41 research outputs found

    On Multi-dimensional Packing Problems

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    We study the approximability of multi-dimensional generalizations of three classical packing problems: multiprocessor scheduling, bin packing, and the knapsack problem. Specifically, we study the vector scheduling problem, its dual problem, namely, the vector bin packing problem, and a class of packing integer programs. The vector scheduling problem is to schedule n d-dimensional tasks on m machines such that the maximum load over all dimensions and all machines is minimized. The vector bin packing problem, on the other hand, seeks to minimize the number of bins needed to schedule all n tasks such that the maximum load on any dimension accross all bins is bounded by a fixed quantity, say 1. Such problems naturally arise when scheduling tasks that have multiple resource requirements. Finally, packing integer programs capture a core problem that directly relates to both vector scheduling and vector bin packing, namely, the problem of packing a miximum number of vectors in a single bin of unit height. We obtain a variety of new algorithmic as well as inapproximability results for these three problems

    Improved approximation bounds for Vector Bin Packing

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    In this paper we propose an improved approximation scheme for the Vector Bin Packing problem (VBP), based on the combination of (near-)optimal solution of the Linear Programming (LP) relaxation and a greedy (modified first-fit) heuristic. The Vector Bin Packing problem of higher dimension (d \geq 2) is not known to have asymptotic polynomial-time approximation schemes (unless P = NP). Our algorithm improves over the previously-known guarantee of (ln d + 1 + epsilon) by Bansal et al. [1] for higher dimensions (d > 2). We provide a {\theta}(1) approximation scheme for certain set of inputs for any dimension d. More precisely, we provide a 2-OPT algorithm, a result which is irrespective of the number of dimensions d.Comment: 15 pages, 3 algorithm

    Recent Advances in Multi-dimensional Packing Problems

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    A multi-resource load balancing algorithm for cloud cache systems

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    With the advent of cloud computing model, distributed caches have become the cornerstone for building scalable applications. Popular systems like Facebook [1] or Twitter use Memcached [5], a highly scalable distributed object cache, to speed up applications by avoiding database accesses. Distributed object caches assign objects to cache instances based on a hashing function, and objects are not moved from a cache instance to another unless more instances are added to the cache and objects are redistributed. This may lead to situations where some cache instances are overloaded when some of the objects they store are frequently accessed, while other cache instances are less frequently used. In this paper we propose a multi-resource load balancing algorithm for distributed cache systems. The algorithm aims at balancing both CPU and Memory resources among cache instances by redistributing stored data. Considering the possible conflict of balancing multiple resources at the same time, we give CPU and Memory resources weighted priorities based on the runtime load distributions. A scarcer resource is given a higher weight than a less scarce resource when load balancing. The system imbalance degree is evaluated based on monitoring information, and the utility load of a node, a unit for resource consumption. Besides, since continuous rebalance of the system may affect the QoS of applications utilizing the cache system, our data selection policy ensures that each data migration minimizes the system imbalance degree and hence, the total reconfiguration cost can be minimized. An extensive simulation is conducted to compare our policy with other policies. Our policy shows a significant improvement in time efficiency and decrease in reconfiguration cost

    Mixed-Criticality Scheduling to Minimize Makespan

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    In the mixed-criticality job model, each job is characterized by two execution time parameters, representing a smaller (less conservative) estimate and a larger (more conservative) estimate on its actual, unknown, execution time. Each job is further classified as being either less critical or more critical. The desired execution semantics are that all jobs should execute correctly provided all jobs complete upon being allowed to execute for up to the smaller of their execution time estimates, whereas if some jobs need to execute beyond their smaller execution time estimates (but not beyond their larger execution time estimates), then only the jobs classified as being more critical are required to execute correctly. The scheduling of collections of such mixed-criticality jobs upon identical multiprocessor platforms in order to minimize the makespan is considered here