93,030 research outputs found

    Yellow Tree: A Distributed Main-memory Spatial Index Structure for Moving Objects

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    Mobile devices equipped with wireless technologies to communicate and positioning systems to locate objects of interest are common place today, providing the impetus to develop location-aware applications. At the heart of location-aware applications are moving objects or objects that continuously change location over time, such as cars in transportation networks or pedestrians or postal packages. Location-aware applications tend to support the tracking of very large numbers of such moving objects as well as many users that are interested in finding out about the locations of other moving objects. Such location-aware applications rely on support from database management systems to model, store, and query moving object data. The management of moving object data exposes the limitations of traditional (spatial) database management systems as well as their index structures designed to keep track of objects\u27 locations. Spatial index structures that have been designed for geographic objects in the past primarily assume data are foremost of static nature (e.g., land parcels, road networks, or airport locations), thus requiring a limited amount of index structure updates and reorganization over a period of time. While handling moving objects however, there is an incumbent need for continuous reorganization of spatial index structures to remain up to date with constantly and rapidly changing object locations. This research addresses some of the key issues surrounding the efficient database management of moving objects whose location update rate to the database system varies from 1 to 30 minutes. Furthermore, we address the design of a highly scaleable and efficient spatial index structure to support location tracking and querying of large amounts of moving objects. We explore the possible architectural and the data structure level changes that are required to handle large numbers of moving objects. We focus specifically on the index structures that are needed to process spatial range queries and object-based queries on constantly changing moving object data. We argue for the case of main memory spatial index structures that dynamically adapt to continuously changing moving object data and concurrently answer spatial range queries efficiently. A proof-of concept implementation called the yellow tree, which is a distributed main-memory index structure, and a simulated environment to generate moving objects is demonstrated. Using experiments conducted on simulated moving object data, we conclude that a distributed main-memory based spatial index structure is required to handle dynamic location updates and efficiently answer spatial range queries on moving objects. Future work on enhancing the query processing performance of yellow tree is also discussed

    Query Processing In Location-based Services

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    With the advances in wireless communication technology and advanced positioning systems, a variety of Location-Based Services (LBS) become available to the public. Mobile users can issue location-based queries to probe their surrounding environments. One important type of query in LBS is moving monitoring queries over mobile objects. Due to the high frequency in location updates and the expensive cost of continuous query processing, server computation capacity and wireless communication bandwidth are the two limiting factors for large-scale deployment of moving object database systems. To address both of the scalability factors, distributed computing has been considered. These schemes enable moving objects to participate as a peer in query processing to substantially reduce the demand on server computation, and wireless communications associated with location updates. In the first part of this dissertation, we propose a distributed framework to process moving monitoring queries over moving objects in a spatial network environment. In the second part of this dissertation, in order to reduce the communication cost, we leverage both on-demand data access and periodic broadcast to design a new hybrid distributed solution for moving monitoring queries in an open space environment. Location-based services make our daily life more convenient. However, to receive the services, one has to reveal his/her location and query information when issuing locationbased queries. This could lead to privacy breach if these personal information are possessed by some untrusted parties. In the third part of this dissertation, we introduce a new privacy protection measure called query l-diversity, and provide two cloaking algorithms to achieve both location kanonymity and query l-diversity to better protect user privacy. In the fourth part of this dissertation, we design a hybrid three-tier architecture to help reduce privacy exposure. In the fifth part of this dissertation, we propose to use Road Network Embedding technique to process privacy protected queries

    Moving Object Trajectories Meta-Model And Spatio-Temporal Queries

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    In this paper, a general moving object trajectories framework is put forward to allow independent applications processing trajectories data benefit from a high level of interoperability, information sharing as well as an efficient answer for a wide range of complex trajectory queries. Our proposed meta-model is based on ontology and event approach, incorporates existing presentations of trajectory and integrates new patterns like space-time path to describe activities in geographical space-time. We introduce recursive Region of Interest concepts and deal mobile objects trajectories with diverse spatio-temporal sampling protocols and different sensors available that traditional data model alone are incapable for this purpose.Comment: International Journal of Database Management Systems (IJDMS) Vol.4, No.2, April 201

    Continuous Probabilistic Nearest-Neighbor Queries for Uncertain Trajectories

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    This work addresses the problem of processing continuous nearest neighbor (NN) queries for moving objects trajectories when the exact position of a given object at a particular time instant is not known, but is bounded by an uncertainty region. As has already been observed in the literature, the answers to continuous NN-queries in spatio-temporal settings are time parameterized in the sense that the objects in the answer vary over time. Incorporating uncertainty in the model yields additional attributes that affect the semantics of the answer to this type of queries. In this work, we formalize the impact of uncertainty on the answers to the continuous probabilistic NN-queries, provide a compact structure for their representation and efficient algorithms for constructing that structure. We also identify syntactic constructs for several qualitative variants of continuous probabilistic NN-queries for uncertain trajectories and present efficient algorithms for their processing. 1

    An indexing method for answering queries on moving objects

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    We consider the problem of indexing a set of objects moving in d-dimensional spaces along linear trajectories. A simple external-memory indexing scheme is proposed to efficiently answer general range queries. The following are examples of the queries that can be answered by the proposed method: report all moving objects that will (i) pass between two given points within a specified time interval; (ii) become within a given distance from some or all of a given set of other moving objects. Our scheme is based on mapping the objects to a dual space, where queries about moving objects are transformed into polyhedral queries concerning their speeds and initial locations. We then present a simple method for answering such polyhedral queries, based on partitioning the space into disjoint regions and using a B+-tree to index the points in each region. By appropriately selecting the boundaries of each region, we guarantee an average search time that matches a known lower bound for the problem. Specifically, for a fixed d, if the coordinates of a given set of N points are statistically independent, the proposed technique answers polyhedral queries, on the average, in O((N/B)1-1/d ·(log B N)1/d +K/B) I/O\u27s using O(N/B) space, where B is the block size, and K is the number of reported points. Our approach is novel in that, while it provides a theoretical upper bound on the average query time, it avoids the use of complicated data structures, making it an effective candidate for practical applications. The proposed index is also dynamic in the sense that it allows object insertion and deletion in an amortized update cost of log B (N) I/O\u27s. Experimental results are presented to show the superiority of the proposed index over other methods based on R-trees. © 2005 Springer Science + Business Media, Inc

    An indexing method for answering queries on moving objects

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    We consider the problem of indexing a set of objects moving in d-dimensional spaces along linear trajectories. A simple external-memory indexing scheme is proposed to efficiently answer general range queries. The following are examples of the queries that can be answered by the proposed method: report all moving objects that will (i) pass between two given points within a specified time interval; (ii) become within a given distance from some or all of a given set of other moving objects. Our scheme is based on mapping the objects to a dual space, where queries about moving objects are transformed into polyhedral queries concerning their speeds and initial locations. We then present a simple method for answering such polyhedral queries, based on partitioning the space into disjoint regions and using a B+-tree to index the points in each region. By appropriately selecting the boundaries of each region, we guarantee an average search time that matches a known lower bound for the problem. Specifically, for a fixed d, if the coordinates of a given set of N points are statistically independent, the proposed technique answers polyhedral queries, on the average, in O((N/B)1-1/d ·(log B N)1/d +K/B) I/O\u27s using O(N/B) space, where B is the block size, and K is the number of reported points. Our approach is novel in that, while it provides a theoretical upper bound on the average query time, it avoids the use of complicated data structures, making it an effective candidate for practical applications. The proposed index is also dynamic in the sense that it allows object insertion and deletion in an amortized update cost of log B (N) I/O\u27s. Experimental results are presented to show the superiority of the proposed index over other methods based on R-trees. © 2005 Springer Science + Business Media, Inc

    ODIN: Object Density Aware Index for CkNN Queries over Moving Objects on Road Networks

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    We study the problem of processing continuous k nearest neighbor (CkNN) queries over moving objects on road networks, which is an essential operation in a variety of applications. We are particularly concerned with scenarios where the object densities in different parts of the road network evolve over time as the objects move. Existing methods on CkNN query processing are ill-suited for such scenarios as they utilize index structures with fixed granularities and are thus unable to keep up with the evolving object densities. In this paper, we directly address this problem and propose an object density aware index structure called ODIN that is an elastic tree built on a hierarchical partitioning of the road network. It is equipped with the unique capability of dynamically folding/unfolding its nodes, thereby adapting to varying object densities. We further present the ODIN-KNN-Init and ODIN-KNN-Inc algorithms for the initial identification of the kNNs and the incremental update of query result as objects move. Thorough experiments on both real and synthetic datasets confirm the superiority of our proposal over several baseline methods.Comment: A shorter version of this technical report has been accepted for publication as a regular paper in TKD

    Handling location uncertainty in probabilistic location-dependent queries

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    Location-based services have motivated intensive research in the field of mobile computing, and particularly on location-dependent queries. Existing approaches usually assume that the location data are expressed at a fine geographic precision (physical coordinates such as GPS). However, many positioning mechanisms are subject to an inherent imprecision (e.g., the cell-id mechanism used in cellular networks can only determine the cell where a certain moving object is located). Moreover, even a GPS location can be subject to an error or be obfuscated for privacy reasons. Thus, moving objects can be considered to be associated not to an exact location, but to an uncertainty area where they can be located. In this paper, we analyze the problem introduced by the imprecision of the location data available in the data sources by modeling them using uncertainty areas. To do so, we propose to use a higher-level representation of locations which includes uncertainty, formalizing the concept of uncertainty location granule. This allows us to consider probabilistic location-dependent queries, among which we will focus on probabilistic inside (range) constraints. The adopted model allows us to develop a systematic and efficient approach for processing this kind of queries. An experimental evaluation shows that these probabilistic queries can be supported efficiently