391 research outputs found

    Destructive Privacy and Mutual Authentication in Vaudenay\u27s RFID Model

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    With the large scale adoption of the Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology, a variety of security and privacy risks need to be addressed. Arguably, the most general and used RFID security and privacy model is the one proposed by Vaudenay. It considers concurrency, corruption (with or without destruction) of tags, and the possibility to get the result of a protocol session on the reader side. Security in Vaudenay\u27s model embraces two forms, unilateral (tag) authentication and mutual (tag and reader) authentication, while privacy is very flexible and dependent on the adversary class. The construction of destructive private RFID schemes in Vaudenay\u27s model was left open when the model was initially proposed. It was solved three years later in the context of unilateral authentication. In this paper we propose a destructive private and mutual authentication RFID scheme in Vaudenay\u27s model. The security and privacy of our scheme are rigorously proved. We also show that the only two RFID schemes proposed so far that claimed to achieve destructive privacy and mutual authentication are not even narrow forward private. Thus, our RIFD scheme is the first one to achieve this kind of privacy and security. The paper also points out some privacy proof flaws that have been met in previous constructions

    Privacy and Reader-first Authentication in Vaudenay\u27s RFID Model with Temporary State Disclosure

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    Privacy and mutual authentication under corruption with temporary state disclosure are two significant requirements for real-life applications of RFID schemes. No RFID scheme is known so far to meet these two requirements. In this paper we propose two practical RFID schemes that fill this gap. The first one achieves destructive privacy, while the second one narrow destructive privacy, in Vaudenay\u27s model with temporary state disclosure. Both of them provide mutual (reader-first) authentication. In order to achieve these privacy levels we use Physically Unclonable Functions (PUFs) to assure that the internal secret of the tag remains hidden against an adversary with invasive capabilities. Our first RFID scheme cannot be desynchronized for more than one step, while the second one avoids the use of random generators on tags. Detailed security and privacy proofs are provided

    Privacy and Reader-first Authentication in Vaudenay's RFID Model with Temporary State Disclosure

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    Privacy and mutual authentication under corruption with temporary state disclosure are two significant requirements for real-life applications of RFID schemes. This paper proposes two practical RFID schemes that meet these requirements. They differ from other similar schemes in that they provide reader-first authentication. Regarding privacy, our first scheme achieves destructive privacy, while the second one -- narrow destructive privacy in Vaudenay's model with temporary state disclosure. To achieve these privacy levels, we use Physically Unclonable Functions (PUFs) to assure that the internal secret of the tag remains hidden from an adversary with invasive capabilities. Both of our schemes avoid the use of random generators on tags. Detailed security and privacy proofs are provided

    Trusted and Privacy-preserving Embedded Systems: Advances in Design, Analysis and Application of Lightweight Privacy-preserving Authentication and Physical Security Primitives

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    Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) enables RFID readers to perform fully automatic wireless identification of objects labeled with RFID tags and is widely deployed to many applications, such as access control, electronic tickets and payment as well as electronic passports. This prevalence of RFID technology introduces various risks, in particular concerning the privacy of its users and holders. Despite the privacy risk, classical threats to authentication and identification systems must be considered to prevent the adversary from impersonating or copying (cloning) a tag. This thesis summarizes the state of the art in secure and privacy-preserving authentication for RFID tags with a particular focus on solutions based on Physically Unclonable Functions (PUFs). It presents advancements in the design, analysis and evaluation of secure and privacy-preserving authentication protocols for RFID systems and PUFs. Formalizing the security and privacy requirements on RFID systems is essential for the design of provably secure and privacy-preserving RFID protocols. However, existing RFID security and privacy models in the literature are often incomparable and in part do not reflect the capabilities of real-world adversaries. We investigate subtle issues such as tag corruption aspects that lead to the impossibility of achieving both mutual authentication and any reasonable notion of privacy in one of the most comprehensive security and privacy models, which is the basis of many subsequent works. Our results led to the refinement of this privacy model and were considered in subsequent works on privacy-preserving RFID systems. A promising approach to enhance the privacy in RFID systems without lifting the computational requirements on the tags are anonymizers. These are special devices that take off the computational workload from the tags. While existing anonymizer-based protocols are subject to impersonation and denial-of-service attacks, existing RFID security and privacy models do not include anonymizers. We present the first security and privacy framework for anonymizer-enabled RFID systems and two privacy-preserving RFID authentication schemes using anonymizers. Both schemes achieve several appealing features that were not simultaneously achieved by any previous proposal. The first protocol is very efficient for all involved entities, achieves privacy under tag corruption. It is secure against impersonation attacks and forgeries even if the adversary can corrupt the anonymizers. The second scheme provides for the first time anonymity and untraceability of tags against readers as well as secure tag authentication against collisions of malicious readers and anonymizers using tags that cannot perform public-key cryptography (i.e., modular exponentiations). The RFID tags commonly used in practice are cost-efficient tokens without expensive hardware protection mechanisms. Physically Unclonable Functions (PUFs) promise to provide an effective security mechanism for RFID tags to protect against basic hardware attacks. However, existing PUF-based RFID authentication schemes are not scalable, allow only for a limited number of authentications and are subject to replay, denial-of-service and emulation attacks. We present two scalable PUF-based authentication schemes that overcome these problems. The first protocol supports tag and reader authentication, is resistant to emulation attacks and highly scalable. The second protocol uses a PUF-based key storage and addresses an open question on the feasibility of destructive privacy, i.e., the privacy of tags that are destroyed during tag corruption. The security of PUFs relies on assumptions on physical properties and is still under investigation. PUF evaluation results in the literature are difficult to compare due to varying test conditions and different analysis methods. We present the first large-scale security analysis of ASIC implementations of the five most popular electronic PUF types, including Arbiter, Ring Oscillator, SRAM, Flip-Flop and Latch PUFs. We present a new PUF evaluation methodology that allows a more precise assessment of the unpredictability properties than previous approaches and we quantify the most important properties of PUFs for their use in cryptographic schemes. PUFs have been proposed for various applications, including anti-counterfeiting and authentication schemes. However, only rudimentary PUF security models exist, limiting the confidence in the security claims of PUF-based security mechanisms. We present a formal security framework for PUF-based primitives, which has been used in subsequent works to capture the properties of image-based PUFs and in the design of anti-counterfeiting mechanisms and physical hash functions

    An efficient and private RFID authentication protocol supporting ownership transfer

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    Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) systems are getting pervasively deployed in many daily life applications. But this increased usage of RFID systems brings some serious problems together, security and privacy. In some applications, ownership transfer of RFID labels is sine qua non need. Specifically, the owner of RFID tag might be required to change several times during its lifetime. Besides, after ownership transfer, the authentication protocol should also prevent the old owner to trace the tags and disallow the new owner to trace old transactions of the tags. On the other hand, while achieving privacy and security concerns, the computation complexity should be considered. In order to resolve these issues, numerous authentication protocols have been proposed in the literature. Many of them failed and their computation load on the server side is very high. Motivated by this need, we propose an RFID mutual authentication protocol to provide ownership transfer. In our protocol, the server needs only a constant-time complexity for identification when the tag and server are synchronized. In case of ownership transfer, our protocol preserves both old and new owners’ privacy. Our protocol is backward untraceable against a strong adversary who compromise tag, and also forward untraceable under an assumption

    Practical Schemes For Privacy & Security Enhanced RFID

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    Proper privacy protection in RFID systems is important. However, many of the schemes known are impractical, either because they use hash functions instead of the more hardware efficient symmetric encryption schemes as a efficient cryptographic primitive, or because they incur a rather costly key search time penalty at the reader. Moreover, they do not allow for dynamic, fine-grained access control to the tag that cater for more complex usage scenarios. In this paper we investigate such scenarios, and propose a model and corresponding privacy friendly protocols for efficient and fine-grained management of access permissions to tags. In particular we propose an efficient mutual authentication protocol between a tag and a reader that achieves a reasonable level of privacy, using only symmetric key cryptography on the tag, while not requiring a costly key-search algorithm at the reader side. Moreover, our protocol is able to recover from stolen readers.Comment: 18 page

    Privacy analysis of forward and backward untraceable RFID authentication schemes

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    In this paper, we analyze the rst known provably secure RFID authentication schemes that are designed to provide forward untraceability and backward untraceability: the L-K and S-M schemes. We show how to trace tags in the L-K scheme without needing to corrupt tags. We also show that if a standard cryptographic pseudorandom bit generator (PRBG) is used in the S-M scheme, then the scheme may fail to provide forward untraceability and backward untraceability. To achieve the desired untraceability features, we show that the S-M scheme can use a robust PRBG which provides forward security and backward security. We also note that the backward security is stronger than necessary for the backward untraceability of the S-M scheme

    Anonymous RFID authentication for cloud services

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    Cloud computing is one of the fastest growing segments of IT industry since the users’ commitments for investment and operations are minimized, and costs are in direct relation to usage and demand. In general, cloud services are required to authenticate the user and most of the practical cloud services do not provide anonymity of the users. Namely, cloud provider can track the users easily, so privacy and authenticity are two critical aspects of security. Anonymous authentication is a technique enabling users to prove that they have privilege without disclosing real identities. This type of authentication can be useful especially in scenarios where it is sufficient to ensure the server that the claiming parties are indeed registered. Some motivating applications in the cloud for an anonymous authentication protocol are E-commerce, E-voting, E-library, Ecashand mobile agent applications. Many existing anonymous authentication protocols assume absolute trust to the cloud provider in which all private keys are stored. This trust may result in serious security and privacy issues in case of private key leakage from the cloud provider. In this paper, we propose forward secure anonymous and mutual authentication protocols using RFID technology for cloud services. These protocols avoid the trustworthiness to the cloud provider. Meaning that, even if the private keys are obtained from the corrupted tags or from the server owners of these tags cannot be traced from the past authentication actions. In fact, anonymity of the users will still be ensured even the private keys of tags are compromised

    Privacy-Preserving Mutual Authentication in RFID with Designated Readers

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    We study privacy-preserving mutual authentication in radio-frequency identification systems with designated readers (PP-MADR in short). In PP-MADR, each tag has its designated-reader group instead of all readers, and only tags and their designated readers can authenticate each other. Other readers and adversaries cannot trace tags or know their designated readers. The most challenging task of constructing such a PP-MADR protocol is the verification of reader designation without compromising tag privacy. We found that traditional solutions are impractical due to linear storage growth on tags, linear computation growth on tags, or requiring new key generations for designated readers. In this paper, we show how to construct such an efficient PP-MADR protocol. In our protocol, each tag stores constant-size secret state and performs constant-time computation for mutual authentication. When a tag is created, the server does not generate new private keys for designated readers. Our protocol captures the strong privacy property, where tags cannot be traced and designated readers cannot be distinguished, even if tags are corrupted by adversaries

    A survey on privacy frameworks for RFID authentication

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