 + 2) n'admet qu'un maximum de six solutions entières où p est nombre premier et A > 1 est entier impair ; on démontre que l'équation Resx P(x), x2 + sx + t = a n'admet qu'un nombre ni de solutions (s, t) pour P un polynôme xe et a un entier autre que zéro ; on résout l'équation Fn−Fm = y a lorsque y ∈ {6, 11, 12} et on trouve une borne pour les solutions de Fn + Fm = y a dans le cas général ; et on démontre que si un nombre su sant d'entiers x consécutifs existent tels que P(x) est sous la forme mq lorsque q ≥ 2 est diviseur de deg P, alors P = Rq pour un certain polynôme R, ce qui nous permet de déduire l'existence d'une in nité de solutions à y q = P(x) à partir d'un nombre ni de telles solutions dans certains cas. Dans les six derniers chapitres, nous abordons plusieurs sujets reliés à la décomposition d'objets algébriques. Parmi les résultats, on présente quelques conditions sous lesquelles un polynôme ne peut pas être exprimé comme une composition de deux polynômes de degré inférieur ; on présente une nouvelle démonstration du théorème Carltiz-Lutz sur les polynômes de permutations ; on étudie la possibilité d'exprimer un polynôme comme une somme composée ou un produit composé de deux autres polynômes de degré inférieur ; on trouve une borne pour un des plus petits nombres premiers qui se décompose dans un corps imaginaire quadratique donné ; et on étudie la possibilité de recouvrir un anneau avec ses sous-anneauxThe rst four chapters of this thesis address some Diophantine equations and their solutions. We prove that the equation y 2 = px(Ax2 + 2) has at most six integer solutions (x, y) for p a prime and A > 1 an odd integer; we prove that the equation Resx P(x), x2 + sx + t = a has only nitely many integer solutions (s, t) for a xed polynomial P and nonzero integer a; we completely solve the equation Fn − Fm = y a for y ∈ {6, 11, 12} and bound the solutions for Fn + Fm = y a in general; and we prove that the existence of su ciently many consecutive integers x such that P(x) is of the form mq for q ≥ 2 dividing deg P implies that Rq for some polynomial R, providing criteria for deducing the existence of in nitely many solutions to y q = P(x) from the existence of nitely many solutions in some cases. In the last six chapters, we address various algebraic decomposition related topics. Among other results, we provide criteria which guarantee a polynomial cannot be written as a composition of two polynomials of smaller degree; we provide a new proof of the Carlitz-Lutz theorem on permutation polynomials; we study the possibility of expressing a polynomial as the composed sum or composed multiplication of two polynomials of smaller degree; we bound from below some of the smallest primes which split in an imaginary quadratic eld; and we study the possibility of covering a ring with its subring

    Poles of the resolvent

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    M.Sc. (Mathematics)Any sensible piece of writing has an intended readership. Conversely, any piece of writing that has no intended readership has no sense. These are axioms of authorship and necessary directions to any prospective author. The aim of this dissertation was to serve as an experimental exposition of the analysis of the resolvent operator. Its intended readership is therefore graduate-level students in operator theory and Banach algebras. The analysis included in this dissertation is of a specific kind: it includes and occasionally extends beyond the analysis of a function at certain of its singularities of finite order. The exposition is experimental in the sense that it does not even aim at a comprehensive review of analysis of the resolvent operator, but it is concerned with that part of it which seems to have interesting and useful results and which appears to be the most suggestive of further research. In order to obtain an exhaustive exposition, we still lack a study of the properties of the resolvent operator where it is differentiable (which seemingly entails little more than undergraduate-level complex analysis), and a study of essential singularities of the resolvent operator (which seems too difficult for the expository style). A brief overview of the contents of this dissertation is in order: a chapter introducing some analytic concepts used throughout this dissertation; a chapter on poles of order 1 follows (so-called simple poles), where the Gelfand theorem (2.1.1) is the most important result; a chapter on poles of higher order, where the Hille theorem is the most prominent; and lastly some topics that have arisen out of the study of poles of the resolvent, collected in chapter 4. I should make it abundantly clear to the reader that although this dissertation is my work, it does not for the most part follow that the result are my own. What is my own is the arrangement, but as it is a literature study, the results are mainly those of other authors. My own addition has been mostly notes, usually in italics. The literature study has benefited very much from Zemanek's paper (Zemanek,[54]), and I am deeply indebted to him for it. Incidentally, this has also been a chance to exhibit my style of citation; the number corresponds to the number of the citation in the bibliography. There are numerous instances where I have indicated possible extensions and recumbent studies that could be roused effectively, but which have swelled this volume unnecessarily. For instance, the last subsection is little more than such indications

    Integer values of polynomials

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    Let f(X)f(X) be a polynomial with rational coefficients, SS be an infinite subset of the rational numbers and consider the image set f(S)f(S). If g(X)g(X) is a polynomial such that f(S)=g(S)f(S)=g(S) we say that gg \emph{parametrizes} the set f(S)f(S). Besides the obvious solution g=fg=f we may want to impose some conditions on the polynomial gg; for example, if f(S)Zf(S)\subset\Z we wonder if there exists a polynomial with integer coefficients which parametrizes the set f(S)f(S). Moreover, if the image set f(S)f(S) is parametrized by a polynomial gg, there comes the question whether there are any relations between the two polynomials ff and gg. For example, if hh is a linear polynomial and if we set g=fhg=f\circ h, the polynomial gg obviously parametrizes the set f(\Q). Conversely, if we have f(\Q)=g(\Q) (or even f(Z)=g(Z)f(\Z)=g(\Z)) then by Hilbert's irreducibility theorem there exists a linear polynomial hh such that g=fhg=f\circ h. Therefore, given a polynomial gg which parametrizes a set f(S)f(S), for an infinite subset SS of the rational numbers, we wonder if there exists a polynomial hh such that f=ghf=g\circ h. Some theorems by Kubota give a positive answer under certain conditions. The aim of this thesis is the study of some aspects of these two problems related to the parametrization of image sets of polynomials. \bigskip In the context of the first problem of parametrization we consider the following situation: let ff be a polynomial with rational coefficients such that it assumes integer values over the integers. Does there exist a polynomial gg with integer coefficients such that it has the same integer values of ff over the integers? This kind of polynomials ff are called \emph{integer-valued} polynomials. We remark that the set of integer-valued polynomials strictly contains polynomials with integer coefficients: take for example the polynomial X(X1)/2X(X-1)/2, which is integer-valued over the set of integers but it has no integer coefficients. So, if ff is an integer-valued polynomial, we investigate whether the set f(Z)f(\Z) can be parametrized by a polynomial with integer coefficients; more in general we look for a polynomial gZ[X1,,Xm]g\in\Z[X_1,\ldots,X_m], for some natural number mNm\in\N, such that f(Z)=g(Zm)f(\Z)=g(\Z^m). In this case we say that f(Z)f(\Z) is Z\Z-\emph{parametrizable}. In a paper of Frisch and Vaserstein it is proved that the subset of pythagorean triples of Z3\Z^3 is parametrizable by a single triple of integer-valued polynomials in four variables but it cannot be parametrized by a single triple of integer coefficient polynomials in any number of variables. In our work we show that there are examples of subset of Z\Z parametrized by an integer-valued polynomial in one variable which cannot be parametrized by an integer coefficient polynomial in any number of variables. If f(X)f(X) is an integer-valued polynomial, we give the following characterization of the parametrization of the set f(Z)f(\Z): without loss of generality we may suppose that f(X)f(X) has the form F(X)/NF(X)/N, where F(X)F(X) is a polynomial with integer coefficients and NN is a minimal positive integer. If there exists a prime pp different from 22 such that pp divides NN then f(Z)f(\Z) is not Z\Z-parametrizable. If N=2nN=2^n and f(Z)f(\Z) is Z\Z-parametrizable then there exists a rational number β\beta which is the ratio of two odd integers such that f(X)=f(X+β)f(X)=f(-X+\beta). Moreover f(Z)=g(Z)f(\Z)=g(\Z) for some gZ[X]g\in\Z[X] if and only if fZ[X]f\in\Z[X] or there exists an odd integer bb such that fZ[X(bX)/2]f\in\Z[X(b-X)/2]. We show that there exists integer-valued polynomials f(X)f(X) such that f(Z)f(\Z) is Z\Z-parametrizable with a polynomial G(X1,X2)Z[X1,X2]G(X_1,X_2)\in\Z[X_1,X_2], but f(Z)g(Z)f(\Z)\not=g(\Z) for every gZ[X]g\in\Z[X]. \bigskip In 1963 Schinzel gave the following conjecture: let f(X,Y)f(X,Y) be an irreducible polynomial with rational coefficients and let SS be an infinite subset of \Q with the property that for each xx in SS there exists yy in SS such that f(x,y)=0f(x,y)=0; then either ff is linear in YY or ff is symmetric in the variables XX and YY. We remark that if a curve is defined by a polynomial with Schinzel's property then its genus is zero or one, since it contains infinite rational points; here we use a theorem of Faltings which solved the Mordell conjecture (if a curve has genus greater or equal to two then the set of its rational points is finite). We will focus our attention on the case of rational curves (genus zero). Our objective is to describe polynomials f(X,Y)f(X,Y) with Schinzel's property whose curve is rational and we give a conjecture which says that these rational curves have a parametrization of the form (φ(T),φ(r(T)))(\varphi(T),\varphi(r(T))). This problem is related to the main topic of parametrization of image sets of polynomials in the following way: if (φ(T),ψ(T))(\varphi(T),\psi(T)) is a parametrization of a curve f(X,Y)=0f(X,Y)=0 (which means f(φ(T),ψ(T))=0f(\varphi(T),\psi(T))=0), where ff is a polynomial with Schinzel's property, let S={φ(t)tS}S=\{\varphi(t)|t\in S'\} be the set of the definition of Schinzel, where S'\subset\Q. Then for each tSt\in S' there exists tSt'\in S' such that ψ(t)=φ(t)\psi(t)=\varphi(t'), hence ψ(S)φ(S)\psi(S')\subset\varphi(S'). So, in the case of rational curves, the problem of Schinzel is related to the problem of parametrization of rational values of rational functions with other rational functions (we will show that under an additional hypothesis we can assume that (φ(T),ψ(T))(\varphi(T),\psi(T)) are polynomials). In particular, if (φ(T),ψ(T))(\varphi(T),\psi(T)) is a parametrization of a curve defined by a symmetric polynomial, then ψ(T)=φ(a(T))\psi(T)=\varphi(a(T)), where a(T)a(T) is an involution (that is aa=Ida\circ a=Id). So in the case of rational symmetric plane curves we have this classification in terms of the parametrization of the curve. It turns out that this argument is also related to Ritt's theory of decomposition of polynomials. His work is a sort of "factorization" of polynomials in terms of indecomposable polynomials, that is non-linear polynomials ff such that there are no g,hg,h of degree less than deg(f)\deg(f) such that f=ghf=g\circ h. The indecomposable polynomials are some sort of "irreducible" elements of this kind of factorization. \vspace{1.5cm} % 1o capitolo In the first chapter we recall some basic facts about algebraic function fields in one variable, the algebraic counterpart of algebraic curves. In particular we state the famous Luroth's theorem, which says that a non trivial subextension of a purely trascendental field of degree one is purely trascendental. We give the definition of minimal couple of rational functions that we will use later to characterize algebraically a proper parametrization of a rational curve. We conclude the chapter with the general notion of valuation ring of a field and we characterize valuation rings of a purely trascendental field in one variable (which corresponds geometrically to the Riemann sphere, if for example the base field is the field of the complex numbers). Moreover valuation rings of algebraic function fields in one variable are discrete valuation rings. \bigskip %2o capitolo In the second chapter we state the first theorem of Ritt, which deals with decomposition of polynomials with complex coefficients with respect to the operation of composition. In a paper of 1922 Ritt proved out that two maximal decompositions (that is a decomposition whose components are neither linear nor further decomposable) of a complex polynomial have the same number of components and their degrees are the same up to the order. We give a proof in the spirit of the original paper of Ritt, which uses concepts like monodromy groups of rational functions, coverings and theory of blocks in the action of a group on a set. %Several other proof of this theorem have been given after that, This result can be applied in the case of an equation involving compositions of polynomials: thanks to Ritt's theorem we know that every side of the equation has the same number of indecomposable component. \bigskip %3o capitolo In the third chapter we give the classical definition of plane algebraic curves, both in the affine and projective case. We show that there is a bijection between the points of a non-singular curve and the valuation rings of its rational function field (which are called places of the curve). More generally speaking, if we have a singular curve CC, the set of valuation rings of its rational function field is in bijection with the set of points of a non-singular model CC' of the curve (that is the two curves CC and CC' are birational), called desingularization of the curve. Then we deal with curves whose points are parametrized by a couple of rational functions in one parameter; we call these curves rational. From a geometric point of view a rational curve has desingularization which is a compact Riemann surface of genus zero, thus isomorphic to P1\mathbb{P}^1. Finally we expose some properties of parametrizations of rational curves; we show a simple criterium which provides a necessary and sufficient condition that lets a rational curve have a polynomial parametrization in terms of places at infinity. \bigskip %4o capitolo In the fourth chapter we study the aforementioned conjecture of Schinzel. For example, if f(X,Y)=Ya(X)f(X,Y)=Y-a(X) then by taking SS the full set of rational numbers we see that the couple (f,S)(f,S) satisfies the Schinzel's property. If ff is symmetric and the set of rational points of the curve determined by ff is infinite, then if we define SS to be the projection on the first coordinate of the rational points of the curve we obtain another example of polynomial with the above property. The hypothesis of irreducibility of the polynomial ff is required because we want to avoid phenomenon such as f(X,Y)=X2Y2f(X,Y)=X^2-Y^2 and S=\Q, where ff is neither linear nor symmetric. In general if a polynomial f(X,Y)f(X,Y) has XYX-Y as a factor, then it admits the full set of rational numbers as set SS. Another example is the following (private communication of Schinzel): let f(X,Y)=(Y2XYX21)(Y2XYX2+1)f(X,Y)=(Y^2-XY-X^2-1)(Y^2-XY-X^2+1) and S={Fn}nNS=\{F_n\}_{n\in\N}, where FnF_n is the Fibonacci sequence which satisfies the identity Fn+12Fn+1FnFn2=(1)nF_{n+1}^2-F_{n+1}F_n-F_n^2=(-1)^n for each natural number nn; if f_1,f_2\in\Q[X,Y] are the two irreducible factors of ff then for each nNn\in\N the couple of integers (Fn,Fn+1)(F_n,F_{n+1}) is a point of the curve associated to the polynomial f1f_1 or f2f_2, according to the parity of nn. Zannier has recently given the following counterexample to Schinzel's conjecture: f(X,Y)=Y22(X2+X)Y+(X2X)2f(X,Y)=Y^2-2(X^2+X)Y+(X^2-X)^2 with SS equal to the set of rational (or integer) squares. The idea is the following: it is well known that for each couple of rational functions (φ(t),ψ(t))(\varphi(t),\psi(t)) with coefficients in a field kk there exists a polynomial fk[X,Y]f\in k[X,Y] such that f(φ(t),ψ(t))=0f(\varphi(t),\psi(t))=0. In fact k(t)k(t) has trascendental degree one over kk; we also say that φ\varphi and ψ\psi are algebraically dependent. Moreover if we require that the polynomial ff is irreducible then it is unique up to multiplication by constant. This procedure allows us to build families of polynomials with Schinzel's property: it is sufficient to take couples of rational functions (φ(t),φ(r(t)))(\varphi(t),\varphi(r(t))), where φ(t),r(t)\varphi(t),r(t) are rational functions. If we consider the irreducible polynomial f\in\Q[X,Y] such that f(φ(t),φ(r(t)))=0f(\varphi(t),\varphi(r(t)))=0 and the set S=\{\varphi(t)|t\in\Q\}, we see that (f,S)(f,S) has Schinzel's property. In particular Zannier's example is obtained from the couple of rational functions (φ(t),r(t))=(t2,t(t+1))(\varphi(t),r(t))=(t^2,t(t+1)). If deg(φ)>1\deg(\varphi)>1 and deg(r(t))>1\deg(r(t))>1 then it turns out that ff is neither linear nor symmetric in XX and YY, but it is a polynomial with Schinzel's property. \bigskip %5o capitolo In the last chapter we deal with the problem of parametrization of integer-valued polynomials and we prove the results mentioned at the beginning of this introduction. The idea of the proof is the following: let f(X)=F(X)/Nf(X)=F(X)/N be an integer-valued polynomial as above; since the set of integer-valued polynomials is a module over Z\Z, we can assume that NN is a prime number pp. We remark that a bivariate polynomial of the form f(X)f(Y)f(X)-f(Y) has over \Q only two linear factors; moreover, the set of integer values nn such that there exists q\in\Q such that (n,q)(n,q) belongs to an irreducible component of the curve f(X)f(Y)=0f(X)-f(Y)=0 which is not linear in YY, has zero density, by a theorem of Siegel. If f(Z)f(\Z) is Z\Z-parametrizable by a polynomial gZ[X1,,Xm]=Z[X]g\in\Z[X_1,\ldots,X_m]=\Z[\underline{X}] then by Hilbert's irreducibility theorem there exists Q\in\Q[\underline{X}] such that F(Q(X))=pg(X)F(Q(\underline{X}))=pg(\underline{X}); we obtain necessary conditions for such polynomial QQ in order to satisfy the previous equality. In the same hypothesis, for each nZn\in\Z there exists xnZm\underline{x}_n\in\Z^m such that f(n)=f(Q(xn))f(n)=f(Q(\underline{x}_n)). So we study how the points (n,Q(xn))(n,Q(\underline{x}_n)), for nZn\in\Z, distribute among the irreducible components of the curve f(X)f(Y)=0f(X)-f(Y)=0; by the aforementioned theorem of Siegel it turns out that, up to a subset of density zero of Z\Z, they belong to components determined by linear factors of f(X)f(Y)f(X)-f(Y). For each of them, the projection on the first component of this kind of points is a set of integers contained in a single residue class modulo the prime pp. So if pp is greater then two, which is the maximum number of linear factors of a bivariate separated polynomial over \Q, the set f(Z)f(\Z) is not Z\Z-parametrizable. The problem of factorization of bivariate separated polynomials, that is polynomials of the form f(X)g(Y)f(X)-g(Y), is a topic which has been intensively studied for years (Cassels, Fried, Feit, Bilu, Tichy, Zannier, Avanzi, Cassou-Noguès, Schinzel, etc...) Our next aim is the classification of the integer-valued polynomials f(X)f(X) such that f(Z)f(\Z) is parametrizable with an integer coefficient polynomial in more than one variable (for example f(X)=3X(3X1)/2f(X)=3X(3X-1)/2). I conjecture that such polynomials (except when fZ[X]f\in\Z[X]) belong to Z[pkX(pkXa)/2]\Z[p^kX(p^kX-a)/2], where pp is a prime different from 22, aa is an odd integer coprime with pp and kk a positive integer. I show in my work that if f(X)f(X) is such a polynomial, then f(Z)f(\Z) is Z\Z-parametrizable. Moreover we want to study the case of number fields, that is the parametrization of sets f(OK)f(O_K), where OKO_K is the ring of integers of a number field KK and fK[X]f\in K[X] such that f(OK)OKf(O_K)\subset O_K, with polynomials with coefficients in the ring OKO_K