19,275 research outputs found

    Towards a Universal Multi-Standard RF Receiver

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    Future wireless communication market calls for the need of an extreme compact wireless device that can easily access to all the available services at any time and at any location with minimum power consumption and cost. The key is to find a multi-standard wireless receiver that can cover all the service specifications while keeping redundant components to minimum. Reconfigurable concept is right fit the need. In this thesis, a fully integrated universal multi-standard receiver using low-cost CMOS technology has been proposed based on the survey for different wireless receiver specifications and optimum architectures. Tunable receiver building blocks such as filters, LNAs, Mixers, VCOs, gain blocks are the main factor to approach this novel receiver. In order to realize frequency agility, low cost as well as low power consumption, a good switch is a must. In this thesis, MEMS switches are preferred rather than active switches or active tuning elements based on their performance comparisons. In the feasibility study, as an example, first, a reconfigurable LNA and a reconfigurable oscillator using hard wires as switches have been developed, and then a LNA and an oscillator have been designed using a MEMS switch. The effect of hard-wire connection and MEMS to the circuits has been evaluated. No performance degradation has been found when using hard-wire connections, while some has been observed when using MEMS. However, MEMS could be integrated with other circuits on the same die if it could be built on low resistive silicon substrate without performance degradation

    ASDTIC control and standardized interface circuits applied to buck, parallel and buck-boost dc to dc power converters

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    Versatile standardized pulse modulation nondissipatively regulated control signal processing circuits were applied to three most commonly used dc to dc power converter configurations: (1) the series switching buck-regulator, (2) the pulse modulated parallel inverter, and (3) the buck-boost converter. The unique control concept and the commonality of control functions for all switching regulators have resulted in improved static and dynamic performance and control circuit standardization. New power-circuit technology was also applied to enhance reliability and to achieve optimum weight and efficiency

    Low Power Processor Architectures and Contemporary Techniques for Power Optimization – A Review

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    The technological evolution has increased the number of transistors for a given die area significantly and increased the switching speed from few MHz to GHz range. Such inversely proportional decline in size and boost in performance consequently demands shrinking of supply voltage and effective power dissipation in chips with millions of transistors. This has triggered substantial amount of research in power reduction techniques into almost every aspect of the chip and particularly the processor cores contained in the chip. This paper presents an overview of techniques for achieving the power efficiency mainly at the processor core level but also visits related domains such as buses and memories. There are various processor parameters and features such as supply voltage, clock frequency, cache and pipelining which can be optimized to reduce the power consumption of the processor. This paper discusses various ways in which these parameters can be optimized. Also, emerging power efficient processor architectures are overviewed and research activities are discussed which should help reader identify how these factors in a processor contribute to power consumption. Some of these concepts have been already established whereas others are still active research areas. © 2009 ACADEMY PUBLISHER

    Investigation of FACTS devices to improve power quality in distribution networks

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    Flexible AC transmission system (FACTS) technologies are power electronic solutions that improve power transmission through enhanced power transfer volume and stability, and resolve quality and reliability issues in distribution networks carrying sensitive equipment and non-linear loads. The use of FACTS in distribution systems is still in its infancy. Voltages and power ratings in distribution networks are at a level where realistic FACTS devices can be deployed. Efficient power converters and therefore loss minimisation are crucial prerequisites for deployment of FACTS devices. This thesis investigates high power semiconductor device losses in detail. Analytical closed form equations are developed for conduction loss in power devices as a function of device ratings and operating conditions. These formulae have been shown to predict losses very accurately, in line with manufacturer data. The developed formulae enable circuit designers to quickly estimate circuit losses and determine the sensitivity of those losses to device voltage and current ratings, and thus select the optimal semiconductor device for a specific application. It is shown that in the case of majority carrier devices (such as power MOSFETs), the conduction power loss (at rated current) increases linearly in relation to the varying rated current (at constant blocking voltage), but is a square root of the variable blocking voltage when rated current is fixed. For minority carrier devices (such as a pin diode or IGBT), a similar relationship is observed for varying current, however where the blocking voltage is altered, power losses are derived as a square root with an offset (from the origin). Finally, this thesis conducts a power loss-oriented evaluation of cascade type multilevel converters suited to reactive power compensation in 11kV and 33kV systems. The cascade cell converter is constructed from a series arrangement of cell modules. Two prospective structures of cascade type converters were compared as a case study: the traditional type which uses equal-sized cells in its chain, and a second with a ternary relationship between its dc-link voltages. Modelling (at 81 and 27 levels) was carried out under steady state conditions, with simplified models based on the switching function and using standard circuit simulators. A detailed survey of non punch through (NPT) and punch through (PT) IGBTs was completed for the purpose of designing the two cascaded converters. Results show that conduction losses are dominant in both types of converters in NPT and PT IGBTs for 11kV and 33kV systems. The equal-sized converter is only likely to be useful in one case (27-levels in the 33kV system). The ternary-sequence converter produces lower losses in all other cases, and this is especially noticeable for the 81-level converter operating in an 11kV network

    Reconfigurable RF Front End Components for Multi-Radio Platform Applications

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    The multi-service requirements of the 3G and 4G communication systems, and their backward compatibility requirements, create challenges for the antenna and RF front-end designs with multi-band and wide-band techniques. These challenges include: multiple filters, which are lossy, bulky, and expensive, are needed in the system; device board size limitation and the associated isolation problems caused by the limited space and crowd circuits; and the insertion loss issues created by the single-pole-multi-through antenna switch. As will be shown, reconfigurable antennas can perform portions of the filter functions, which can help solve the multiple filters problem. Additionally, reconfigurable RF circuits can decrease the circuit size and output ports, which can help solve board size limitation, and isolation and antenna switch insertion loss issues. To validate the idea that reconfigurable antennas and reconfigurable RF circuits are a viable option for multi-service communication system, a reconfigurable patch antenna, a reconfigurable monopole antenna, and a reconfigurable power amplifier (PA) have been developed. All designs adapt state-of-the-art techniques. For the reconfigurable antenna designs, an experiment demonstrating its advantages, such as jamming signal resistance, has been performed. Reconfigurable antennas provide a better out-ofoperating- band noise performance than the multi-band antennas design, decreasing the need for filters in the system. A full investigation of reconfigurable antennas, including the single service reconfigurable antenna, the mixed signal service reconfigurable antenna, and the multi-band reconfigurable antenna, has been completed. The design challenges, which include switches investigation, switches integration, and service grouping techniques, have been discussed. In the reconfigurable PA portion, a reconfigurable PA structure has first been demonstrated, and includes a reconfigurable output matching network (MN) and a reconfigurable die design. To validate the proposed reconfigurable PA structure, a reconfigurable PA for a 3G cell phone system has been designed with a multi-chip module technique. The reconfigurable PA structure can significantly decrease the real-estate, cost, and complexity of the PA design. Further, by decreasing the number of output ports, the number of poles for the antenna switch will be decreased as well, leading to an insertion loss decrease

    An optimization-based approach to automated design

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    We propose a model-based, automated, bottom-up approach for design, which is applicable to various physical domains, but in this work we focus on the electrical domain. This bottom-up approach is based on a meta-topology in which each link is described by a universal component that can be instantiated as basic components (e.g., resistors, capacitors) or combinations of basic components via discrete switches. To address the combinatorial explosion often present in mixed-integer optimization problems, we present two algorithms. In the first algorithm, we convert the discrete switches into continuous switches that are physically realizable and formulate a parameter optimization problem that learns the component and switch parameters while inducing design sparsity through an L1L_1 regularization term. The second algorithm uses a genetic-like approach with selection and mutation steps guided by ranking of requirements costs, combined with continuous optimization for generating optimal parameters. We improve the time complexity of the optimization problem in both algorithms by reconstructing the model when components become redundant and by simplifying topologies through collapsing components and removing disconnected ones. To demonstrate the efficacy of these algorithms, we apply them to the design of various electrical circuits

    Modeling and Analysis of Power Processing Systems (MAPPS). Volume 1: Technical report

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    Computer aided design and analysis techniques were applied to power processing equipment. Topics covered include: (1) discrete time domain analysis of switching regulators for performance analysis; (2) design optimization of power converters using augmented Lagrangian penalty function technique; (3) investigation of current-injected multiloop controlled switching regulators; and (4) application of optimization for Navy VSTOL energy power system. The generation of the mathematical models and the development and application of computer aided design techniques to solve the different mathematical models are discussed. Recommendations are made for future work that would enhance the application of the computer aided design techniques for power processing systems
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