8,334 research outputs found

    Cluster-based cooperative subcarrier sensing using antenna diversity-based weighted data fusion

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    Cooperative spectrum sensing (CSS) is used in cognitive radio (CR) networks to improve the spectrum sensing performance in shadow fading environments. Moreover, clustering in CR networks is used to reduce reporting time and bandwidth overhead during CSS. Thus, cluster-based cooperative spectrum sensing (CBCSS) has manifested satisfactory spectrum sensing results in harsh environments under processing constraints. On the other hand, the antenna diversity of multiple input multiple output CR systems can be exploited to further improve the spectrum sensing performance. This paper presents the CBCSS performance in a CR network which is comprised of single- as well as multiple-antenna CR systems. We give theoretical analysis of CBCSS for orthogonal frequency division multiplexing signal sensing and propose a novel fusion scheme at the fusion center which takes into account the receiver antenna diversity of the CRs present in the network. We introduce the concept of weighted data fusion in which the sensing results of different CRs are weighted proportional to the number of receiving antennas they are equipped with. Thus, the receiver diversity is used to the advantage of improving spectrum sensing performance in a CR cluster. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme outperforms the conventional CBCSS scheme

    A Coalition Formation Game for Cooperative Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Network under the Constraint of Overhead

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    Cooperative spectrum sensing improves the sensing performance of secondary users by exploiting spatial diversity in cognitive radio networks. However, the cooperation of secondary users introduces some overhead also that may degrade the overall performance of cooperative spectrum sensing.  The trade-off between cooperation gain and overhead plays a vital role in modeling cooperative spectrum sensing.  This paper considers overhead in terms of reporting energy and reporting time. We propose a cooperative spectrum sensing based coalitional game model where the utility of the game is formulated as a function of throughput gain and overhead. To achieve a rational average throughput of secondary users, the overhead incurred is to be optimized. This work emphasizes on optimization of the overhead incurred. In cooperative spectrum sensing, the large number of cooperating users improve the detection performance, on the contrary, it increases overhead too. So, to limit the maximum coalition size we propose a formulation under the constraint of the probability of false alarm. An efficient fusion center selection scheme and an algorithm to select eligible secondary users for reporting are proposed to reduce the reporting overhead. We also outline a distributed cooperative spectrum sensing algorithm using the properties of the coalition formation game and prove that the utility of the proposed game has non-transferable properties.  The simulation results show that the proposed schemes reduce the overhead of reporting without compromising the overall detection performance of cooperative spectrum sensing


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    With the rapid proliferation of new wireless communication devices and services, the demand for the radio spectrum is increasing at a rapid rate, which leads to making the spectrum more and more crowded. The limited available spectrum and the inefficiency in the spectrum usage have led to the emergence of cognitive radio (CR) and dynamic spectrum access (DSA) technologies, which enable future wireless communication systems to exploit the empty spectrum in an opportunistic manner. To do so, future wireless devices should be aware of their surrounding radio environment in order to adapt their operating parameters according to the real-time conditions of the radio environment. From this viewpoint, spectrum sensing is becoming increasingly important to new and future wireless communication systems, which is designed to monitor the usage of the radio spectrum and reliably identify the unused bands to enable wireless devices to switch from one vacant band to another, thereby achieving flexible, reliable, and efficient spectrum utilisation. This thesis focuses on issues related to local and cooperative spectrum sensing for CR networks, which need to be resolved. These include the problems of noise uncertainty and detection in low signal to noise ratio (SNR) environments in individual spectrum sensing. In addition to issues of energy consumption, sensing delay and reporting error in cooperative spectrum sensing. In this thesis, we investigate how to improve spectrum sensing algorithms to increase their detection performance and achieving energy efficiency. To this end, first, we propose a new spectrum sensing algorithm based on energy detection that increases the reliability of individual spectrum sensing. In spite of the fact that the energy detection is still the most common detection mechanism for spectrum sensing due to its simplicity. Energy detection does not require any prior knowledge of primary signals, but has the drawbacks of threshold selection, and poor performance due to noise uncertainty especially at low SNR. Therefore, a new adaptive optimal energy detection algorithm (AOED) is presented in this thesis. In comparison with the existing energy detection schemes the detection performance achieved through AOED algorithm is higher. Secondly, as cooperative spectrum sensing (CSS) can give further improvement in the detection reliability, the AOED algorithm is extended to cooperative sensing; in which multiple cognitive users collaborate to detect the primary transmission. The new combined approach (AOED and CSS) is shown to be more reliable detection than the individual detection scheme, where the hidden terminal problem can be mitigated. Furthermore, an optimal fusion strategy for hard-fusion based cognitive radio networks is presented, which optimises sensing performance. Thirdly, the need for denser deployment of base stations to satisfy the estimated high traffic demand in future wireless networks leads to a significant increase in energy consumption. Moreover, in large-scale cognitive radio networks some of cooperative devices may be located far away from the fusion centre, which causes an increase in the error rate of reporting channel, and thus deteriorating the performance of cooperative spectrum sensing. To overcome these problems, a new multi-hop cluster based cooperative spectrum sensing (MHCCSS) scheme is proposed, where only cluster heads are allowed to send their cluster results to the fusion centre via successive cluster heads, based on higher SNR of communication channel between cluster heads. Furthermore, in decentralised CSS as in cognitive radio Ad Hoc networks (CRAHNs), where there is no fusion centre, each cognitive user performs the local spectrum sensing and shares the sensing information with its neighbours and then makes its decision on the spectrum availability based on its own sensing information and the neighbours’ information. However, cooperation between cognitive users consumes significant energy due to heavy communications. In addition to this, each CR user has asynchronous sensing and transmission schedules which add new challenges in implementing CSS in CRAHNs. In this thesis, a new multi-hop cluster based CSS scheme has been proposed for CRAHNs, which can enhance the cooperative sensing performance and reduce the energy consumption compared with other conventional decentralised cooperative spectrum sensing modes

    Joint Cooperative Spectrum Sensing and MAC Protocol Design for Multi-channel Cognitive Radio Networks

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    In this paper, we propose a semi-distributed cooperative spectrum sen sing (SDCSS) and channel access framework for multi-channel cognitive radio networks (CRNs). In particular, we c onsider a SDCSS scheme where secondary users (SUs) perform sensing and exchange sensing outcomes with ea ch other to locate spectrum holes. In addition, we devise the p -persistent CSMA-based cognitive MAC protocol integrating the SDCSS to enable efficient spectrum sharing among SUs. We then perform throughput analysis and develop an algorithm to determine the spectrum sensing and access parameters to maximize the throughput for a given allocation of channel sensing sets. Moreover, we consider the spectrum sensing set optimization problem for SUs to maxim ize the overall system throughput. We present both exhaustive search and low-complexity greedy algorithms to determine the sensing sets for SUs and analyze their complexity. We also show how our design and analysis can be extended to consider reporting errors. Finally, extensive numerical results are presented to demonstrate the sig nificant performance gain of our optimized design framework with respect to non-optimized designs as well as the imp acts of different protocol parameters on the throughput performance.Comment: accepted for publication EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 201

    Distributed Cooperative Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks: An Overlapping Coalition Formation Approach

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    Cooperative spectrum sensing has been shown to yield a significant performance improvement in cognitive radio networks. In this paper, we consider distributed cooperative sensing (DCS) in which secondary users (SUs) exchange data with one another instead of reporting to a common fusion center. In most existing DCS algorithms, the SUs are grouped into disjoint cooperative groups or coalitions, and within each coalition the local sensing data is exchanged. However, these schemes do not account for the possibility that an SU can be involved in multiple cooperative coalitions thus forming overlapping coalitions. Here, we address this problem using novel techniques from a class of cooperative games, known as overlapping coalition formation games, and based on the game model, we propose a distributed DCS algorithm in which the SUs self-organize into a desirable network structure with overlapping coalitions. Simulation results show that the proposed overlapping algorithm yields significant performance improvements, decreasing the total error probability up to 25% in the Q_m+Q_f criterion, the missed detection probability up to 20% in the Q_m/Q_f criterion, the overhead up to 80%, and the total report number up to 10%, compared with the state-of-the-art non-overlapping algorithm

    MAC Based Energy Efficiency in Cooperative Cognitive Radio Network in the Presence of Malicious Users

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    In cognitive radio networks, cooperative spectrum sensing (CSS) is generally adopted for improving spectrum sensing accuracy to increase spectrum utilization and avoid interference with the primaryusers.However,somemalicioussecondaryusers(SUs)mayaffecttheCSSperformancebyinducing false observation bits for fusion. The message authentication code (MAC) is a promising technique to avoid the damage from the spectrum sensing data falsi?cation (SSDF) attacks. In this paper, as both the more spectrum sensing nodes and the MAC reporting bits result in extra energy consumption, we propose an energy ef?ciency model to capture the effects of the length of MAC and the number of cooperative SUs under independent and collaborative SSDF attacks, respectively, and analyze the existence of the optimal length of MAC and the optimal number of cooperative SUs that can achieve the maximum value of energy ef?ciency, respectively. Simulation results are provided to show that the CSS scheme based on MAC can resist SSDF attacks and the accuracy of the theoretical analysis is also validated
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