62,692 research outputs found

    Constraining the duty cycle of transient low-mass X-ray binaries through simulations

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    We performed simulations of a large number of so-called very faint X-ray transient sources from surveys obtained using the X-ray telescope aboard the Neil Gehrels \emph{Swift} Observatory on two Galactic globular clusters, and the Galactic Center. We calculated the ratio between the duty cycle we input in our simulations and the one we measure after the simulations. We found that fluctuations in outburst duration and recurrence times affect our estimation of the duty cycle more than non detected outbursts. This biases our measures to overestimate the simulated duty cycle of sources. Moreover, we determined that compact surveys are necessary to detect outbursts with short duration because they could fall in gaps between observations, if such gaps are longer than their duration. On the other hand, long surveys are necessary to detect sources with low duty cycle because the smallest duty cycle a survey can observe is given by the ratio between the shortest outburst duration and the total length of the survey. If one has a limited amount of observing time, these two effects are competing, and a compromise is required which is set by the goals of the proposed survey. We have also performed simulations with several artificial survey strategies in order to evaluate the optimal observing campaign aimed at detecting transients as well as at having the most accurate estimates of the duty cycle. As expected, the best campaign would be a regular and dense monitoring that extends for a very long period. The closest real example of such a dataset is the monitoring of the Galactic Centre.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Pulsars in Globular Clusters with the SKA

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    Globular clusters are highly efficient radio pulsar factories. These pulsars can be used as precision probes of the clusters' structure, gas content, magnetic field, and formation history; some of them are also highly interesting in their own right because they probe exotic stellar evolution scenarios as well as the physics of dense matter, accretion, and gravity. Deep searches with SKA1-MID and SKA1-LOW will plausibly double to triple the known population. Such searches will only require one to a few tied-array beams, and can be done during early commissioning of the telescope - before an all-sky pulsar survey using hundreds to thousands of tied-array beams is feasible. With SKA2 it will be possible to observe most of the active radio pulsars within a large fraction of the Galactic globular clusters, an estimated population of 600 - 3700 observable pulsars (those beamed towards us). This rivals the total population of millisecond pulsars that can be found in the Galactic field; fully characterizing it will provide the best-possible physical laboratories as well as a rich dynamical history of the Galactic globular cluster system.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures, to be published in: "Advancing Astrophysics with the Square Kilometre Array", Proceedings of Science, PoS(AASKA14)04

    Very-high-energy observations of the binaries V 404 Cyg and 4U 0115+634 during giant X-ray outbursts

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    Transient X-ray binaries produce major outbursts in which the X-ray flux can increase over the quiescent level by factors as large as 10710^7. The low-mass X-ray binary V 404 Cyg and the high-mass system 4U 0115+634 underwent such major outbursts in June and October 2015, respectively. We present here observations at energies above hundreds of GeV with the VERITAS observatory taken during some of the brightest X-ray activity ever observed from these systems. No gamma-ray emission has been detected by VERITAS in 2.5 hours of observations of the microquasar V 404 Cyg from 2015, June 20-21. The upper flux limits derived from these observations on the gamma-ray flux above 200 GeV of F <4.4×10−12< 4.4\times 10^{-12} cm−2^{-2} s−1^{-1} correspond to a tiny fraction (about 10−610^{-6}) of the Eddington luminosity of the system, in stark contrast to that seen in the X-ray band. No gamma rays have been detected during observations of 4U 0115+634 in the period of major X-ray activity in October 2015. The flux upper limit derived from our observations is F <2.1×10−12< 2.1\times 10^{-12} cm−2^{-2} s−1^{-1} for gamma rays above 300 GeV, setting an upper limit on the ratio of gamma-ray to X-ray luminosity of less than 4%.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Giant Meterwave Radio Telescope observations of an M2.8 flare: insights into the initiation of a flare-coronal mass ejection event

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    We present the first observations of a solar flare with the GMRT. An M2.8 flare observed at 1060 MHz with the GMRT on Nov 17 2001 was associated with a prominence eruption observed at 17 GHz by the Nobeyama radioheliograph and the initiation of a fast partial halo CME observed with the LASCO C2 coronograph. Towards the start of the eruption, we find evidence for reconnection above the prominence. Subsequently, we find evidence for rapid growth of a vertical current sheet below the erupting arcade, which is accompanied by the flare and prominence eruption.Comment: Accepted for publication in Solar Physic

    A simultaneous search for prompt radio emission associated with the short GRB 170112A using the all-sky imaging capability of the OVRO-LWA

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    We have conducted the most sensitive low frequency (below 100 MHz) search to date for prompt, low-frequency radio emission associated with short-duration gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), using the Owens Valley Radio Observatory Long Wavelength Array (OVRO-LWA). The OVRO-LWA's nearly full-hemisphere field-of-view (∼20\sim20,000000 square degrees) allows us to search for low-frequency (sub-100100 MHz) counterparts for a large sample of the subset of GRB events for which prompt radio emission has been predicted. Following the detection of short GRB 170112A by Swift, we used all-sky OVRO-LWA images spanning one hour prior to and two hours following the GRB event to search for a transient source coincident with the position of GRB 170112A. We detect no transient source, with our most constraining 1σ1\sigma flux density limit of 650 mJy650~\text{mJy} for frequencies spanning 27 MHz−84 MHz27~\text{MHz}-84~\text{MHz}. We place constraints on a number of models predicting prompt, low-frequency radio emission accompanying short GRBs and their potential binary neutron star merger progenitors, and place an upper limit of Lradio/Lγ≲7×10−16L_\text{radio}/L_\gamma \lesssim 7\times10^{-16} on the fraction of energy released in the prompt radio emission. These observations serve as a pilot effort for a program targeting a wider sample of both short and long GRBs with the OVRO-LWA, including bursts with confirmed redshift measurements which are critical to placing the most constraining limits on prompt radio emission models, as well as a program for the follow-up of gravitational wave compact binary coalescence events detected by advanced LIGO and Virgo.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, ApJ submitte

    Inferring monopartite projections of bipartite networks: an entropy-based approach

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    Bipartite networks are currently regarded as providing a major insight into the organization of many real-world systems, unveiling the mechanisms driving the interactions occurring between distinct groups of nodes. One of the most important issues encountered when modeling bipartite networks is devising a way to obtain a (monopartite) projection on the layer of interest, which preserves as much as possible the information encoded into the original bipartite structure. In the present paper we propose an algorithm to obtain statistically-validated projections of bipartite networks, according to which any two nodes sharing a statistically-significant number of neighbors are linked. Since assessing the statistical significance of nodes similarity requires a proper statistical benchmark, here we consider a set of four null models, defined within the exponential random graph framework. Our algorithm outputs a matrix of link-specific p-values, from which a validated projection is straightforwardly obtainable, upon running a multiple hypothesis testing procedure. Finally, we test our method on an economic network (i.e. the countries-products World Trade Web representation) and a social network (i.e. MovieLens, collecting the users' ratings of a list of movies). In both cases non-trivial communities are detected: while projecting the World Trade Web on the countries layer reveals modules of similarly-industrialized nations, projecting it on the products layer allows communities characterized by an increasing level of complexity to be detected; in the second case, projecting MovieLens on the films layer allows clusters of movies whose affinity cannot be fully accounted for by genre similarity to be individuated.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figure

    Deeper, Wider, Sharper: Next-Generation Ground-Based Gravitational-Wave Observations of Binary Black Holes

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    Next-generation observations will revolutionize our understanding of binary black holes and will detect new sources, such as intermediate-mass black holes. Primary science goals include: Discover binary black holes throughout the observable Universe; Reveal the fundamental properties of black holes; Uncover the seeds of supermassive black holes.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, White Paper Submitted to Astro2020 (2020 Astronomy and Astrophysics Decadal Survey) by GWIC 3G Science Case Team (GWIC: Gravitational Wave International Committee
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