2,479 research outputs found

    Fractional-order projection of a chaotic system with hidden attractors and its passivity-based synchronization

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    This paper presents the fractional-order projection of a chaotic system, which delivers a collection of self-excited and hidden chaotic attractors as a function of a single system parameter. Based on an integer-order chaotic system and the proposed transformation, the fractional-order chaotic system obtains when the divergence of integer and fractional vector fields flows in the same direction. Phase portraits, bifurcation diagrams, and Lyapunov exponents validate the chaos generation. Apart from these results, two passivity-based fractional control laws are designed effectively for the integer and fractional-order chaotic systems. In both cases, the synchronization schemes depend on suitable storage functions given by the fractional Lyapunov theory. Several numerical experiments confirm the proposed approach and agree well with the mathematical deductions

    Hybrid Stability Checking Method for Synchronization of Chaotic Fractional-Order Systems

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    A hybrid stability checking method is proposed to verify the establishment of synchronization between two hyperchaotic systems. During the design stage of a synchronization scheme for chaotic fractional-order systems, a problem is sometimes encountered. In order to ensure the stability of the error signal between two fractional-order systems, the arguments of all eigenvalues of the Jacobian matrix of the erroneous system should be within a region defined in Matignon’s theorem. Sometimes, the arguments depend on the state variables of the driving system, which makes it difficult to prove the stability. We propose a new and efficient hybrid method to verify the stability in this situation. The passivity-based control scheme for synchronization of two hyperchaotic fractional-order Chen-Lee systems is provided as an example. Theoretical analysis of the proposed method is validated by numerical simulation in time domain and examined in frequency domain via electronic circuits

    On the validity of memristor modeling in the neural network literature

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    An analysis of the literature shows that there are two types of non-memristive models that have been widely used in the modeling of so-called "memristive" neural networks. Here, we demonstrate that such models have nothing in common with the concept of memristive elements: they describe either non-linear resistors or certain bi-state systems, which all are devices without memory. Therefore, the results presented in a significant number of publications are at least questionable, if not completely irrelevant to the actual field of memristive neural networks

    Asymptotic stability of the multidimensional wave equation coupled with classes of positive-real impedance boundary conditions

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    This paper proves the asymptotic stability of the multidimensional wave equation posed on a bounded open Lipschitz set, coupled with various classes of positive-real impedance boundary conditions, chosen for their physical relevance: time-delayed, standard diffusive (which includes the Riemann-Liouville fractional integral) and extended diffusive (which includes the Caputo fractional derivative). The method of proof consists in formulating an abstract Cauchy problem on an extended state space using a dissipative realization of the impedance operator, be it finite or infinite-dimensional. The asymptotic stability of the corresponding strongly continuous semigroup is then obtained by verifying the sufficient spectral conditions derived by Arendt and Batty (Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 306 (1988)) as well as Lyubich and V\~u (Studia Math., 88 (1988))

    Digital waveguide modeling for wind instruments: building a state-space representation based on the Webster-Lokshin model

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    This paper deals with digital waveguide modeling of wind instruments. It presents the application of state-space representations for the refined acoustic model of Webster-Lokshin. This acoustic model describes the propagation of longitudinal waves in axisymmetric acoustic pipes with a varying cross-section, visco-thermal losses at the walls, and without assuming planar or spherical waves. Moreover, three types of discontinuities of the shape can be taken into account (radius, slope and curvature). The purpose of this work is to build low-cost digital simulations in the time domain based on the Webster-Lokshin model. First, decomposing a resonator into independent elementary parts and isolating delay operators lead to a Kelly-Lochbaum network of input/output systems and delays. Second, for a systematic assembling of elements, their state-space representations are derived in discrete time. Then, standard tools of automatic control are used to reduce the complexity of digital simulations in the time domain. The method is applied to a real trombone, and results of simulations are presented and compared with measurements. This method seems to be a promising approach in term of modularity, complexity of calculation and accuracy, for any acoustic resonators based on tubes
